Other News, Exposing the Persecution
Torture | Kidnapping | Brainwashing | Illegal Detention and Imprisonment | Extortion | Persecution Throughout Society | Inside the Labour Camps | Individual Accounts | 6-10 Office | Death Cases | Organ Harvesting
Ms. Chen Guolan Sent to Guizhou Province Women's Forced Labour Camp
2007-12-31Ms. Chen Guolan, 43, was formerly an employee at the Kaili City Bedding Sheet Factory. She was persecuted several times for practising Falun Gong, and the managers at her workplace withheld a 20,000 yuan severance payment because of her belief. Her workplace attempted to embezzle the money by suing her in court, but they failed. Eight police officers arrested Ms. Chen Guolan at her home on August 15th, 2006. In September 2006, they sent Ms. Chen to the Guizhou Province Women's Forced Labour Camp. In November 2006, Ms. Chen appeared to have uterine cancer. The camp officials made requests to send her home for medical treatment, but police officials from the different units passed the buck, saying there was no money to take her back. Ms. Chen Guolan's family paid for her to return home.
Two Women Brutally Beaten in Broad Daylight by Police from Foshang City, Guangdong Province
2007-12-31Around 10:00 a.m. on November 9th, 2007, Ms. Wen Yanling and Ms. Zhong Peiling went to the family home of Lin Bincheng, the former head of the 610 Office in Heshun Town, to give them leaflets explaining the truth about Falun Gong so that the Chinese people could understand the unreasonable persecution and what Falun Gong is really about. Lin's mother was the only person at home. She called the police. Lin Bincheng and a plainclothes police officer soon arrived and rushed into the house. Lin grabbed Ms. Wen Yanling by the hair and brutally punched and kicked her. He then turned around and beat Ms. Zhong Peiling as well. Lin and his partner brutally beat these two ladies for more than half an hour, until they could hardly breathe. Later, a few more officers came and put the two women in a police car and took them to Heshun Police Station.
Guangzhou City Police Confiscate Ms. Zhou Lianzhang's Belongings Worth Ten Thousand Yuan
2007-12-31On October 31st, 2007, several local officials and four or five policemen broke down the door and handcuffed Ms. Zhou Lianzhang, a 74-year-old Falun Gong practitioner. They ransacked boxes and chests, willfully causing damage to things and making a mess. According to incomplete figures, they confiscated Ms. Zhou's treasured Falun Gong books, more than two thousand yuan cash, and some gold jewellery. These items were worth ten thousand yuan (almost 700 British pounds), and the invaders did not issue a list of items they took away
Fax Notice—Weifang City Tries to Eradicate Falun Gong Materials
2007-12-30Editor's note: The following is an internal fax urgent notice from the Chinese Communist Party Committee of Weifang City:"The posting and distribution of Falun Gong's anti-revolutionary promotional materials has attracted much attention from leaders of the central government. Therefore, the central 610 office has initiated a secret inspection across the entire country and has taken severe action in those specific regions that didn't eradicate all of Falun Gong's anti-revolutionary promotional materials in a timely or thorough manner. Our city has many Falun Gong practitioners, and the anti-revolutionary promotional materials have been distributed widely and in large quantities. As a result, we demand all of the work units to pay attention to this clean-up work as a political task. On receiving this notice, all working units must immediately call for a meeting to mobilise the clean up work on Falun Gong's anti-revolutionary promotional materials."
The Persecution of Mr. Shi Jujun from Hebei Province
2007-12-30In October 2000, Mr. Shi Jujun and another practitioner went to Shangyi County to distribute leaflets explaining the truth about Falun Gong so that the Chinese people could understand the unreasonable persecution and what Falun Gong is really about. They were arrested by five police officers. After Mr. Shi was detained for two days, he was taken to a detention centre. The police ordered a prisoner to beat Mr. Shi, and then they extorted 400 yuan from him. They planned to sentence him to two years of forced labour. Mr. Shi refused to cooperate with the police and was brutally beaten. His leg was broken during the beating. Then he was taken to Shangyi County and detained there for a year. In 2001, Mr. Xue was taken to Gaoyang County and sentenced to one year of forced labour.
Shameful Practice at Shijiazhuang City Forced Labour Camp in Hebei Province
2007-12-30Recently, two to three practitioners were taken to the Shijiazhuang City Forced Labour Camp each day. There are numerous reports of guards brutally tormenting the detainees. Usually, visitors only need to bring documents provided by their local governments to verify their identities, but the guards here put a thick stack of slanderous flyers defaming the founder of Falun Gong by the entrance. Anyone that goes to visit Falun Gong practitioners is forced to read it out loud. If their voice is low, they have to repeat this several times until the guards are satisfied. After reading it, they have to sign their names on it before they are allowed in.
Father and Son Arrested after Police Besiege their Home for Four Days in Anqui City, Shandong Province
2007-12-30On November 2nd, 2007, a dozen officers from Anqiu City "Anti-Cult" Division Armed Force Bureau, went to Falun Dafa practitioner Mr. Xu Jingping's home to arrest him. Mr. Xu and his son were at home but refused to open the door. For rour days the police continually pounded on the door until they finally broke it and arrested them. Mr. Xu's family went to the office of the Armed Force Bureau and demanded their release. The officers claimed that they had not arrested them, even denied ever seeing them.
