Other News, Exposing the Persecution
Torture | Kidnapping | Brainwashing | Illegal Detention and Imprisonment | Extortion | Persecution Throughout Society | Inside the Labour Camps | Individual Accounts | 6-10 Office | Death Cases | Organ Harvesting
610 Office Attempts to Break Lock and Arrest Ms. Jin Yanqiu from Xianfeng County, Hubei Province Fail
2012-04-21Recently, Hubei Province authorities repeatedly went to the home of Falun Gong practitioner Ms. Jin Yanqiu and attempted to pry open her door, but were unsuccessful. They picked up Ms. Jin's husband and took his house key, but still were unable to open the door. On March 14th, the authorities brought a locksmith to the home of Ms. Jin in the morning and evening, in an attempt to force open the security door, but still did not succeed.
Ms. Yang Shumei Suffering from Memory Loss Due to Forced Drug Injections at Jilin Women’s Prison
2012-04-20On March 2nd, 2011, Falun Gong practitioner Ms. Yang Shumei was arrested and then held at the Nong'an County Detention Centre. She was tortured into critical condition; Chinese Communist Party (CCP) officers didn't conduct a trial, nor notify her family of her condition or situation, yet sentenced her to four years of imprisonment. She was then transferred from the Jilin Forced Labour Camp Centre Hospital to Jilin Province Women's Prison. Due to the extent of torture suffered by Ms. Yang, she is now physically weak and requires help to walk. Currently, guards are still forcing her to take unknown drug injections, and as a result, she's suffering from memory loss.
Police in Huadian City, Jilin Province Arrest Four Middle School Teachers
2012-04-20At around 6:00 a.m. on February 19th, 2012, police officers arrested four Falun Gong practitioners from their homes: Yu Yan and Li Chong and Yang Wenxia and Hu Zhongjing. Their homes were also ransacked. Two elderly female Falun Gong practitioners were also arrested, including Xue Guiqin, who is almost 70 years old. She was sent to a detention centre, but was rejected by the detention centre after having a physical exam. She went home the same afternoon. As of now there is no available information on the situation of the other elderly practitioner.
Outstanding Police Officer Xu Langzhou from Panzhihua City, Sichuan Province Dies in Prison Under Suspicious Circumstances
2012-04-19Mr. Xu Langzhou, a police officer from Panzhihua City, Sichuan Province, began to practise Falun Gong in 1994. After he began practising, each year he was recognised by being given the Outstanding Police Officer award by his department. The Panzhihua City TV station even did a feature story on him. However, after the persecution of Falun Gong began by the communist regime, Mr. Xu was sentenced to two years of forced labour. He was later sentenced to eight years of imprisonment and tortured in many prisons. After suffering years of severe persecution while in detention, Mr. Xu died on March 18th, 2012 in a prison hospital. He was 39. Further details of his death are still under investigation.
Kindergarten Teacher Ms. Zuo Xiuyun in Critical Condition After Retaliation for Her Efforts to Seek Justice
2012-04-19Falun Gong practitioner Mr. Zuo Fusheng was arrested and detained by the police. His sister, Ms. Zuo Xiuyun, and his mother, sued Lin Feng and Yan Mingkun from the National Security Brigade, as well as Cao Yongkang and Liu Ying, section chiefs of the Cangshan Procuratorate, due to Mr. Zuo's extended detention. The Chinese Communist authorities not only didn't prosecute these corrupt officials from the public security organs who have violated the law, but instead arrested innocent people like Ms. Zuo Xiuyun. In February 2012, Mr. Zuo was tried in court. His sister, after being detained for more than three months, is now in critical condition. When their elderly mother heard the news, she stopped eating any food for three days and her face was covered with tears.
Newspaper Report Claims Pilot Organ Donation Programme in Major Chinese City Receives Exactly Zero Organ Donations in First Year - So Where Do the Organs for China's Huge Organ Transplant Business Come From?
2012-04-18According to a February 25th, 2011 Yangzi Evening News article, Nanjing City Organ Donation Pilot Programme held a press conference saying that there have been exactly zero organ donations for the whole year since Nanjing became one of the ten organ donation pilot cities last March. In fact, over the past twenty years, there have been only three organ donations reported in Nanjing, a city of millions of people. Organ transplantation is a huge business in China today, but just who exactly is donating the organs if they're not coming into organ donation programmes like the one in Nanjing? A retired military doctor revealed on April 30th, 2006 the official flowchart of live organ harvesting of Falun Gong practitioners and pointed out that the military is directly involved in the organ trade.
Doctor Ge Huaiqiang Suffers Four Years of Torture, Not Allowed to Return to Work
2012-04-18Dr. Ge Huaiqiang, 48, was a medical doctor at Cangzhou City Second Hospital. Dr. Ge was detained in 2003 for practising Falun Gong and suffered four years of abuse and torture. Dr. Ge went on hunger strikes many times to protest the detention. To punish him for protesting he was force-fed. After force-feeding, detainees punched his abdomen and lower back. They also also burned his toes with burning threads and kicked at his handcuffs with their feet, injuring his wrists. He has been unable to regain his employment at the hospital for nearly 5 years, as management hasn't let him return since his release from prison.
