Other News, Exposing the Persecution
Torture | Kidnapping | Brainwashing | Illegal Detention and Imprisonment | Extortion | Persecution Throughout Society | Inside the Labour Camps | Individual Accounts | 6-10 Office | Death Cases | Organ Harvesting
Police Savagely Torture Practitioner Ms. Lu Chunyun from Liaoyuan City, Jilin Province Who Once Donated 60,000 Yuan to Build an Overpass
2007-01-16Falun Dafa practitioner Ms. Lu Chunyun from Liaoyuan City, Jilin Province, donated 60,000 yuan in 1998 to build an overpass. However over the last seven years the police have brutally tortured her for practising Falun Dafa and she is now emaciated. She was once tortured by a policeman who sat across from her and rubbed her ankles back and forth with his hard boots until the skin peeled off. He burned her legs with lighted incense, causing more than 20 large blisters. He poured lighter fluid from a cigarette lighter into a water bottle, lit it and burned her arms, again leaving her with large blisters.
89 of Ms. Bai Yufang's Neighbours Condemn the Elderly Practitioner's Arrest and Detention by Beijing National Security Bureau
2007-01-16On October 26th, 2006, the Beijing National Security Bureau and the Neighbourhood Committee of the Institute of Air Force Equipment collaborated to arrest Falun Dafa practitioner 72-year-old Ms. Bai Yufang and ransack her house. Ms. Bai has been detained for over 68 days for "Practising Falun Gong, serving and leading the group," and "distributing flyers of counter-revolutionary propaganda."
The Ongoing Persecution of Ms. Cao Qiuxiang from Qidong County, Hunan Province
2007-01-16In May of 2000 practitioner Ms. Cao Qiuxiang was sent to Baimalong Women's Forced Labour Camp. One day in August, the wardens claimed, without any evidence, that Ms. Cao was suffering from high blood pressure and forced her to take an unknown drug. During her year in the forced labour camp, the Department of Politics and Security at the County Police Station extorted 1,000 yuan from her family, and the township government extorted 1,500 yuan.
Xinkaipu Forced Labour Camp in Hunan Province Uses Poisonous Injections and Toxic Substances to Torture Practitioners
2007-01-16From the end of 2000 to 2003, over ten of the practitioners detained in Division Seven of Xinkaipu Forced Labour Camp developed symptoms such as difficulty with gross motor skills and walking, abnormal faeces and urine, decreasing memory, blurry vision, and misjudging the distance of objects. Many local practitioners have been detained there. Five of them developed similar conditions. An insider witnessed these events at that time and personally saw the collaborators put "bad" medicine into the practitioners' food.
The Torture that Led to the Death of Mr. Cui Zhilin in Jinzhou City Prison in Liaoning Province
2007-01-15Dafa practitioner Cui Zhilin was arrested by the city's 610 Office on September 18th, 2002 and was sentenced to eleven years of imprisonment. He was imprisoned and persecuted in Jinzhou City's Nanshan Prison. On August 4th, 2004, he died as a result of the persecution at the age of forty-three. The next day, his family was notified that he "committed suicide by jumping from a building." His family found that he had been beaten so badly that his body was too horrible to look at. His body was also as thin as a skeleton.
Drug Poisoning - A Method of Torture Often Used by the Chinese Communist Party
2007-01-15In order to quickly "reform" the practitioners, destroy the practitioners’ willpower and justify the persecution, the officials at detention centres, labour camps and prisons where practitioners are held against the law often resort to preposterous tactics. They secretly inject sleeping practitioners with unknown drugs or put poisonous drugs in their food, which results in general malaise, difficulty walking, stunted speech, rapid decline of reaction and memory, and organ damage. Some practitioners suffer from a complete mental breakdown or cannot wake up from comatose sleep and have disordered thinking.
Three Practitioners from Heilongjiang, Jilin, and Liaoning Provinces Missing for Many Years
2007-01-15Ms. Wu Jing, around 30 years of age, a Falun Gong practitioner from Baishanshi in Jilin Province, was employed at Baishanshi Tourism Office. She has been missing for more than seven years. Her husband has married another woman. Her child is still waiting for her to return home! The last time I saw her was around the end of October 1999 at a Beijing railway station. She was followed by the security police from Baishanshi. We both entered the toilet and the police guarded the entrance from the outside. When I left the toilet, the police were still guarding the door at the entrance. I did not know our brief meeting would be a farewell meeting.
Practitioner Ms. Yang Xiaolin Is Still Detained in the Harbin Women's Prison in Heilongjiang Province
2007-01-15In 2003, Ms. Yang was sentenced to 12 years in prison because she still practised Falun Dafa and spoke out for justice. In the prison, Ms. Yang was beaten by guards because she refused to shout out "report" whenever a guard was around or when she was asked a question. Her face swelled from the beating and it was more than 10 days before she recovered. In December 2003, Ms. Yang refused to do forced labour and was dragged outside in the snow. She was forced to stand up or run around. This torture lasted for over 10 days.
