Other News, Exposing the Persecution
Torture | Kidnapping | Brainwashing | Illegal Detention and Imprisonment | Extortion | Persecution Throughout Society | Inside the Labour Camps | Individual Accounts | 6-10 Office | Death Cases | Organ Harvesting
Persecution Suffered by Ms. Cui Zhanyun from Yushu City, Jilin Province
2011-06-23Since the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) began persecuting Falun Gong in 1999, my home has been repeatedly ransacked. I have been detained several times and sent to forced labour camps twice. I went to Beijing to appeal against the persecution of Falun Gong in October 2001. I was arrested at my hotel by police. At the police station I was handcuffed, hit in the face, forced to kneel down and was beaten until I fell unconscious. My nostrils were also burned with cigarette butts. When I was taken back to my hometown, I was detained for 15 days and forced to pay 3500 yuan. I was then sentenced to one year in Heizuizi Forced Labour Camp, but after being held there for 16 days, I was sent back to Yushu and held in a detention centre instead.
Mr. Sun Jiefeng and Three Other Falun Gong Practitioners Put on Trial in Shenzhen
2011-06-22Falun Gong practitioners Mr. Sun Jiefeng, Ms. Liu Ziyun (Mr. Sun's wife), Ms. Huang Wanxian, and Xiao Deng were put on trial the morning of May 27th. Mr. Sun and Ms. Liu have a one-year old child. On April 22nd, Mr. Sun and Xiao Deng were arrested at work. The practitioners' homes were ransacked the day they were arrested, and many of their personal belongings were taken away. The company where Mr. Sun and Xiao Deng worked was forced to close, and the owner of the company was arrested as well. The owner was detained for several days and was only released when it was confirmed that he was not a Falun Gong practitioner.
Jinan Centre District Court Violates Rules for Public Trial
2011-06-22On November 16th, 2010, Falun Gong practitioner Ms. Liu Yujin was taken from her home by Centre District Police Department officers. On May 6th, 2011, she was sentenced at the Centre District Court. At that time, the court staff, appointed lawyer, and local 610 Office (an organisation of special agents just for persecuting Falun Gong) officials prevented Ms. Liu’s husband and daughter from entering the courtroom. Her family alleged that the police and court acted, however, the Procuratorate office refused to accept their case, claiming that they were following an “internal document” guideline.
Practitioners Ms. Chen Gongqiu and Ms. Geng Yuzhi Forced into Brainwashing Centre in Heilongjiang Province
2011-06-22Falun Gong practitioners Ms. Chen Gongqiu, Ms. Geng Yuzhi and other practitioners in Hailin City, Heilongjiang province were arrested on May 26th and taken to the Tilinghe brainwashing centre of Mudanjiang City for persecution by police. All the arrested Falun Gong practitioners in the brainwashing centre were forced into detention, without any legal proceedings. Those police dressed in civilian clothes that were involved in the arrest did not show their identity when arresting practitioners, and used cruel means to trick them.
Mr. Su Yongjiang Facing Trial
2011-06-22Mr. Su Yongjiang from Huichun City, Jilin Province was arrested around May 10th, 2010 after he showed his ID for purchasing a ticket at Jinzhou Station. He has been detained at the Huichun Detention Centre. Mr. Su, who is in his 40's, has been repeatedly arrested for practising Falun Gong. In 2000, he was imprisoned in a forced labour camp for a year. In February, 2003, he was again subjected to one year of forced labour, but was rejected by the forced labour camp because of his health condition. He was released after he had been detained for more than a month.
Ms. Hu Aiyun Recounts Years of Cruel Torture and Inhumane Treatment
2011-06-21I was arrested on June 21st, 2003 and taken to an unknown building. I was forced to sit in a metal chair with my hands cuffed behind the back of the chair. Police then started to torture me. They wrapped two copper wires around each big toe and connected the other end to an electric baton. I was shocked for more than half an hour at a time. They also poured mustard oil and horseradish up my nose. When they released me from the handcuffs, my hands were severely swollen and I had no feeling in my fingers. They then shocked the soles of my feet and the inside of my thighs. I was tortured from about 6:00 p.m. until after 3:00 a.m. the next day. I was later transferred to the Harbin Second Detention Centre.
Falun Gong Practitioner Mr. Feng Kui from Changchun, Jilin Province Missing After Being Stabbed by Police
2011-06-21On June 5th, Mr. Feng Kui, a 40-year-old Falun Gong practitioner from Changchun City, was seriously injured by police when they stabbed him three times. He is now missing. Mr. Feng Kui was distributing Falun Gong DVDs at the Shuangbao Town Fair, when police officers arrested him. Mr. Feng was trapped in a narrow alley and surrounded by a large group of plainclothes police and hired thugs. One of them was overhead shouting, “That guy refused to listen and we've stabbed him three times.” A stab wound in his right cheek bled profusely and his head, neck and right hand were covered in blood. One person said, “Without the police's permission, who would dare to touch him?” Later, a police car came and took the unconscious Mr. Feng away. No one knows where they took him.