Mr. Li Hongzhou from Shenzhen City Detained for One Year, Has Yet to See His Newborn Child
2012-04-17The Shenzhen Futian District Court held a third trial for Falun Gong practitioner Mr. Li Hongzhou on March 22nd, 2012. Mr. Li was arrested and detained for almost one year and has yet to see his newborn child. This case was rejected three times for lack of evidence. The 610 Office (an organisation of special agents just for persecuting Falun Gong) created false evidence and brought the case files back to the Procuratorate for the fourth time at the end of August 2011, and the first trial was held on November 3rd of that year. The second trial was held on February 23rd of this year, and the third one was held on March 22nd. A lawyer involved in the case has stated that this has already violated the law because the person must be released after two case rejections.
Jinzhou Policeman Threatens: “I Will Beat You to Death If You Do Not Answer My Questions Today!”
2012-04-17Elderly Falun Gong practitioners Ms. Chen Yaxia and Ms. Wang Shufen from Jinzhou were reported to the police for explaining the facts about Falun Gong to people in Bajiazi Village on December 25th, 2011. Three policemen arrested the two practitioners and took them to the police station. Jin Hui and another policeman brutally beat the two practitioners. Jin Hui hit Ms. Chen's face and chest and then hit Ms. Wang's back and shoulder. As he was beating Ms. Chen, Jin Hui shouted: “I will beat you to death if you do not answer my questions today!”
Shandong 610 Office Interrogators Use All Means “Short of Live Organ Harvesting”
2012-04-16On February 16th, 2012, Two women practitioners from Laiyang City, Shandong Province were arrested by the Weihai City 610 Office (an organisation of special agents just for persecuting Falun Gong). Agents looted their belongings and interrogated them using torture. Female 610 Office agent Huang Furong threatened, “We will handle you with all means short of live organ harvesting.” Her words indicate that the Chinese Communist Party's (CCP) harvesting of live organs from Falun Gong practitioners is not a secret within the 610 Office system.
Ms. Yu Mei of Zhanjiang City, Guangdong Province Arrested; Her Daughter Now Home Alone
2012-04-16Falun Gong practitioner Ms. Yu Mei was arrested at her home by officers from the 610 Office (an organisation of special agents just for persecuting Falun Gong) on March 9th. Her teenage daughter is now home alone with no help. Ms. Yu is very weak and her daughter is worried about her health. Officers from the local police station and sub-district office claimed that they do not care if people take drugs, sell drugs, murder, or steal; they only care if someone practises Falun Gong. The Chinese Communist Party (CCP) encourages the police to arrest Falun Gong practitioners; if an officer arrests three Falun Gong practitioners, he will be rewarded 5,000 yuan.
Older Falun Gong Practitioner Mr. Qu Chengye Dies as a Result of Abuse in Jinzhou Prison
2012-04-15Falun Gong practitioner Mr. Qu Chengye died at the age of 58 in Jinzhou Prison on March 20th, 2012. In February 2008, the Jinzhou City Police Department organised a large scale arrest of Falun Gong practitioners. More than 30 police officers climbed a wall and broke into Mr. Qu Chengye's home. They arrested Mr. Qu and ransacked his home. Mr. Qu was taken to Jinzhou No. 1 Detention Centre. The Taihe District Court in Jinzhou sentenced Mr. Qu to six years in prison. Mr. Qu suffered from a stroke. Mr. Qu's family made several requests to have him released on medical parole, but the prison authorities ignored their requests.
Mr. Yin Zijing Sent to Forced Labour Camp for the Third Time
2012-04-15After he began practising Falun Gong, Mr. Yin Zijing benefited both physically and mentally; however, since the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) started to persecute Falun Gong, he has been repeatedly arrested and detained. At the end of February 2012, he was taken to the Shandong Province Forced Labour Camp. This is the third time that he has been detained in a forced labour camp.
610 Office Pressures Family of Elementary School Teacher Ms. Li Xiaoyu Prior to the End of Her 10-year Prison Term
2012-04-14Falun Gong practitioner Ms. Li Xiaoyu was imprisoned in the West Sichuan Women's Prison of Longquanyi District, Chengdu. Her ten-year prison term is to end on April 9th, 2012, but Jiang Dongtao of the 610 Office (an organisation of special agents just for persecuting Falun Gong), has recently demanded that Ms. Li's mother persuade her to sign a guarantee statement renouncing Falun Gong. The Chengdu 610 Office has sent several practitioners to a brainwashing centre after they were released from prison, and Ms. Li's family fears this will happen to Ms. Li. Ms. Li was brutally tortured in detention because she refused to renounce her belief in Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance. Traumatised by the abuse, she suffered a mental collapse.
Falun Gong Practitioner's Elderly Parents Arrested For Trying to Rescue Their Son
2012-04-14Zhou Xiangyang's parents, wearing clothes covered in writing requesting release of their son, arrived at the prison gate on their tractor at 8:30 in the morning. The elderly couple was telling passersby about their concern for their son's situation. A number of guards came out of the prison, three holding long batons, and began circling the old couple. They videotaped them, and drove the couple's relatives and friends away. That afternoon, the guards took them to Changli Brainwashing Centre. Zhou Xiangyang was arrested in May 2003, and eventually sentenced to nine years in Tianjin Gangbei Prison, where he was badly tortured, beaten black and blue at night and not allowed to sleep for 30 consecutive days.