Other News, Exposing the Persecution
Torture | Kidnapping | Brainwashing | Illegal Detention and Imprisonment | Extortion | Persecution Throughout Society | Inside the Labour Camps | Individual Accounts | 6-10 Office | Death Cases | Organ Harvesting
Assistant Battalion Commander from Langfang City Is Persecuted for Practising Falun Gong
2009-07-12Mr. Li Baowei is a 46-year-old Falun Gong practitioner. He was an assistant Battalion Commander while in the military. In 2000, police ransacked his home. They took away his Falun Gong books, arrested him, and took him to a detention centre. Without any reason or due process, he was sentenced to three years in Hehuakeng Forced Labour Camp in Tangshan City. In the camp, he was persecuted physically and mentally. He was slapped in the face, forced to sit on a bed for a long time, forced to perform difficult work, and brainwashed.
The Persecution that My Father Has Suffered
2009-07-11On July 16th, 2008, before the Beijing Olympic Games, my father Zhang Xingwu was sent to a detention centre, and in the next nearly twelve months, no family member has been allowed to visit him. On March 31st, 2009, my father was put on trial. My mother and family members engaged a lawyer and after much difficulty were given a date for a public trial. On that morning, my mother and other relatives, who were setting off to go to the courthouse, were put under house arrest and were not allowed to attend the court session, and even the lawyer was not allowed to enter the courthouse.
Seven Years of Injustice -- Mr. Fan Qingjun Severely Persecuted in Jidong Prison
2009-07-11Because he believes in Falun Gong, Mr. Fan Qingjun, 40, was arrested and held in the Xushui County Detention Centre in September 2002. In October 2003, he was sentenced to seven years imprisonment and sent to the Jidong Jail, where he has been severely persecuted for the past seven years. Policeman He Xiaoqiang has instigated prisoners to physically assault and abuse Mr. Fan many times. In April 2004, Mr. Fan was immersed in a very cold pond for the whole day. They have also deprived him of sleep and purposefully harmed him.
Practitioners Persecuted Over a Two-Year Period in Huaiyang County, Henan Province
2009-07-11Ms. Li Yuzhi went to the Domestic Security Division to see her father, who was in detention. She met Cheng Weifeng, who asked whether she also practised Falun Gong. She said that she did. Then, three police officers, beat her and used a cloth to cover her face. When she asked why she had been beaten, they said, "We are paid two thousand yuan by the government to beat you. If you had died, it would have been treated as suicide." Then they put her into a car, covered her mouth to prevent her from speaking, and went to ransack her home. After returning to the second floor of the Domestic Security Division, she was beaten again. They pushed needles into her toenails and she fainted. She did not wake up until 6 p.m., when she found herself lying on the floor.
The Persecution of Liu Yongfen and Her Family in Zhuzhou City, Hunan Province
2009-07-11Practitioner Liu Yongfen, 59, and her family live in Zhuzhou City, Hunan Province. The relationship between Ms. Liu and her husband used to be very bad. They quarrelled a lot, and were infamous for their acrimonious relationship. After they began practising Falun Gong they both followed Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance and became good people. They looked inward when conflicts arose and never fought again. However, they have been arrested and jailed several times because of their belief in Falun Gong. Among the family of four, one has died, one is forced to stay away from home, one was released for medical treatment, and the fourth is still in prison.
Mr. Lu Zhen Dies in Custody in Shandong Province Prison
2009-07-10Mr. Lu Zhen, 33, was arrested in early March 2004 and was subjected to numerous tortures in brainwashing sessions. The forced labour camp rejected him because he did not pass the health check-up. In December 2004, he was sentenced to eleven years in prison and sent to the Shandong Province Prison. Recently, the Linyi and Mengyin 610 Office spread rumours that Mr. Lu Zhen had mental problems, but they never officially notified his family. He had been brutally abused in prison because he firmly persisted in practising Falun Gong. On June 22nd, 2009, his family was notified that Mr. Lu suddenly died in the early morning of June 22nd, from heart disease. There are several obvious bruises on his neck and hip areas.
Ms. Shen Shuangsuo, 59, Dies as Result of Brutal Mistreatment in Beijing Forced Labour Camp
2009-07-10Falun Gong practitioner Ms. Shen Shuangsuo, 59, lived near Beijing. On March 1st, 2007, police ransacked her home, arrested her, and sentenced her to two years of forced labour. At the end of her term, her husband and two sons found her to be emaciated, and her abdomen was severely bloated. She was so weak that she could not catch her breath. She was physical wreck as a result of the two years of forced labour. The doctors found that she was suffering from late-stage uterine and lung cancer. She died on May 30th, 2009.
