Other News, Exposing the Persecution
Torture | Kidnapping | Brainwashing | Illegal Detention and Imprisonment | Extortion | Persecution Throughout Society | Inside the Labour Camps | Individual Accounts | 6-10 Office | Death Cases | Organ Harvesting
Lawless Officials Kidnap, Torture and Sexually Molest Dafa Practitioners in the Baoding Region of Hebei Province
2002-10-30Female Dafa practitioners who were steadfast in their belief and unyielding to the villains' demands were forced to be clothed in only their pants. The villains used pliers to pinch the nipples of the female practitioners and used electric batons to shock them.
Vicious Guards at the Zhangshi Labour Camp Use Electric Batons to Burn Practitioners All Over Their Bodies
2002-10-30One day, a group of agents used 11 high voltage electric batons at the same time on Chen Song for a whole day. They burned Chen's body all over, leaving his skin cracked and covered with blisters.
Police Continually Persecute Falun Dafa Practitioner Liu Junhua
2002-10-29Liu Junhua was stopped near his home and searched by local police of the Dongfeng and Nanwei Branch. They found some Falun Dafa materials and the key to his house, which they used to break into Liu's home. Items that were confiscated included Falun Dafa books, CDs, cassette tapes, a VCD player, a Walkman, a cell phone, a pager and cash.
The Story of a Retired Postal Worker Who Has Maintained Her Steadfast Belief in Dafa In Spite of the Persecution
2002-10-29Ms. Liu was deaf and limped in one leg. She also lost her eyesight in one eye and had trouble seeing out of the other. She could hardly walk because of severe rheumatism. She began practising Falun Gong in 1997. Within ten days or so, her illnesses were all gone and her body felt as though it was weightless. She told everyone she met: "Falun Gong is truly remarkable. It gave me a second life."
Brutal Force-feeding Severely Damages Health of Practitioners In Penghu City Detention Centre
2002-10-29They could not get to sleep for two days after being force-fed with the heavily condensed salt water and corn porridge-mixture. Their bodies were hot and they became emaciated. They could not talk. On top of that, the thugs deprived them of drinking water.
Strength in the Face of Adversity: Horrifying Experiences of a Female Practitioner in Forced Labour Camps
2002-10-28I was forced to stand still in the cell for over 20 consecutive days. Since I was not allowed to sleep, I felt so tired physically and mentally. My legs and feet were swollen and I was not able to put on my shoes or walk. The pain was like being cut by knives. During that period, the police also beat me with electric batons twice to try to force me to write those pledges to denounce Falun Gong. I refused and they just kept torturing me.
Dafa Practitioner Wang Hongtian Tortured to Death in the Yinmahe Labour Camp
2002-10-28According to Wang Hongtian's brother, the labour camp informed Wang's family to pick him up on September 19, the day before Wang's death. When they saw Wang, he was emaciated and near death. It was clear that the labour camp did not want to take responsibility for their actions, so they asked Wang's family members to take him home.
Ruthless Abuse of Dafa Practitioners Causes Disability and Death in the Shayang Forced Labour Camp
2002-10-28Dafa practitioners here must work over 12 hours a day and are allowed only five minutes for lunch; otherwise, the drug-addict criminals will drag them out. Most practitioners have no choice but to perform their bodily functions into their clothing. Dafa practitioners also suffer physical torture. They are forced to squat more than four hours, or even up to six hours. Some practitioners were tortured to death or to the point of becoming disabled.
Police Once Again Kidnap Dafa Practitioners in Pingdu City, Shandong Province
2002-10-28Dafa practitioner Zhang Xiufen and Wang Yuying were employees of a local company. On September 26, police officers kidnapped them at work and sent them to a brainwashing class. They refused to co-operate with the police in the brainwashing class and went on a hunger strike to protest the their crimes. Nevertheless, the police kept torturing and abusing them. Currently, they are extremely weak and their lives are in grave danger.
My Nightmare Experience in the "Law Education Centre" of Hubei Province
2002-10-28When she saw that I did not respond, she started to pinch and grab at my ears, eyes, nose and shoulders. The collaborators spat on my face and into my mouth. When I spat it out, five of them immediately spat on my face, head and mouth while yelling at me. They began hitting me, knocking me to the ground. Although I had collapsed, they picked me up again, just to beat me some more.
Practitioner's Letter Reveals The Horrors of Dandong City Labour Camp
2002-10-27"The police use all kinds of methods to torture Dafa practitioners, including beating with electric batons, loading bricks onto their backs and forcing practitioners to stay outside directly under the baking sun."
Persecution Story of an Associate Professor at the Supreme People's Procuratorate
2002-10-27I am associate professor Li Li of the Institute of the State Procurators of the Supreme People's Procuratorate. Simply because I practice Falun Gong and strive to become a good person, the Jiang regime started to persecute me, taking actions against me at all levels of the Supreme Procuratorate
My Experience in a Brainwashing Centre
2002-10-27I was kidnapped by the Police on April 19, 2002. There, I was forced to sit on an iron chair for six days. In those six days, I was forbidden to sleep and had to wear handcuffs and shackles. Realizing that torture could not work on me, they sent me to a brainwashing centre...
A Beautiful Story Produced by a Flyer
2002-10-27I picked up a flyer that contained a picture and explanation of the 36 western Falun Gong practitioners who traveled to Tiananmen Square. It also contained an article by a Canadian practitioner. The flyer had a few scissor cuts on it but the content was still easily readable.
People Who Have Learned The Facts
2002-10-27The wife of a party secretary was put in jail because she firmly practiced Dafa. The secretary made many phone calls to the county supervisor and other leaders, stating the benefits of Falun Dafa and the righteousness of his wife, and requested her release.