Dongcheng District Police Hospital Officials in Beijing Torture a Practitioner in Her 70's
2007-12-29I am an elderly Falun Gong practitioner in my 70s . When I distributed leaflets exposing the persecution in Beijing in October 2000, patrol officers arrested me. I was sentenced to one and a half years of forced labour and held in the Dongcheng District No.1 Detention Centre, where I developed high blood pressure, as high as 220. I also developed arrhythmia and high blood sugar of 13.8, and I was close to death. They brutally handcuffed me to a bed, with my hands and feet fixed to the four corners of the bed. The police took me to the Dongcheng Police Hospital. I did not get treatment there, but was tortured instead.
Acheng District Court in Harbin City Holds a Secret Trial for Mr. Huang Tiebo
2007-12-29Mr. Huang Fujun and Mr. Huang Tiebo, both practitioners from Harbin City, Heilongjiang Province, were arrested on July 24th, 2007, and detained at the Acheng City No.1 Detention Centre. Mr. Huang Fujun was tortured to death on November 6th, 2007. Personnel from the Acheng District Police, from the Procuratorate, the court, and from the 610 Office were afraid of their crimes being exposed. They convened a secret trial for Huang Tiebo on November 15th that was originally scheduled for November 27th. Personnel from the court informed the lawyer, but they forbade him from informing the practitioner's family. He notified the practitioner's family after the trial.
Older Ms. Liu Shurong from Qiqihar City Tortured by Chinese Communist Party (CCP) Police with "Five Horses Splitting the Body"
2007-12-2957-year-old Ms. Liu Shurong was arrested at home by police. They tortured her using "hands cuffed from behind," sitting on the iron chair, "slapping her face," and "burning with cigarettes." Most cruelly, she was tortured with a method called "Five Horses Splitting the Body." In this torture method, the persecutors stretch a practitioner's arms and tie them to each side of the top bunk bed. Then the practitioner's legs are split apart and her feet tied to the legs of the bed (over 6 feet apart). A sheet is then tied around the practitioner's waist and pulled to and fixed at another bed across the room.
Cases of Persecution in Lingyuan City, Liaoning Province
2007-12-29Nine practitioners have been detained in the First Custodial Station in Lingyuan City, for nearly four months. The police did not allow their families to visit nor to send clothes. Some of the practitioners have been severely beaten, tortured, and deprived of sleep. Inside the ward, practitioners could only buy light jackets that do not provide much insulation from the cold. The guards have beat, tied up, and abused the practitioners and subjected them to hunger and the cold at will.
Ms. Xu Hui From Jinzhou City, Liaoning Province Arrested; Family Members Prohibited from Visiting Her
2007-12-28Ms. Xu Hui, a practitioner from Jinzhou City, Liaoning Province, was arrested on July 20th, 2007, after displaying a banner on Tiananmen Square. that read "The Chinese Communists Are Harvesting Organs from Living Falun Gong Practitioners." She is currently imprisoned in the notorious Masanjia Forced Labour Camp in Liaoning Province. Her son, Cai Chao, was also arrested. Over the ensuring four and a half months, Ms. Xu's husband has gone to Beijing three times and Masanjia twice, but he has not been able to meet her. Her family is very worried about her.
Mr. Feng Zhigang Imprisoned in the Tianhe District Detention Centre in Guangzhou
2007-12-28On September 23rd, 2007, Mr. Feng Zhigang, a practitioner was arrested and is currently being held at the Tianhe Detention Centre. Mr. Feng's family is extremely worried, especially since authorities have provided no word on his condition and have continually denied their visitation requests. Mr. Feng is still suffering from internal injuries he sustained when he was persecuted on previous occasions. His family informed the relevant offices in Guangzhou of his condition and made numerous requests that he be released on bail for medical reasons. Their requests have all been denied.
The Persecution of Mr. Guo Shunqiang in Beijing Tuanhe Forced Labour Camp
2007-12-28Falun Gong practitioner Mr. Guo Shunqiang from Haidian District, Beijing was arrested at home by police on April 20th, 2006. He was then sent to Tuanhe Forced Labour Camp. In order to "transform" him, the labour camp police lock Mr. Guo Shunqiang in a single cell where he is allowed to sleep only 3 to 4 hours every night. The inmates, incited by the guards, verbally abuse him and beat him every day. They force him to sit on a small stool specially designed for a child, which is only six inches tall. They tie his legs and feet together, resulting in his upper and lower legs being forced to bend to less than 90 degrees. His hands are forced to be held on his knees and his back is forced to remain straight. He is then forced to stay in this motionless posture for long periods of time and is forbidden to move any part of his body. If he moves, the inmates will beat him and verbally abuse him.
Practitioner Ms. Han Shufen sent to Brainwashing Centre in Chengde Three Times
2007-12-28In September 2001, Dafa practitioner Ms. Han Shufen was taken to a brainwashing centre against her will. In November 2001, Han Shufen went to Beijing to speak up for Dafa. She was arrested in Tiananmen Square. Han Shufen then went on hunger strike to protest. She was arrested again and sent to Chengde brainwashing centre. There she was beaten and force fed. As a result Han Shufen continued to spit blood for more than twenty days, and her hands and feet became dark blue. During the night she escaped from a window. In June 2003, Han Shufen was kidnapped for the third time by the State Security Division. They sent Han Shufen to Hebei Province's Gaoyang Labour Camp.