Other News, Exposing the Persecution
Torture | Kidnapping | Brainwashing | Illegal Detention and Imprisonment | Extortion | Persecution Throughout Society | Inside the Labour Camps | Individual Accounts | 6-10 Office | Death Cases | Organ Harvesting
Heilongjiang Province Falun Gong Practitioner Ms. Wang Fengxia Imprisoned
2010-02-13Ms. Wang Fengxia, 49 years old, is a Falun Gong practitioner from Jixi City, Heilongjiang province. On January 24th, 2010, she was arrested by five police officers from the Hengshan National Security team. Her home was ransacked. Her computer, a copy of the Falun Gong book, Zhuan Falun, DVD player, and other items were confiscated. She is now imprisoned in the Jixi Detention Centre. After the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) launched the persecution of Falun Gong, Ms. Wang's husband started to beat her and did not allow her to continue with her cultivation practice. Although she was beaten until she was bleeding, she refused to give up her faith. Her husband eventually abandoned her and their daughter.
Former Associate Professor from Zhaoqing University, Guangdong Province Arrested
2010-02-13Ms. Fang Yi, a former associate professor at Zhaoqing College, Guangdong Province, was reported to the police as she was distributing leaflets exposing the persecution and telling people the facts about Falun Gong in Gaoyao City on January 15th, 2010. The police claimed that she would be be "punished severely." In February 2002, Zhaoqing College removed her from her post because she hadn't given up the practice. Several days later she distributed fliers about the benefits she received from Falun Gong and about the persecution perpetrated against some students and professors at the university. She was taken away by police and sent to Sanshui Women's Forced Labour Camp in Guangdong Province to serve a three-year term.
Report on the Persecution of Falun Gong Practitioners by Wang Jialin at the Jianshanjiang Farm Branch Office
2010-02-13Mr. Wang Jialin is the deputy secretary of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) and the secretary of the Political and Judiciary Committee in the Jianshanjiang Farm Branch Office. Since July 1999 he has been actively following the Party line to persecute Falun Gong practitioners. The CCP's persecution policy is to label practitioners as political enemies, cripple them financially in any way possible, and destroy them physically. In short, the intent of the policy is to eradicate all practitioners. Wang has been personally involved in the planning of acts of persecution, in the use of different methods of torture, and in directing all departments under him to use whatever means at their disposal to persecute practitioners.
The Persecution of Practitioner Ms. Cheng Xiuhua
2010-02-13At the hearing for Ms. Cheng Xiuhua on November 20th, 2009, in the Songyuan City Court in Jilin Province, the human rights lawyer presented a very strong defence. When he stepped forward to say that "cultivating Falun Gong is legitimate behaviour according to current Chinese law," the court went out of control and had to call for a recess. The court has not resumed the hearing to this day. Ms. Cheng has not been sentenced, and is still being detained even though she is seriously ill. Ms. Cheng was arrested when she was out distributing leaflets exposing the persecution and telling people the facts about Falun Gong in August 2009 and has been held in a detention centre.
Mr. Li Haiqing from Binzhou City, Shandong Province Repeatedly Abused with Drugs in Detention
2010-02-12Falun Gong practitioner Mr. Li Haiqing was arrested in 2004. He was held at Bincheng District Detention Centre and Weibei Prison in Binzhou City. The police often laced his food and water with toxic substances. In Bincheng District Detention Centre persecution methods included secretly lacing his food with mind-altering drugs and brutally beating him for long periods of time, until he lost consciousness. Sometimes prison personnel would draw a large volume of blood from him after long-term food and water deprivation, and then give him large quantities of meth-amphetamine and sedatives. They also tried to suffocate him on several occasions. Mr. Li was arrested many times and held at prisons and labour camps for his belief. He broke free in 2007 and is now living in exile.
Ms. Li Jumei Seriously Ill in Detention Centre; Her Husband Died as a Result of Persecution
2010-02-12On January 18th, 2010, Falun Gong practitioner Li Jumei suddenly fainted at a detention centre, haemorrhaging from her lower body. At that time she had already been persecuted for more than six months. She was sent to hospital, however, is still being monitored by police. Li Jumei recovered from bone cancer after practising Falun Gong so she simply wanted to tell more people about how amazing Falun Gong is, but she was persecuted by the Chinese Communist Party (CCP). She was taken to Baimalong Women's Forced Labour Camp twice. He husband, Guo Huisheng, was also detained for practising Falun Gong and was brutally beaten by police. He passed away on October 12th, 2009.
Six Practitioners from Puyang City, Henan Province Arrested
2010-02-12Recently, six practitioners from Puyang City, Henan Province were arrested. Liu Shaoping, a woman in her 60's, has been arrested and detained on multiple occasions. She was previously detained for a year and six months in the Shibalihe Women's Forced Labour Camp in Zhengzhou City. In the forced labour camp, Ms. Liu was forced to undergo brainwashing, and was cursed at and beaten by the camp authorities and inmates. Her previously healthy body became extremely weak due to the ill treatment. Ms. Liu's husband was subjected to the Chinese Communist Party propaganda for a long time, and was weary of the hardships he endured due to Ms. Liu's detainment and persecution. After the forced labour term, he divorced Ms. Liu and took most of the family property and money with him.