Older Practitioner Ms. Zheng Cuixia Dies after Being Detained Twice
2009-07-10Ms. Zheng Cuixia, 62, went to Beijing to speak out on behalf of Falun Gong in March 2000. She was arrested and detained in Hantai District Detention Centre. Police beat her, did not allow her to sleep, and forced her to stand for a long time. Ms. Zheng's injuries were so severe that she could not breathe and her life was in danger. In December 2007, she was reported while handing out leaflets exposing the persecution of Falun Gong. In the detention centre police forced her do heavy labour and subjected her to intense brainwashing. Ms. Zheng's health deteriorated steadily, and she died on April 28th, 2009.
Ms. Li Xiangzhi Passes Away After Daughter Was Severely Persecuted and Caretaker Was Seized
2009-07-10In May 2005, a group of policemen rushed into the home of Ms. Zhao Hongying and arrested her. She had been caring for her elderly relative, Ms. Li Xiangzhi. Policemen searched the home and confiscated her personal property. Declaring that they found several Falun Gong DVDs, they unlawfully sent Ms. Zhao to the Hebei Provincial Women's Forced Labour Camp and persecuted her there for a year and three months. Less than 20 days after this happened, Ms. Li passed away on June 11th. Her daughter, Falun Gong practitioner, Li Xiumin, who was imprisoned in Hebei Prison was not allowed to see her mother's body.
Brutal Tortures at Jilin Prison
2009-07-09The Big Hang-up: This torture is administered inside a solitary confinement cell. The persecutors handcuff the victim to a huge metal ring that is affixed to a chain or rope on a wall. Then the abusers pull the ring up, lifting the victim's body upward, with the tips of his feet barely touching the ground. Soon the victim loses all sensation in his arms, cutting off the blood circulation over time, possibly resulting in permanent disability or even death
Ms. Yang Yucui Arrested and Taken to Banqiao Women's Forced Labour Camp in Tianjin
2009-07-09Falun Gong practitioner Ms. Yang Yucui was arrested on May 13th, 2009 and taken to Banqiao Women's Forced Labour Camp in Tianjin. After the onset the persecution on July 20th, 1999, Ms. Yang explained the facts about the persecution at her workplace and went to Beijing to appeal for Falun Gong. For this, her employer suspended her salary as punishment. She was later imprisoned for five years for practising Falun Gong, during which time her husband divorced her, due to social pressure.
Mr. Fei Mingyan Persecuted in Yongchuan Prison of Chongqing City
2009-07-09Practitioner Mr. Fei Mingyan, about 38 years old, has been persecuted for many years and was forced to stay away from home. On March 18th, he was arrested by police. He was then sentenced to six years in prison and imprisoned in Yongchuan Prison. While he was in the prison, Mr. Fei was severely beaten because he refused to wear the uniform for "re-education through labour," causing him to be covered in cuts and bruises. He was also forced to haul coal.
Severe Sentences for Practitioners from Fengcheng City, Liaoning Province
2009-07-09Nine Falun Gong practitioners from Fengcheng City, Liaoning Province have been detained, and four of them are imprisoned outside of Fengcheng City. On December 25th, 2007, Mr. Zhang Qinggui was sentenced to six years of imprisonment at Benxi Prison by the Donggang Court. On February 20th, 2006, a Fengcheng City Court judge sentenced Ms. Ma Yuxin to five years of jail. On July 3rd, 2006, Fengcheng police arrested Ms. Liu Yingmei. A Fengcheng Court judge sentenced her to three and a half years. Ms. Liu is now detained at Shenyang Women's Prison.
On Children's Day, How Many Children in China Are Tearfully Missing Their Parents?
2009-07-08Qingqing is five years old. Even before she was born, her father Niu Jinping and mother Zhang Lianying had been arrested and detained numerous times. On April 20th, 2008, police seized Qingqing and her parents in an alley. They beat the couple right in front of Qingqing. Then they dragged them and Qingqing into a police vehicle.
The Suffering of Two Young Women and Their Families in Tangshan
2009-07-08Falun Gong practitioners Mr. Chen Baihe and his wife Mrs. Zhang Guilan, have been repeatedly detained in detention centres and brainwashing centres. Mr. Chen was again arrested in May 2006 and was sentenced to four years of imprisonment. He remains in Jidong Prison to this day. Mrs. Zhang was again arrested by the National Security Team and the 610 Office of the Public Security Bureau on March 14th, 2009, and is now detained at Qianxi County Detention Centre. For the last eight years, this family has repeatedly gone through harassment, raids and arrests.