Other News, Exposing the Persecution
Torture | Kidnapping | Brainwashing | Illegal Detention and Imprisonment | Extortion | Persecution Throughout Society | Inside the Labour Camps | Individual Accounts | 6-10 Office | Death Cases | Organ Harvesting
Yongchuan Women's Prison of Sichuan Province Brutally Beats Falun Dafa Practitioners
2002-10-19When she was sleeping, criminals would come up to her, take off the quilt, and then punch her to wake her up...After ten days and ten nights, she was tortured to such an extent that she could not see straight. Her two feet were so swollen that they felt as if they would explode.
The Impact of a Truth Clarifying Letter Being Sent to a School
2002-10-19...The truth clarifying effect of such a simple letter was so powerful. It is a reflection of the power of Dafa!
Two Dafa Practitioners from Hebei Province Cruelly Tortured to Death
2002-10-18Zhang Jianxun, male, 64, was a retired employee of the County Civil Administration Bureau from Anping County. Since he insisted on practising Falun Gong, he was forcibly dragged from his home to the county brainwashing centre. After suffering severe torture, he was released and died a few months later. Liu Fupa, female, 67, was a retired worker living in Shenzhou City. She was persecuted to death in July 2001.
The Suffering I Experienced at Jiamusi Labour Camp
2002-10-18The police forced us to run carrying coal on our backs for more than 10 hours a day. Whenever we slowed down, they beat us with nightsticks or shocked us with electric batons. When the coal bags broke, police asked prisoners to beat us. As the prisoners beat us, they said, "The [Communist] Party asks bad guys like us to beat good people like you. This is the power given to us by Jiang [Zemin]. You have to obey!"
Practitioner Zhang Haiduo Brutally Tortured By Police in Tangshan Labour Camp
2002-10-17Both Zhang's legs were swollen so severely that he was unable to walk, and even a gentle touch would be extremely painful. Inmates on duty also burned his fingers and toes by burning papers that were placed between them. There were about 11 burns on his fingers and toes.
The Torture of Female Practitioners in Dalian Labour Camp, Liaoning Province
2002-10-17The guards used hard objects to hit their palms, poured boiling water on their feet, and cuffed them by their hands and feet to very narrow beds made out of boards.
The Shocking Treatment of Practitioners I Witnessed in Heizuizi Female Labour Camp And Plots With CCTV To Deceive the General Public
2002-10-17As long as the practitioners persisted in their belief, they would be brutally tortured. The guards often used electric batons, clubs and bamboo rods to beat practitioners; sometimes they punched and kicked them.
The Inside Story of How Police Officers Brutalize Dafa Practitioners at the Tangshan Labour Camp in Hebei Province
2002-10-17Sixty-four year old practitioner Liu Wenbo was beaten and shocked for over forty minutes. He could not raise his arms for a long time due to the beating. A practitioner was tied up by the police many times and was shocked all over his body. They used perverse methods to shock his private parts.
Video: Justice for Falun Gong
2002-10-16Watch Online[Hi res. | Low res.]Download[Hi res. | Low res.]
Judong Female Labour Camp Inflicts Cruel Torture and Humiliation on Dafa Practitioners
2002-10-16they physically humiliated the practitioners by viciously pinching their nipples, piercing their nipples with needles, using a square stool to pound on their abdomens, kicking their lower bodies, hitting their private parts with knees
Police in Hewan Labour Camp Persecute Dafa Practitioners While Promoting Prostitution, Gambling and Drug Use
2002-10-16They also have to endure humiliation and torture. They are forced to squat down to eat their meals, which are extremely poor in quality and contaminated with sand and rat faeces.
Police Illegally Monitor Phone Line but Also Instruct Telecommunication Bureau to Charge Monitoring Fee
2002-10-15The police could not find me either at my schoolmate's or my relative's homes, so they took away my elder sister by force, and detained her in the police department for 7 days, under 24 hour surveillance.
Dafa Practitioner Sun Jihong from Huanan County Kidnapped and Killed by Beijing Police
2002-10-14At the end of September, Sun Jihong was tortured to death. When his family was finally permitted to see his body they found the corpse in a horrifying condition. On October 2, 2002, police had his body immediately cremated without the family's permission. The police are now blocking the news tightly.
Practitioner Yang Qingmin Killed by Police in Taiyuan City
2002-10-14The murderers carried Yang Qingmin's body to the top of the tall dam behind building #2 of the Guandi Mine and threw his body off the dam. They lied to the local people that Yang Qingmin fell off the dam by himself and he was already dead before they sent him to the hospital.
Records of the Brutal Persecution of Falun Gong Practitioners at Hehuatang Labour Camp
2002-10-14Inmates would tie up the arms and legs of a practitioner, hold his head tight and pinch his nose. They then used chopsticks to pry open the practitioner's mouth and forced water into the practitioner. There were several times when the practitioner was almost suffocated with teeth loosened and blood all over his face and mouth.