Other News, Exposing the Persecution
Torture | Kidnapping | Brainwashing | Illegal Detention and Imprisonment | Extortion | Persecution Throughout Society | Inside the Labour Camps | Individual Accounts | 6-10 Office | Death Cases | Organ Harvesting
Dr. Xue Chaohui from Fujian Province Still Being Detained after Three Years of Persecution in a Forced Labour Camp
2009-04-24Ms. Xue Chaohui, a physician in the Quanzhou City People's Hospital, Fujian Province, was sentenced, for a third time, to forced labour in December 2005, because of her steadfast belief in Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance. Her sentence was over in December 2008, but she is still being held and persecuted, with all sorts of excuses, in the Fujian Provincial Women's Forced Labour Camp. During the past year her foot became infected and festered until it was so painful that she could not sleep. For the past few years, she has been held in solitary confinement.
Tianjin Police Detain and Persecute Ms. He Yana by Fabricating False Drug Charges against Her
2009-04-24Falun Gong practitioner Ms. He Yana was visiting her friends and distributing leaflets exposing the persecution in the Hexi District on March 9th, 2009, when she was arrested by local authorities. She was reported by someone who was deceived and didn't know the true facts about Falun Gong. At Machang Police Station Ms. He was severely beaten, causing internal injuries, and she still has blood in her urine to this day. The police tried to force her to give up her belief in Falun Gong but she refused. Police locked Ms. He up in the Rehabilitation Centre of Tianjin Ankang Hospital and then brought false charges against her, saying that she was taking addictive drugs.
Falun Gong Practitioners and Defence Lawyer Arrested in Harbin City, Heilongjiang Province
2009-04-23In late February 2009, eight Falun Gong practitioners and members of their families were arrested by police in Harbin City. Three of the practitioners are still being detained. The police have refused to release them or to permit relatives or friends to visit them. Mr. Wei Liangyue, a lawyer and the husband of practitioner Ms. Du Yongjing, was also arrested. Mr. Wei had provided legal representation for Falun Gong practitioners, for which he had been threatened by agents of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP).
Ms. Zhao Chunjie from Gongzhuling City Arrested, Her Daughter, a Student, Is Having to Defend Her Innocence
2009-04-23On February 12th, 2008, Mr. Lu Yaowu and his wife, Ms. Zhao Chunjie, Falun Gong practitioners, were arrested by police. Even though Mr. Liu was soon released, officers were still trying to press charges against him. As a result, he was forced to leave home and live elsewhere. Ms. Zhao Chunjie, who was cruelly tortured, was recently brought to trial. Her daughter, Lu Yiming, went everywhere to try to find a lawyer to defend her mother. Because the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) pressures lawyers not to take Falun Gong cases, Ms. Lu couldn't find anyone brave enough to defend her. So she, a student, had to defend her mother herself.
Persecution in the Hubei Women's Forced Labour Camp
2009-04-23The Hubei Women's Forced Labour Camp forces practitioners to write "three letters"(letter of breaking from Falun Gong; letter of ceasing practising Falun Gong; and letter of exposing Falun Gong). Policemen use video, newspapers and books that slander Falun Gong to brainwash practitioners. They often use drug addicts to abuse and beat practitioners. This labour camp is extremely strict to Beijing practitioners. Policemen stripped off the clothes of a Beijing practitioner in Team Two, dragged her through several rooms and threw her into an isolated room, forbidding anyone from seeing her. From that room often came sharp cries for help.
Elderly Falun Gong Practitioners Persecuted in Dagang District, Tianjin City
2009-04-23In 2008, before the Olympic Games began, the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) agents intensified the persecution of practitioners, claiming that it was in the best interest of the Olympics. The 610 Office in Dagang District arrested more than a dozen practitioners without a warrant, including Ms. Dou Guirong. They were released after several days. The detention shocked Ms. Dou mentally and physically. She developed health problems, which worsened quickly. She passed away on March 2nd, 2009. The death of Ms. Dou presents a great hardship to her family, especially to her elderly mother. Her mother exposed the persecution to people and was arrested on March 20th, 2009.
Mr. Liang Yuncheng from Fengcheng City Is Being Brutally Tortured
2009-04-22Mr. Liang Yuncheng was arrested on March 7th, 2009. He is being brutally tortured at the Erlongshan Prison. Officials and guards are trying to brainwash him and threatening him with further imprisonment. Previously Mr. Liang was arrested when distributing leaflets exposing the persecution in 2006 and imprisoned until 2008. When he got home, he learned that his parents had died. Mr. Liang went back to work, but his salary was cut dramatically. Mr. Liang's wife knew her husband to be a very good man. However, placed under tremendous pressure, she divorced him in April 2008.
