Other News, Exposing the Persecution
Torture | Kidnapping | Brainwashing | Illegal Detention and Imprisonment | Extortion | Persecution Throughout Society | Inside the Labour Camps | Individual Accounts | 6-10 Office | Death Cases | Organ Harvesting
Dr. Huang Pingping Subjected to Forced Labour for Practising Falun Gong
2010-02-21Dr. Huang Pingping, a 32-year-old Falun Gong practitioner, graduated from Jiamusi University in Heilongjiang Province. After graduation, she went to the hospital in Shan County, Shandong Province to work as an obstetrician in 2002. She was arrested by the police and sent to the Shandong Province No. 1 Women's Forced Labour Camp for two years of forced labour for practising Falun Gong.
Ms. Cui Shengyun Tortured in Heilongjiang Women's Prison
2010-02-21Ms. Cui Shengyun from Jiamusi City was sentenced to five years of imprisonment by the Xiangyang District Court in Jiamusi City. She has been tortured and held in Heilongjiang Women's Prison for over two years. In September 2009, policewoman Zhang Xiaojian held Ms. Cui in solitary confinement. She was once handcuffed to the ground with chains and forced to sit on the icy cold floor for ten days around the clock without sleep.
Mr. Dong Fengshan and Mr. Yu Lianhe Beaten to Death--Prison Guard Hao Yulin Is Accountable
2010-02-20Mr. Dong Fengshan was secretly sentenced to nine years of imprisonment and sent to the Siping City Prison on October 23rd, 2008. Only six days after that, he was killed. On October 2nd, 2009, Mr. Yu was jailed in Shiling Prison, Siping City, Jilin Province. Mr. Yu was cruelly beaten on November 22nd, by four inmates convicted of criminal charges, and he died after being sent to the hospital for emergency rescue. The autopsy revealed blood in his right ear, a bruised eye, and 1,500 ml. of blood deposits in his chest cavity. His spleen was found to have three ruptures caused by heavy blows, and the internal tissue around the spleen were found to be bruised.
Six Practitioners from Guangshan, Henan Province, Being Persecuted in Prison
2010-02-20Mr. Jian Xuefu, 40, is a teacher. He was arrested five times by the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) because he wouldn't give up practising Falun Gong. He was sent to a forced labour camp for four years. In September 2008, CCP agents arrested practitioners using the excuse of "preparing" for the Olympics. Mr. Jian was arrested in his own house by 610 Office agents (an organisation of special agents just for persecuting Falun Gong) who spied on him. While he was in the detention centre, he was beaten with electric shock batons and deprived of sleep. When his family went to see him, he was undernourished and very thin.
Ms. Wang Lixiang of Huludao City, Liaoning Province, Arrested Again
2010-02-20Since the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) began persecuting Falun Gong on July 20th, 1999, Ms. Wang Lixiang has been subjected to much mistreatment at the hands of the communist authorities. She was detained several times for over 30 days, sent to brainwashing sessions twice for over 40 days, and held in the Masanjia Forced Labour Camp for three years. The local government officials extorted from her 3,000 yuan in cash. She has also been repeatedly harassed, tracked, placed under surveillance, and subjected to telephone monitoring. She and her family have also suffered great harm during the sensitive dates.
Dorbod County Court Framed Mr. Liu Fubin and Created Difficulties for His Defence Lawyers
2010-02-20On January 28th, 2010, the Dorbod County Court in Daqing City, Heilongjiang Province, held the first hearing in the "trial" of Falun Gong practitioner Mr. Liu Fubin. Two lawyers spoke in his defence. Mr. Liu was sentenced to three years of forced labour because he told people the facts about Falun Gong. Taikang Court officials and the procurator used illegal means to create difficulties for the defence lawyers to try to prevent them from getting involved. According to the law, the court has to notify the accused and his lawyers three days ahead of the court session. But Mr. Liu's family and his lawyers received the notice only one day prior. When the lawyers asked the court for the records of indictment, the court refused to provide them.
Disabled Falun Gong Practitioner Ai Qingfeng Sentenced to Five Years in Prison
2010-02-19Falun Gong practitioner Mr. Ai Qingfeng, 54, from Liaoning Province was forced to leave home to avoid being persecuted. Over a period of eight years, his fingers were constantly frozen in the cold temperatures with the ensuing result that he lost eight of his fingers and his ability to work. In 2009, he was arrested and was unjustly sentenced to five years in prison. Currently, he is held in Kanjiashan Prison, Shenyang City.
Former Department Chair Ms. Zhang Yuhua of Nanjing Normal University Subjected to Forced Labour Again
2010-02-19Ms. Zhang Yuhua is an associate professor, doctoral adviser, and former chairperson of the Russian Department at Nanjing Normal University. She had headed many academic projects and had received multiple awards for her excellence in teaching. For practising Falun Gong, she was sent to a forced labour camp in 2001 and detained there for one year. In 2003, Ms. Zhang was sentenced to four years in prison. She has been held in the Nantong Women's Prison, and the Nanjing Women's Prison, and was subject to brainwashing sessions and suffered from inhuman tortures. Unable to endure the persecution of their family, her husband divorced her.