Mr. Liu Junbo in Critical Condition Due to Persecution; His Family Plans to File Charges against the Guards Responsible
2011-06-21r. Liu Junbo, a Falun Gong practitioner from Xinbin County, Liaoning Province was arrested in early April 2011. After being brutally tortured at Xinbin County Detention Centre for over a month, he became extremely weak. Officials force-fed him with excessive amounts of salt. Despite his condition, he was not released until the guards extorted 2,000 yuan in cash from him. His family plans to file charges against the main parties involved in the persecution.
Dozens of Falun Gong Practitioners from Tangshan City Arrested
2011-06-21In May of 2011, dozens of Falun Gong practitioners were arrested by police in Tangshan City. Many other practitioners were harassed, followed, and monitored. On May 25th police ransacked the home of practitioners Ms. Li Wene and her husband Mr. Wang Weidong. Police broke open a locked cabinet, and confiscated approximately two hundred thousand yuan. In addition, they took away valuable goods, including computers, jewellery, a camera and their car. Ms. Li has since been released, but does not have any money on which she can live. Mr. Wang is currently being imprisoned in Tangshan Detention Centre.
Ms. Zhang Huiying, a Physician in Beijing, Has Been Detained for Almost a Year
2011-06-20On July 27th, 2010, Ms. Zhang Huiying, 63, was arrested while she was distributing informational materials about Falun Gong at the Chongwenmen Subway Station in Beijing. Because Ms. Zhang didn’t return home that night, her husband went to the police the next day and reported her missing. After Ms. Zhang’s husband found out that his wife was detained in the Daxing Detention Centre in Beijing, he went there and brought her some clothes. However, a guard didn’t allow him to see his wife. When he gave the guard 1,000 yuan, he was only allowed to leave his wife’s clothes. A few days later, he went to the detention centre again. The same guard told him that Ms. Zhang had been transferred elsewhere. When he asked the guard where his wife was taken, the guard replied that he didn’t know.
Yin Sirong Transferred to Xinjin Brainwashing Centre Immediately After Forced Labour Term
2011-06-20Falun Gong practitioner Mr. Yin Sirong was scheduled to be released on May 1st, 2011, after spending one year and nine months in detention in Xishanping Forced Labour Camp in Chongqing. However, instead of being released, he was transferred to the Xinjin Brainwashing Centre under orders from the Xishanping Forced Labour Camp, the local Chongqing 610 Office (an organisation of special agents just for persecuting Falun Gong), and Fuqing Road Police Station. On May 1st, Mr. Yin's family travelled to Chongqing, planning to take him home after his release from the labour camp. However, they were told by labour camp authorities that Mr. Yin's term had been extended because he refused to give up his belief in Falun Gong.
Daqing High School Teacher Appeals after Being Sentenced to Three Years in Prison
2011-06-20Mr. Wang Hongxing is a teacher at the Daqing Seventeenth High School. He was arrested by police on December 17th, 2010 because he talked about Falun Gong in his blog. He has been detained in the Dulitun Detention Centre in Daqing. The Honggang District Court sentenced Mr. Wang to three years in prison. Mr. Wang filed an appeal immediately. The case has been submitted to the Daqing Intermediate Court.
Falun Gong Practitioners Ms. Chen Yingmei and Ms. Zhou Yihong Sentenced to Three Years in Fuzhou City Women's Prison
2011-06-20Falun Gong practitioners Ms. Chen Yingmei and Ms. Zhou Yihong were distributing materials explaining the persecution of Falun Gong on a street in Fuzhou City on June 15th, 2010, but were reported and arrested by the local police. The police station reported their arrests to the 610 Offices (an organisation of special agents just for persecuting Falun Gong) of both Fuzhou City and Fujian Province on the same day. The homes of both practitioners were ransacked that night and their personal computers, printers, and other materials were taken away. Their families are now in pieces; they both have very young children. Ms. Chen and Ms. Zhou were sentenced to three years in prison by the Taijiang Court.
Ms. Du Juan is Terminally Ill after One Year in Beijing Women's Prison; the Bureau of Prison Administration Callously Disregards Her Condition
2011-06-19Falun Gong practitioner Ms. Du Juan is currently being held at the Beijing Women's Prison. She suffers from advanced breast cancer, and her physical condition is in full compliance with conditions for medical parole. After the cancer cells spread all over her body, officials from the Beijing Women's Prison and Bureau of Prison Administration still refused to release her. They first declared that Ms. Du could be released on medical parole, but the application would take three months. Later, they produced another excuse for not releasing her, saying that no hospital can cure her. While they've delayed, Ms. Du's condition has deteriorated.
Mr. Liu Yiming Dies as a Result of the Persecution in Sichuan Province
2011-06-19Before he started to practise Falun Gong, Mr. Liu Yiming used to have all sorts of diseases. After practising for one year, his mental and physical health improved greatly and all of his illnesses disappeared. On March 20th, 2005, Mr. Liu rode his bike to the countryside of Pengzhou City to pass out flyers exposing the persecution of Falun Gong. However, he was reported to the police and subsequently arrested. Mr. Liu was detained in the Chengdu City Detention Centre. After he was released four months later, people could hardly recognise him. He used to be so energetic, but now he walked like an old man. Fellow practitioners asked him what kinds of torture methods were used on him, but he did not answer. On February 21st, 2011, Mr. Liu died.