Ms. Li Guijun Sent to Labour Camp; Currently Very Ill
2009-04-22Ms. Li Guijun is a Falun Gong practitioner in Shandong Province. She was sent to labour camp in mid-October 2008. She now has oedema all over her body as a result of gross abuse and mistreatment at the labour camp. Her hyperthyroidism has also recurred, and she is in pain every day. This is the second time she has been sent to a labour camp. Ms. Li was also previously sent to labour camp for a three-year term for going to Beijing to appeal in 2000. She was sent to the Wangcun Women's Labour Camp
Ms. Song Chang Forced to Have an Abortion
2009-04-22The Chinese Communist Party (CCP) controlled court of Shashi District, Jinzhou City, Hubei Province held a trial on the morning of March 18th, 2009, for 29 year old Ms. Song Chang. On the morning of July 17th, 2008, Ms. Song had followed her husband to work in Guangdong Province and was arrested by police from Hubei Province. She was taken back to Shashi District, forced to have an abortion and detained in the Shashi Detention Centre.
Practitioners Beaten and Shocked with Electric Batons at the Shaanxi Province Women Forced Labour Camp
2009-04-22Practitioners held at the Shaanxi Province Women's Forced Labour Camp are regularly tortured and forced to carry out extremely large workloads for long periods of time. The guards verbally abuse them and lock them up in small cells, where they are brutally tortured. The guards also steal practitioners' personal property with impunity. On January 31st, 2006, while Ms. Li Jinfeng was held at the No. 2 Section of the forced labour camp, team leader Lan Yuan directed seven drug addict inmates to beat her into unconsciousness. They then poured cold water on her to wake her up.
Mr. Sun Dianbin Suffers Food Deprivation and Other Abuses at the Daqing City Prison
2009-04-21Falun Gong practitioners held at the Daqing City Prison are not able to enjoy the most basic of human rights. They are cruelly tortured for even the slightest provocation, including not fulfilling the guards' unreasonable demands. Mr. Sun Dianbin, 38, is among those practitioners who was tortured recently. On March 22nd, 2009, Mr. Sun' s mother visited her son. He looked weak so she realized that the guards must have deprived him of food because he refused to wear the prison uniform.
610 Office Personnel from Zhucheng City, Shandong Province Beat and Torture Ms. Liu Xixiang
2009-04-21On November 17th, 2008, police broke down the door of Falun Gong practitioner Ms. Liu Xixiang's house in Baiyushanzhi Village, Zhucheng City. They arrested her, searched her house, and confiscated her personal property, including a computer and printer. Liu Xixiang was detained at the trading boarding house of Zhucheng City, beaten, forced to sit on the iron chair and was force fed. Group leader Wang Hongbo led more than 10 people to take turns torturing Liu Xixiang. They locked her on the iron chair and deprived her of sleep. Liu Xixiang went on hunger strike to resist this persecution. Seeing that she wouldn't be able to survive much longer, they dragged her to a Chinese medicine hospital to feed her by force.
Crimes Committed by Hewan Forced Labour Camp in Wuhan City
2009-04-21In September 2000, I was arrested by police and taken to Hewan Forced Labour Camp. They ordered other inmates to cut my hair. I saw other inmates' hair that had been cut; it was a mess. Some Falun Gong practitioners' hair had been cut half and half, where if their heads were viewed from behind, half of their head would have long hair and the other half would show strips of scalp, it was a complete mess. This was done to humiliate practitioners. All the things my family sent to me, including blanket, coats, winter shoes and boots, all of them were soaked in water before they were given to me.
The Brainwashing Techniques Used at Hebei Women's Prison
2009-04-21Falun Gong practitioners who were sentenced to Hebei Women's Prison were sent to a brainwashing centre on the first day. They were not allowed to speak with each other, and were forced to watch videos denouncing Falun Gong and sing the songs of the communist party. Practitioners who protested by going on hunger strike were dragged away for forced feeding. Some were intentionally dropped on the ground after being dragged several steps. Then the perpetrators would hang up a plastic bottle with a rubber tube attached, and this would be inserted into the practitioner's stomach. When they pulled the tube out, they pulled it hard and it would always have blood on it.
Thirty-Nine-Year-Old Farmer Dies as a Result of Persecution
2009-04-20On November 28th, 2004, Mr. Quan Xueyin was arrested again by the county 610 Office and National Security Division and his home was ransacked by police. He was sentenced to three years in prison. During the interrogation, he was badly beaten and his body was covered with wounds. Near the end of his prison term, a guard extracted blood from him and injected him with an unknown drug. As a result, he had much difficulty breathing and his lungs finally became rotten. On March 8th, 2009, Mr. Quan passed away at the age of 39.