Other News, Exposing the Persecution
Torture | Kidnapping | Brainwashing | Illegal Detention and Imprisonment | Extortion | Persecution Throughout Society | Inside the Labour Camps | Individual Accounts | 6-10 Office | Death Cases | Organ Harvesting
Policemen in Jincheng City, Shanxi Province Arrest Several Falun Gong Practitioners
2008-04-14On February 17th, 2008, Falun Gong practitioner, Ms. Zhang Yunqin, and her twelve-year-old son were forcibly taken away from their home by several policemen. The officers took away her computer and many other items. Ms. Zhang Yunqin's son was released the following day, whereas she was detained in the Jincheng City Detention Centre. It was said that because Ms. Zhang Yunqin wrote and posted information exposing the persecution, the police arrested her.
The Hanting District Public Security Bureau and the National Security Team Police of Weifang City Extorted and Arrested Practitioners
2008-04-14Since the beginning of 2008, the Chinese Communist Party has persecuted Falun Gong practitioners in the name of the Olympic Games. There have appeared many cases of practitioners being either arrested or persecuted to death. Recently, several practitioners from Hanting District, Weifang City, Shangdong Province were arrested and fined by the Public Security Bureau's National Security Team. On March 22nd, Ms. Song Xiulan, a practitioner, was arrested at home by Chinese Communist Party (CCP) officers. Her property, worth a total of around 20,000 yuan, was also confiscated. This was her second arrest; she was previously arrested and fined 10,000 yuan on July 2nd, 2006.
Three Practitioners Die As a Result of Persecution
2008-04-13Mr. Gong Zhaotao, in his 50s, was a farmer who lived in Shandong Province. He was arrested in October 2007 while distributing leaflets exposing the persecution and telling people the facts about Falun Gong and was sentenced to one year of forced labour. He was held in the notorious Wangcun Forced Labour Camp. At the end of March 2008, camp officials notified his family that he had died. The details are yet to be investigated. The camp officials are trying to cover up the crime, telling people that Mr. Gong died of a heart attack. His body has not been cremated, and only his 18-year-old son and mentally ill wife are allowed to see his body.
Facts about the Persecution of Mr. Xin Shuren in Tieling City, Liaoning Province
2008-04-13While he was in Tieling Forced Labour Camp, Mr. Xin Shuren and other practitioners refused to wear prison uniforms and carried out a hunger strike to protest the persecution. Guard Miao Zhanpu led dozens of prisoners to beat Mr. Xin and the other three. Miao provoked these no-goods, saying, "If they do not eat, you guys will not eat" in order to make the prisoners hate Falun Gong practitioners and torture them more brutally. At that time, Du Dalin was the most severely beaten. He was almost blinded and almost made deaf. Liu Wenban's face and back were injured. The guards and the prisoners handcuffed them behind their backs and used electronic batons to hit their bodies, mouths, and teeth. Their wrists were handcuffed and bleeding. Wang Dongliang was dragged to the front door and stripped naked. They used an electric baton and their fists to brutally beat him. His ribs were broken.
Details of the Persecution of Falun Gong Practitioners in Tianshui Prison
2008-04-13There is a special section in Tianshui Prison, whose specific assignment is the torture and "transformation" of Falun Gong practitioners. This section is under the jurisdiction of the Education Department of the Prison Bureau of Gansu Province. Pan Xinsheng is the department head, and the primary person responsible for these activities. After practitioner Liu Zhirong was tortured to death there, and with the increasing pressure from the outside world, the guards themselves have stopped routinely beating the practitioners. Instead, the guards have now turned to using sleep deprivation as a form of torture, and are forcing practitioners to watch the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) brainwashing videos. The guards deceive the practitioners' families into helping them with the persecution, and put pressure on the practitioners to cooperate and "transform."
Persecution of Practitioners and Their Families in Huining County, Gansu Province
2008-04-13Practitioners who have been tortured to death include Mr. Yang Lichuang (In 2006, steadfast in his belief in Falun Gong, he was subjected to brutal interrogation through torture by the Huining Committee of Political and Legislative Affairs in collusion with the Public Security Police. He was then beaten to death and his body was thrown into a water cellar. They claimed that he "committed suicide for fear of punishment for his crimes"). Mr. Zhang Xiaodong was tortured to death in the labour camp hospital during his imprisonment.
Ten Practitioners' Deaths Reported in March 2008
2008-04-12Mr. Wang Guiming, a 38-year-old practitioner, was sent to the Chaoyanggou Forced Labour Camp on February 13th, 2008, by police. On February 29th, he died as a result of brutal torture in the labour camp. The camp administrators claimed that the cause of his death was him slamming into the heater very hard to try to commit suicide. According to a reliable source, while Wang Guiming was on a hunger strike, he was tortured with force-feeding. He died after being shocked with many electric batons.