Three Falun Gong Practitioners in Shenyang City Facing Unjust Trial
2010-02-19Kangping County People's Court in Shenyang City, Jilin Province, have decided to put three Falun Gong practitioners on trial. On November 12th, 2009, several police broke into the homes of Ms. Wang Jinfeng, Mr. Wang Xuekun and Mr. Li Xiaoping. With out showing any identification, the police arrested these three Falun Gong practitioners, ransacked their homes, and took away their computers, printers and other personal property. Ten days passed since the three practitioners' arrest, and the policemen still did not send any detention statements to their families. Their families went to Kangping County Domestic Security Division asking for their whereabouts. Nevertheless, upon arrival, commander Jiang Lijun refused their request to see their loved ones.
Falun Gong Practitioner Zhao Lunxian Persecuted by Police
2010-02-19Falun Gong practitioner Zhao Lunxian was arrested by the police on January 26th, 2010 and is currently detained at the Jiamusi City Detention Centre. In 1999, Zhao Lunxian was deprived of the opportunity of working at school after graduation by the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) officials in Jiamusi University because he practised Falun Gong. In June 2002, the police monitored his home phone and then arrested him and ransacked his home. Zhao Lunxian was sentenced to two years' forced labour. At the forced labor camp, the police subjected him to brainwashing and forced him to write statements giving up practising Falun Gong. He was tortured physically and mentally. His wife was forced to become homeless and destitute.
Elderly Lady Is Repeatedly Arrested and Her Home Ransacked
2010-02-18Since April 25th, 1999, Ms. Zhang Guifang has been arrested four times and her home has been repeatedly ransacked. Her two sons, daughter-in-law and sister have also been victims of the persecution. Ms. Zhang's daughter-in-law has been arrested several times. When she was nearly seven months pregnant, police officer Wan Jucai, a group of officers from the local police station and people from the neighbourhood residential committee broke into her home and took her to the Dongmen Family Planning Hospital, where she was forced to have an abortion. Ms. Zhang's older son worked at the Parole Division of the Yinchuan Public Security Bureau. Because he practised Falun Gong, his salary was withheld and he was put on forced leave. He changed his job twice but was fired from both.
Falun Gong Practitioner Sentenced to Four Years in Prison in Shandong Province
2010-02-18In early September 2009, Ms. Li Renzhi, a kind and honest practitioner, was arrested and detained at Penglai City Police Station after her home was ransacked by the city's state security police. During her detention, the police tried to extort a confession by torturing her, not letting her sleep for four days and not permitting her family to visit. On December 18th, 2009, Penglai City Court sentenced her to a four-year prison term. Recently, she was transferred to Jinan Prison.
Police Extract Confessions by Torture from Educator Liu Zhenming
2010-02-18Mr. Liu Zhenming is former deputy principal of the First Shiyan School and recipient of the awards "Excellent Teacher in Taian City" and "Excellence in Teaching." He started to practise Falun Gong in March 1996 and gained great physical and mental benefits. He conducted himself according to the principles of Truth-Compassion-Forbearance. Over the past ten years, Mr. Liu has been sent to brainwashing centres twice, held in administrative detention once, detained for criminal charges twice and held in a forced labour camp once. In September 2009, police officers from the Taishan District Domestic Security Division arrested him. Police forced him to sit on a metal chair, to which they cuffed his arms and legs. They even forced him to wear a steel helmet that was too small. He felt like his temples were being pricked.
The Persecution of Ms. Ye Huiming, Teacher at Xinxiang City Judicial Officials' School in Henan Province
2010-02-18Ms. Ye Huiming, a teacher at Xinxiang City Judicial Officials' School, has been subjected to arrest, detention, and long-term surveillance. Since April 2008, Xinxiang Judicial Officials' School leaders have kept Ms. Ye and another retired employee practitioner under surveillance around the clock. They turned what were originally welfare fees into a "persecution fund," which is being used to award those who participate in persecuting Falun Gong practitioners. Every employee that monitors practitioners can obtain over 10,000 yuan from the persecution fund each year.
Ms. Wang Yurong Dies Seven Days after Being Released from Detention
2010-02-17On September 10th, 2009, Ms. Wang Yurong was arrested upon returning home. The police ransacked her home and detained Ms. Wang in the Lingyun Hotel under 24-hour close monitoring. The police hired assistants to stay in the same room and bring food to Ms. Wang every day. Only five days later, Ms. Wang appeared mentally confused, and she often bumped her head against the wall. It is very possible that drugs were put in her food. On September 15th, the Weibin District Police Department notified Ms. Wang's husband to come pick her up and bring her home. She died on September 22nd, just seven days after her release.