Other News, Exposing the Persecution
Torture | Kidnapping | Brainwashing | Illegal Detention and Imprisonment | Extortion | Persecution Throughout Society | Inside the Labour Camps | Individual Accounts | 6-10 Office | Death Cases | Organ Harvesting
Lu Xinghua: Another Practitioner Dead from Brutal Force-Feeding
2001-10-30Since she learned Falun Gong, two years before, Lu Xinghua was always very healthy and never caught any illness. She died of injuries sustained through brutal force-feeding, when she went on hunger-strike to protest against her illegal detention.
Female Practitioners Tortured in the Male Section of Wanjia Labor Camp
2001-10-30The female practitioners were hung up, repeatedly shocked with an electric baton until they passed out, and then splashed with water to wake them up for another ordeal. Out of the five female practitioners from the women's team, three of them were hung up for seven days, while the other two were hung up for fourteen days.
Tortured to Death After Courageous Public Appeal
2001-10-29Under severe pressure, Mr. Shengli Han was temporarily "converted" into promising not to practice Falun Gong. Ten days later, he went to Tiananmen Square to appeal for Falun Gong, and to make a public retraction of his previous "conversion". He was detained and later died from torture.
Associate Professor Arrested after Being Confined in Her Home
2001-10-29 -
Sister of Falun Gong Practitioner Tortured and Imprisoned
2001-10-29A non-practitioner was sentenced to three years imprisonment for simply appealing for justice for her sister, who was detained for protesting against the ban on Falun Gong.
The Horrifying Torture stories of Falun Dafa Practitioners in Deyang Prison of Sichuan Province
2001-10-28Such torture methods included, standing straight against walls or on one leg, bootcamp style drills etc. At night they were not allowed to sleep and were instead forced to endure more beatings by the criminals. Some practitioners had rib fractures and some could not eat because of the beatings. For these practitioners, forced-feeding was administered even to the point of almost suffocating some to death.
A Falun Gong Practitioner who was a School Teacher Died After 200 Days of Torture By Officials
2001-10-28During one such beating, Wang unwittingly let out a groan of pain, which infuriated the criminals, according to inside sources. Three of them picked him up and dropped him down so hard on a wooden board that blood flowed out of the corner of his mouth, a sign of internal hemorrhaging. Later on, because Wang was a little near-sighted, the inmates invented an excruciating torture method whereby they would force him to keep his eyes open while they flicked at his eyeballs, causing his eyes to smart and tear. They would also kick Wang's chest with their boots, directing the kicks at the area of the heart, causing him to have difficulty breathing and great pain.
Falun Gong Practitioner, Han Shengli, Was Tortured to Death Whilst in Police Custody
2001-10-28Han went to Tiananmen determinedly, and held out a banner that read, "Truthfulness, Benevolence, and Forbearance." He expressed his firm will to support Falun Dafa in front of the world. Consequently, Han was sent to Xintai Detention Center. Han received a heavy fine, and was brutally tortured to the extent that he came to the verge of mentally breaking down.
The Ruthless Crimes Committed By the Police in Ping'antai No. 1 Labor Camp, Gansu Province
2001-10-27Li Dexiang, female, is a practitioner in Jinchang City. She is held in Group 3 of Team 3 in Brigade 7 of the labor camp. In June of 2001, she was severely beaten and handcuffed from the back for about a month by the wicked people for refusing to write the guarantee statements. When she came out from the first 15 days confinement, her skin was torn and gaping wounds covered her body. She had a wound on her hand that was so deep, one could see the bone. She was interrogated and threatened with more torture if she did not give up practicing Falun Dafa.
Persecution of Falun Gong Practitioners In Shijiazhuang City, Lingshou County
2001-10-27The second time Liu interrogated the 70 year-old practitioner, he put the handcuffs so tight on him that they cut into his flesh and blood dripped along his wrists. The flesh rolled up near the edge of the handcuffs and his hands swelled up in ten minutes. Liu kept the handcuffs on the old man in this way for an hour. When the handcuffs were finally taken off, the old man's hands were extremely swollen and he lost all feeling in them.
Heilongjiang Falun Dafa Practitioner Huang Guodong Is On The Verge of Death Due to Long-Term Detention and Torture
2001-10-27In the police station, the police tied them up with ropes and started to beat Huang. Huang was tortured for a whole day and night, his screams were really heartbreaking.
The Crimes of Jiamusi City Policeman Chen Wanyou
2001-10-27Chen Wanyou refused to release practitioners, even when the detention center gave a release notice because the practitioners' lives were in danger, he still wouldn't release a single practitioner unless he received money.
In Quzhou County, Hebei Province the Police even attack Practitioners family
2001-10-27Zhang Haibo went to the police station to pick up his two brothers but was also handcuffed in the same way. Later on, the police took him to a separate room and let more than ten people beat him until he passed out. The police then sent him to the hospital for treatment, because they were afraid of taking the responsibility. Finally, these criminals even forced him to pay 100 Yuan for the hospitalization and an additional fine of 200 Yuan.
In Shijiazhuang City, Hebei Province The Police Crazily Arrest Dafa Practitioners During the National Holiday
2001-10-27The commanding officer, Li, kicked the practitioner's 70 years-old mother on her chest. The old lady passed out immediately and was sent to the hospital for emergency treatment.
Shijiazhuang City Government Issues a Secret Document: "610 Office" is Promoted into a Standing Department from an Affiliated Office
2001-10-27Shijiazhuang City "610 Office" is an agency specifically created to persecute Falun Gong, with absolute power over each level of administration in the Party and all other political and judiciary systems.