Ms. Tu Xiujuan Sentenced by Shenyang Court to Three Years in Prison
2010-02-12On November 27th, 2009, the presiding judge at the Shenhe District Court, in Shenyang City, Liaoning Province, held a hearing and sentenced Falun Gong practitioner Ms. Tu Xiujuan to three years in prison. At present, Ms. Tu is being held at a detention centre in Shenyang City. The court prevented Ms. Tu's family from hiring a lawyer from another town, stating that there was not enough time. The Shenhe District Court continually conducts unjust hearings against Falun Gong practitioners.
63-Year-Old Ms. Wang Huimin Dies as Result of Persecution
2010-02-11Ms. Wang Huimin started to practise Falun Gong in 1994. After becoming a practitioner, she was considerate of others and was considered a good person. She was praised by her relatives, friends and neighbours. When she started practising, many of her ailments, including cerebral thrombosis, disappeared. Over the last ten years, she was arrested over ten times and was severely tortured. Twice she was hit so hard that she became paralysed. She was injured both physically and mentally. Being unable to tolerate further abuse, her health deteriorated and she could not eat or sleep. On January 3rd, 2010, Ms. Wang passed away.
Two Older Practitioners Die in Gansu and Liaoning Provinces as a Result of Persecution
2010-02-11Mr. Yang Shengchun, in his 80s, persisted in distributing leaflets exposing the persecution and telling people the facts about Falun Gong after the persecution began on July 20th, 1999. He was locked up twice for one year in brainwashing centres. In March 2007, while Mr. Yang was delivering Falun Gong materials to the neighbouring village, he was arrested by village administrators. They knocked him to the ground and stomped on his head, causing him to lose consciousness. He suffered severe nerve damage that affected him mentally. On December 18th, 2009, he was very confused and could not find his way home. The next day he was found near a ditch where he had frozen to death.
The Ongoing Persecution of Lawyer Liu Ruping from Jinan City, Shandong Province
2010-02-11After sixth months of detention, the Changqing District Court in Jinan City tried Mr. Liu Ruping again, and sentenced him to seven years in prison on January 22nd, 2010. Mr. Liu said that he is innocent of any wrongdoing, and that the day that justice will prevail for Falun Gong is coming soon. Since the persecution of Falun Gong started in July 1999 Mr. Liu has suffered in detention electric shock, sleep deprivation, forced labour, brainwashing, force-feeding, beatings, imprisonment, solitary confinement, torture, physical restraint, home ransacked, and interrogation, because he continues to practise Falun Gong.
Hebei Province Women's Forced Labour Camp Brutally Tortures Ms. Feng Xiaomei
2010-02-11Ms. Feng Xiaomei was arrested in May 2009 and detained at Hebei Province Women's Forced Labour Camp. In the camp Ms. Feng did not acknowledge the "transformation" attempts nor make any statements defaming Falun Gong. Guard Liu Ziwei yelled at her, "I will torture you so that you will feel worse than death." After that, Ms. Feng was deprived of family visits, showers, and access to the toilet. Despite her poor physical condition, guards forced her to do labour with other inmates. By then, she was very weak and there had been blood in her faeces for several months. But the guards still forced her to make more than 500 file folders every day, a workload that even a healthy person could hardly finish. If she did not finish, the entire group was deprived of rest and forced to stand. Every day after work, Ms. Feng was exhausted and could barely walk.
Ms. Han Jixiang from Linyi City Persecuted for More Than a Decade
2010-02-10On January 11th, 2010, Ms. Han Jixiang was arrested by police for carrying exposing the persecution of Falun Gong. She was then interrogated by officers from the National Security Division. In 2002, Ms. Han was sentenced to one year of forced labour. She was subjected to sleep deprivation and bombarded with lies day and night. As a result of the brainwashing and the mental torture, she was unable to stand still and staggered when walking. She eventually suffered from a mental disorder as a result of the torture, and was sent to a mental hospital for one day. The medical staff said that they gave her a check-up. Only when the officers found that Ms. Han was on the verge of death did they release her.
Practitioners Stripped and Coerced to "Transform" by Officials at the Longquanyi Women's Prison of Chengdu City
2010-02-10All practitioners detained at Longquanyi Women's Prison were forced to go through a "strict discipline period" during their first three months at the prison. During this period of time, practitioners were not allowed to leave their cells, buy anything, or talk to anybody from outside the prison. Each cell has two inmates who were assigned by prison authorities to closely monitor practitioners. The police and assigned inmates took turns to brainwash practitioners by slandering Falun Gong, and playing videos defaming Falun Gong. Steadfast practitioners who resisted the brainwashing are kept there beyond three months.
Mr. Guan Wenlong Subjected to Forced Labour After Seven Years of Imprisonment
2010-02-10For upholding his belief, Mr. Guan Wenlong was arrested in January 2002 and then given seven years of arduous imprisonment. While in prison, he was subjected to severe maltreatment. Before the Beijing 2008 Olympic Games, the Communist regime intensified the persecution of Falun Gong. Guards severely beat Mr. Guan and shocked him with electric batons many times. His body still has many obvious scars that were caused by the electric shocks. He was released in January 2009; however, the local police arrested him again on December 29th, 2009, and once more sent him to a forced labour camp.