Other News, Exposing the Persecution
Torture | Kidnapping | Brainwashing | Illegal Detention and Imprisonment | Extortion | Persecution Throughout Society | Inside the Labour Camps | Individual Accounts | 6-10 Office | Death Cases | Organ Harvesting
Brutal Torture of Practitioner Ms. Xu Menglan to Extort a "Confession"
2002-09-18Lawless policemen required Xu to admit that she bombed a building in Harbin City. As long as Xu didn't admit it, they kept brutally beating her, kicking her and tortured her into unconsciousness three times, but each time they revived her by splashing cold water on her.
Falun Dafa Practitioner Xun Ruilin Dies in Jail
2002-09-17On August 31, 2002, Xun Ruilin, a Falun Dafa practitioner from Handan City, was beaten to death shortly after being arrested and jailed in the County Police Department.
Cruel, Long-term Torture of Falun Dafa Practitioners at Jiuwuchang Labour Camp
2002-09-17He was forced to wear thin clothes and stand in the snow in winter, and was forced to run under the hot noon sun in summer. Guards shocked him repeatedly with electric batons until he fell unconscious...
Police in Xiangcheng City Kidnap, Torture and Extort Money from Dafa Practitioners
2002-09-17The police burned the inner parts of their feet with lit cigarettes, hammered sharp bamboo sticks into their fingers, hung them up with their hands cuffed behind their backs, injected unknown drugs into their bodies, beat them with bamboo sticks and leather belts.
The Cruel Torture We Suffered in Kaiping and Gaoyang County Labour Camps
2002-09-17"If she dies, I have to go to jail." Police officer Yan Hongli who was standing nearby, replied, "Don't worry! I will give false testimony to the effect that she died of a heart attack."
Liaoning Province "610 Office" Kidnaps, Beats, and Sentences Practitioners At Will
2002-09-17Since this spring, most of the jails stopped letting families and relatives visit Falun Gong practitioners who are being illegally detained. Falun Gong practitioners are forced to endure even more intense brainwashing, and brutal torture both mentally and physically.
"Legal Training" In Legal Education School Really Means Torturing Practitioners
2002-09-16The following day, the beaten practitioner is asked if he or she had been beaten. If the answer if yes, he or she would be brutally beaten again. The beating and torture normally start at midnight.
Death of Practitioner Yang Wenhua as a Result of Severe Persecution by the Police Officers in Yanshou County
2002-09-16The police Chief furiously kicked Yang's wife to the ground and threatened, "Now, get out and look for him! If you can't bring him back by 5:00 p.m. today, I'll 'fix' you all. I'll make your only son a cripple!" Then he turned around and shouted at Yang Wenhua's one-year-old granddaughter, "I won't spare your little granddaughter, either!"
Female Practitioner Zhi Guixiang Tortured to Death in Luuyuan District Police Department
2002-09-15Zhi Guixiang always treated people around her with benevolence, including the police who tortured her. According to reports, Zhi Guixiang said "Falun Dafa is good" right before she passed away.
Ms. Chen Yanying Tortured to Death by the Gaoyang Labour Re-education Camp
2002-09-15Enduring all kinds of torture, she persisted in protesting the persecution through hunger striking. After her prolonged ordeal, Ms. Chen was not able to stand or to walk without assistance.
"Legal Education Centre" in Hubei Province Is Actually a Base for the Persecution of Practitioners
2002-09-15 -
Changchun University in Jilin Province Persecutes Female Dafa Practitioner Zhang Yufen
2002-09-15Zhang Yufeng's husband sent his own wife to the brainwashing class, where she was then forced into a police car and sent to the Xinglongshan brainwashing class in Changchun. During this period, her husband decided to divorce her under intense pressure from the authorities.
Practitioner Liu Zhi Tortured to Death
2002-09-15The Deputy Chief of the Police Department threatened that if Liu Zhi's family insisted on investigating the cause of her death, they would cut Liu Zhi's body into pieces. Liu Zhi's husband refused to sign the authorisation for her cremation and the Deputy cursed him loudly.
Illegal Cremation After Female Practitioner Liu Liyun Was Beaten To Death
2002-09-15Liu's father requested to see the body, but the jail personnel said, "You must sign a document before you can see the body. You must agree for the body to be cremated or you won't be allowed to see it." Liu's father asked to see the body first; the officials refused.
My Persecution -- A Canadian Resident's Experiences
2002-09-14They incited criminals to strip off my clothes and search my body. They abused me by beating me during the search. They punched and kicked me, slapping me in the face, beating my head and lower abdomen.