Other News, Exposing the Persecution
Torture | Kidnapping | Brainwashing | Illegal Detention and Imprisonment | Extortion | Persecution Throughout Society | Inside the Labour Camps | Individual Accounts | 6-10 Office | Death Cases | Organ Harvesting
Another Tragedy in the Wanjia Forced Labour Camp: Two Female Practitioners Die After Experiencing Brutal Torture
2002-10-13Lately, in order to reach the "reform rate" assigned by the government, the lawless thugs at the Wanjia Forced Labour Camp have been relentlessly torturing Dafa practitioners. Division heads Wu Jinying and Zhang Bo ordered vicious guards and prisoners to hang up Dafa practitioners by both hands, whip them with leather belts and shock them with electric batons.
Police Break into a Dafa Material Production Site and Cause the Deaths of Three Practitioners
2002-10-13On September 18 2002, police broke into a site that produced Dafa truth-clarifying literature in a residential building of Kuangzongyuan. Three practitioners were illegally arrested. Three other practitioners died as a result of the illegal break-in.
Guards from Forced Labour Camps in Chongqing City Relentlessly Torture and Threaten Practitioners
2002-10-13One of the ways the guards torture practitioners is to pull them by their hair and slam their heads against the wall, severely bruising their heads. Many practitioners have been mentally traumatized by the torture. Those who suffer wounds to the head and legs have difficulty moving around, yet they still have to participate in the military drills. Brutalizing Dafa practitioners has become these guards' daily routine.
Short Stories from Henan Province
2002-10-13While he was taking some tissues out of his coat pocket at Tiananmen Square, a plain-clothed policeman, thinking that he was about to pull out a Falun Dafa banner, grabbed his wrist and slammed him to the ground. The township head suffered so much pain that he could not stop screaming. After he came back from Beijing, he was still trembling in fear, and said, "Now I have experienced the persecution."
Belgium: A Righteous Overseas Chinese Person
2002-10-12He admires the demeanour of Falun Gong practitioners tolerance, kindness, niceness and truth telling with mercy. Whenever he met Chinese tour group members, he always told them the truth about Falun Gong, disclosed the political frame-up and fabrications against Falun Gong from Jiangs government, and reminded them not to be cheated by the government.
The Persecution My Family Has Suffered During the Past Three Years
2002-10-12My daughter was an outstanding student. She was admitted to college in 2001 with an excellent score. However, because she firmly practised Falun Dafa, she was refused admission and deprived of continuing her education....The police hit and verbally abused me, and brutally force-fed me for the sole purpose of torturing me.
Falun Dafa Practitioner Zhou Huimin Tortured and in Critical Condition in the Chinese Traditional Medical Hospital in Jianyang City
2002-10-12The prison doctors force-fed her so fiercely that the feeding tube poked a hole in her stomach and caused internal bleeding.
Practitioners Brutally Beaten and Killed by Police in Deyang City
2002-10-12the Huangxu Town police viciously beat up the practitioners; even an eighty-year-old woman was not spared. The people close to the police station could hear the practitioners' screams of pain.
Large Scale Tragedy of Cruel Torture Towards Dafa Disciples Recurs in the Wanjia Labour Camp, Harbin City
2002-10-11This entire tragedy was brought upon them by the lawless police's brutal torture at the Wanjia Labour Camp. The vicious police relentlessly tortured the Falun Dafa disciples and made their life a living hell.
Policeman Claims "Torture is Good for You" --An Inside Report on the Persecution of Falun Dafa Practitioners in Wanjia Labour Camp
2002-10-11The police would shock practitioners mostly on the face, with the intent to disfigure them, and also because when the electric baton touches the face, it causes yellow fluid to ooze, creating a horrible sight to behold.
Torture Accounts from the First Female Labour Camp in Guangxi Province
2002-10-11The drug addict prisoners beat and kicked her at every opportunity. She was placed in solitary confinement on different occasions. Because she had been bound and forced to stand or squat for long periods of time, her arms and legs became disabled,
Harbin Drug Abstinence Labour Camp's Tortures Fail to Shake Falun Dafa Practitioners' Righteous Belief
2002-10-10The forced brainwashing session started with words, and then quickly turned into brutality. The guards pulled out lots of practitioners' hair, and beat and bruised the practitioners' eyes.
Falun Dafa Practitioners Zhao Dongmei and Zhang Zhongjie from Linfen City Tortured to Death (Belated Report)
2002-10-10Such a beautiful, innocent, kind Falun Dafa practitioner passed away at such a young age, leaving her young daughter motherless, and her elderly parents with broken hearts... To this day, no one knows exactly how he died. His mother is waiting for her son every day, suffering as though from a nervous breakdown. She stands by the road every day, calling out her son's name.
Female Falun Dafa Practitioner Zhang Yiqin Tortured to Death at the Baoding Labour Camp
2002-10-09The labour camp force-fed her with something harmful that caused her to vomit blood and become critically ill.
Supplementary Information About Wang Chan's Death by Torture at the Hands of the Police
2002-10-09According to the eyewitness who saw Wang Chan's remains, his head had severe bleeding wounds, which were possibly the direct cause of his death.