Practitioner Ms. Wang Yuqing Arrested, Hospitalised in Guangdong Province
2008-04-12At 9:25 a.m on February 22nd, 2008, Ms. Wang Yuqing was arrested at home by agents from the 610 Office and sentenced to forced labour. Recently, Ms. Wang was taken to the Guangdong Province Armed Police Hospital and there is no further information. Her family became aware that officers at Haizhu District Detention Centre planned to send Ms. Wang to the labour camp, however, because Ms. Wang went on a hunger strike for many days and she was very weak. She was rejected by the labour camp and returned to the Haizhu District Detention Centre. When her family members applied for medical parole, it was rejected by the officers from detention centre. They did not release Ms. Wang and did not allow her family to visit her.
The Abuse and Persecution Suffered by Older Practitioner Ms. Zhang Jinlan from Shaanxi Province Before Her Death
2008-04-1260-year-old Ms. Zhang Jinlan was a Falun Gong practitioner from Shaanxi Province. After the Jiang Zemin [former leader of China and instigator of the persecution] regime started the persecution of Falun Gong in 1999, she was detained several times. The persecutors placed her in a mental hospital and injected her with unknown substances. As a result, Ms. Zhang became completely paralysed, and the lower part of her body was severely infected. While she was in such terrible condition, her home and phone were monitored. Unable to get any help from outside, Ms. Zhang Jinlan died on February 1st, 2008.
Ms. Tang Yingxia and Five Others Arrested by State Security Agents in Changsha
2008-04-12On March 27th, 2008, six Falun Gong practitioners, including Ms. Tang Yingxia, were arrested when they were in the house of practitioner Mr. Wu Jinping. Mr. Wu Jinping and three others were among those also arrested. On March 30th, 2008, police and officials broke into Ms. Tang Yingxia's home. Personal items and more than 8,000 yuan in cash were taken. At present, Ms Tang Yingxia is being held in Wangcheng County Detention Centre. During several interrogations, officers of the State Security Division have used violence to try to extort "evidence" from her.
Ms. Zhao Yingjie Brutally Tortured at Jilin Province Women's Prison and Has Become Severely Ill
2008-04-11Ms. Zhao Yingjie, a practitioner from Jilin City, Jilin Province, was tortured so severely that both her hands, which are raw from the friction of the handcuffs, are horribly disfigured. She is being held in Jilin Province Women's Prison and is suffering from an extremely serious lung infection that is life threatening. July 10th, 2007, five months after Ms. Zhao was arrested and tortured, the Chinese Communist Party Court of the Chuanying District in Jilin City put her on trial. In court she revealed the identities of her interrogators and how she had been tortured and scarred. When Ms. Zhao Yingjie attempted to reveal that during her interrogation, those in charge sexually assaulted her with a wooden club and force-fed her five bottles of spicy black mustard oil, seriously injuring her mouth and face, and showed her leg wound, Judge Hu Chunwei refused to let her continue speaking. Ms. Zhao was sentenced to six years of imprisonment.
Accounts of Persecution of Falun Gong Practitioners in Tangshan, Hebei Province
2008-04-11On October 7th, 2000, Ms. Liang went to Beijing to appeal for the justice for Falun Gong. She was arrested by local police. She was searched, beaten, and then was taken back to Tangshan City the same night. She was detained for seven days and suffered a mental collapse as a result. On October 14th, Ms. Liang was taken to the No. 5 Hospital of the Tangshan City Mental Hospital. Four months later, she was transferred to a testing clinic and was injected with unknown drugs. Ms. Liang was detained in the mental hospital for five years. As a result, her mental and physical condition deteriorated further and she tried to commit suicide which resulted in many injuries to her body - a third degree disability with a major depression disorder. (Note: the teachings of Falun Gong forbid killing, including suicide.)
Accounts of Practitioners Persecuted in Jiansanjiang District, Heilongjiang Province
2008-04-11Several hundred practitioners have been detained and their homes ransacked, some have lost their jobs, and some people have been fined up to 10,000 yuan. In total, several thousand people have been affected in some way by this persecution. The "transformation" centre in Jiansanjiang has detained hundreds of practitioners, some for as long as two years. This jail, a place that secretly houses those who have been deprived of their freedom without any legal procedures having been followed, is shown off by the government officials of Jiansanjiang in order to receive awards.
Persecution of Falun Gong Practitioners In Bijie City, Guizhou Province
2008-04-11Mr. Ye Fenglin, 45, was an armed forces department official in Linkou Town, Bijie City. In October 2001 he was taken to Zhongba Forced Labour Camp of Guizhou Province for a three-year term. At the labour camp, he was subjected to brutal and merciless beatings because he resisted the forced brainwashing and was steadfast in not giving up cultivation. On June 27th, 2002, at 7:30 a.m., he was tortured to death while being held in the sixth team of Zhongba Forced Labour Camp of Guizhou Province. His autopsy result showed that his liver had extravasated blood, that one of his ribs was broken, and that there was no food in his stomach and intestines.
Mr. Guo Hanpo Dies in Baoding Prison
2008-04-10Mr. Guo Hanpo was a Falun Gong practitioner in his 50's who lived in Cangzhou City, Hebei Province. Early on the morning of April 5th, 2008, his family received a phone call from the Baoding City Prison saying that he had died. His family rushed to the prison. Police had had him sentenced to eleven years in prison in 2002. He had to do the most heavy labour - crack the rocks, but in a half starved state, while being mentally tortured by forced brainwashing.