The Persecution of Practitioners Ms. Wang Xiuxiang and Ms. Qu Hongxiang from Zhaoyuan City, Shandong Province
2007-01-15In 2001 Jiang Zemin's regime started to run a "brainwashing centre." 52-year-old Ms. Qu Hongxiang would not give up her belief. Town officials looked for her and tried to arrest her, but she had gone into exile to avoid persecution. They went to her husband's workplace. They forced him to stop working and didn't allow him to find other work for six months. On September 30th police broke into Ms. Qu's home and took her away. 610 Office personnel handcuffed Ms. Qu to a metal chair, used electric shock to interrogate her, and then sent her to a detention centre.
Practitioner Jiang Fuxiang's Husband Dead and Son Homeless From Persecution in Benxi City, Liaoning Province
2007-01-14Ms. Jiang Fuxiang is a 58-year-old Dafa practitioner, who has a strong belief in Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance and shares the true facts about Falun Dafa with others so they too can benefit. For this, the Communist regime has arrested her three times over the last seven years. The police also planned to arrest her son. A good-hearted person informed him and he was able to get away and remains on the run, homeless, to avoid being persecuted. Fuxiang's poor sick husband was left home alone. He had a stroke and passed away in early December 2006.
Recalling the Savage Abuses I Was Made to Endure at Shayang Forced Labour Camp, Hubei Province
2007-01-14My name is Dong Dengzhi. I was arrested on August 29th, 2003 for handing out Falun Gong leaflets exposing the persecution and was sent to Shayang Forced Labour Camp in Jingmen City. As soon as I arrived, the camp officials designated two criminals to monitor me. They attempted to force me to write a guarantee statement to renounce Falun Dafa, but I refused. One criminal hit me hard on my chest, stomach and back, kicked my genital area very hard, which made me scream.
Families of Practitioners Call on the International Community to Pay Close Attention to the Persecution of Practitioners in Shiling Jail, Siping City, Jilin Province
2007-01-14When the family visited practitioner Mr. Wang Liansu, they saw that his right leg was obviously hurt; he couldn't walk properly. Sources from inside the jail revealed that it was a police guard that injured him, and it was because he refused to give up his belief that he suffered this mistreatment. But the head of the jail, Li Wendong, denied it, and said, "You can go sue wherever; it's not going to do any good." Mr. Wang is also restricted from going to the toilet; a lot of other practitioners are restricted as well. When Mr. Wang was first captured, he was shocked with electric batons on his private parts. It was excruciating. Now he cannot urinate. One cannot imagine the pain.
Disabled Practitioners Arrested and Persecuted by Police in Harbin City, Heilongjiang Province
2007-01-14On December 22nd, 2006, practitioners Mr. Jin Chengshan and Ms. Cui Xin were arrested by the police. Mr. Jin and Ms. Cui are both disabled and are unable to walk or even to tend to themselves. The Deputy Bureau Chief of the Hulan Public Security Bureau Jiang Jimin, relied on the influence Jiang Jizhi, his brother, to become the mayor of the Hulan District. In the past few years, he has sent more than 60 practitioners to labour camps, more than 20 other practitioners were sentenced to prison, and three practitioners were persecuted to death. Now, he has arrested two disabled practitioners who cannot even tend to their daily needs.
Brutal Torture Suffered by Practitioner Mr. Dou Jinbao in Changle Forced Labour Camp
2007-01-14Changle Forced Labour Camp, Falun Dafa practitioner Mr. Dou Jinbao was stripped naked, and his buttocks and bare feet were beaten with a belt until the belt was broken into three pieces and his buttocks showed traces of blood. Mr Dou recalls: "The head of the labour camp saw the scar on my head and asked me about it. I said it was due to a beating. The next day collaborators were sent to threaten me, telling me that I had to say that the scar was due to a boil I had had on my head. Because of the fear in my heart I cooperated with them."
Stories of Practitioner Ms. Li Guangqin from Shandong Province During Her Imprisonment
2007-01-13Ms. Li Guangqin was sentenced to two and half years in Shandong Province Women's Forced Labour Camp. Once a guard was verbally abusing a practitioner. To support the practitioner, Ms. Li Guangqin started to call out, "Falun Dafa is good." Other practitioners followed her and called out together. The labour camp guards wanted the practitioners to write a so-called "education summary" but no one wrote anything. When they wanted to take a practitioner away, Li Guangqin held onto the practitioner and stopped them. Two male guards were called in and forcefully took Li Guangqin and the other practitioner to a solitary confinement cell. Li Guangqin was handcuffed to a heating pipe for three days and nights.