Other News, Exposing the Persecution
Torture | Kidnapping | Brainwashing | Illegal Detention and Imprisonment | Extortion | Persecution Throughout Society | Inside the Labour Camps | Individual Accounts | 6-10 Office | Death Cases | Organ Harvesting
Older Falun Gong Practitioner Zhang Huiru's Experiences During Eight Arrests
2007-08-30My name is Zhang Huiru, and I am 65 years old. After the persecution began, I told myself that I must appeal for Falun Gong and try to restore its reputation and that of my Teacher, Mr. Li Hongzhi, because I have benefited so much from the practice. I went to Tiananmen Square on February 11th, 2000, to appeal. A plainclothes police officer approached me and said he was a Falun Gong practitioner from Harbin. He asked me if I was also a practitioner. I said, "Yes." A police van arrived and police officers forced me into the van and took me to the Qianmen Police Station. I heard later that police officers were to be paid 50 yuan for each practitioner they arrested on Tiananmen Square.
Persecution of Falun Dafa Practitioners in Binchuan County, Dali City, Yunnan Province
2007-08-30Ms. Zhao Yingxian, 50, was reported while distributing leaflets exposing the persecution. She was arrested by the police and sent to a detention centre for over two and a half months. The detention centre made her family member pay 5,000 yuan for her release, and tried to force her to put her fingerprints on a falsified guarantee statement. However, she steadfastly refused to cooperate. She was then sentenced to a forced labour camp.
Detained For Eight Years, Ms. Li Dongqing Must Be Released from Prison
2007-08-30Li Dongqing appealed for Falun Gong and has been detained since September 1999. She was first sentenced to forced labour for three years. She was again sentenced to five years in Liaoning Province Women's Prison. Li Dongqing has been tortured in many ways, including being detained in a small cell, being brutally beaten, shocked by electric batons, and being humiliated. For almost the entire one and a half years, she was detained in a small cell.
Sanshui Forced Labour Camp in Guangdong Province Torturing Falun Gong Practitioners with Electric Batons and Brutal Force-Feeding
2007-08-29In the later part of July 2007, "the Special Monitoring Brigade" at the Sanshui Forced Labour Camp inhumanely tortured Falun Gong practitioners Mr. Zeng Yong, Mr. Li Shengyu, Mr. Luo Honglin, and Mr. Xia Changfu. The practitioners were tied up and shocked with electric batons, were deprived of food, prohibited from using the toilet and taking baths, confined in a room, and forced to perform heavy labour. On July 26th, from 1:00 to 3:00 am, guard Zheng (surname) tied Mr. Zeng Yong's hands and feet to a chair, and shocked him with four electric clubs until he foamed at the mouth and lost consciousness. The police revived him with cold water and continued to shock him. This torture lasted for two hours.
Women's Team Guards at the Mudanjiang City Forced Labour Camp in Heilongjiang Province Torture Falun Dafa Practitioners
2007-08-29The guards often locked the cells so that they could beat and torture practitioners individually. Guards slapped practitioners, bashed their heads onto metal beds and against walls and metal rails. Sometimes they sat on the practitioners to beat them. They often poured a big bucket of water over the practitioner and her bed, and dipped a mop into the water and dragged it over practitioners' heads, faces and bodies. They forced practitioners to watch video programmes slandering Dafa. They shocked practitioners with electric batons. Guards used electric batons to shock those practitioners who refused to recite the prison rules and who persevered in practising the exercises. They shocked the practitioners over their entire bodies, in particular their private areas. A smell of scorched flesh filled the whole cell after the torture sessions.
Persecution by Brainwashing Is on the Rise in Changzhou City, Jiangsu Province
2007-08-29In Changzhou City, brainwashing sessions are one of the elements of the persecution system. Brainwashing sessions can be held anytime and anywhere. In order to achieve the purpose of "transformation," the heads of the 610 Office in charge of all local cities and regions and all street security and neighbourhood committees send people to participate. These professionally-trained people, upon their release from the forced labour camp, are responsible for "transforming" practitioners. All these people work together to form a persecution group. No money is spared, and a large number of people are employed to provide food and accommodations so they can besiege Dafa practitioners around the clock.
A Teacher's Illnesses Disappeared after Practising Falun Gong; the Police Arrest Her Again
2007-08-29When Falun Gong practitioner Ms. Fu Jinhua went to Dezhou City on August 14th, 2007 to handle some business, she was arrested by police. She is now being detained at the Dezhou City Detention Centre. This has traumatised her husband, and her formerly happy family is in deep sorrow. Her daughters went to the police department to look for their mother and were verbally abused. One policeman also threatened that if the children's relatives were Falun Gong practitioners they would arrest them as well.
A Teacher Is Dying in Chongqing City Prison
2007-08-28Falun Dafa practitioner Mr. Wang Guanglin is detained in the Chongqing City Second Prison. On August 10th, 2007, his family visited him, but Mr. Wang walked out very slowly with the help of two guards. He is was as thin as a skeleton, deformed, almost paralysed, and could not take care of himself. He hasn't had a normal bowel movement for many days, and he is near death.
Mr. Wang Yongjun from Jilin Province Dies as a Result of Persecution
2007-08-28Practitioner Mr. Wang Yongjun lived in Sonjianghe Town, Fusong County, Jilin Province. He became very weak after being mistreated multiple times by malicious Communist Party members and harassed by police from the Donglin Station in Songjianghe Town. He died on July 2nd, 2007. In 2001 he was arrested and tortured by police. They cuffed his hands behind his back with a bottle in between (to cause more pain) and shocked him with electric batons.
Police Arrest Mother, Mistreat Young Son
2007-08-28At 5:00 p.m. on July 19th, 2007, three police officers from the Worker's Village Police Station in Dalian City, broke into practitioner Ms. Sheng Lianying's house and took her away. The police also arrested practitioner Sun Qiaohua. Ms. Sheng Lianying's husband is deceased, and she lives with her young son. Her son is now left home alone and without anyone to care for him. On the night of her arrest, young Chao Chao went to the police station looking for his mother. On July 20th, 2007, Chao Chao went to Jinhai Garden Residential Committee to file a complaint. He said, "My mother is a good person who obeys the law. Why did you arrest her? I have no means to support myself." Residential Committee Party secretary Sun Jie refused to take responsibility. Other officials said, "You are here looking for trouble, not to solve problems. Go home quickly!"
62-Year-Old Shepherd Seized by Chinese Communist Party (CCP) Thugs
2007-08-28On July 22nd, 2007, 20 officials, and police arrived in four police cars, planning to arrest 62-year-old practitioner Ms. Li Yinhua. At that time, Ms. Li was grazing sheep at the river wall close to her home. When the officers saw her, they immediately forced her into the car. Ms. Li's husband, 68-year-old Mr. Yang Heng, witnessed these gangsters rush to his home without notice. When he stepped forward to try and stop them, several young officers forced him to the ground. After this violent attack, Mr. Yang required medical attention for several days. During the entire process, the thugs did not show any identification, provide any explanation, or give any receipts for property taken. Her family has gone there to ask for her release, but the guards' attitude was extremely unreasonable, and the family was not allowed to see Ms. Li.
The Persecution Suffered by Twelve Falun Gong Practitioners at the Maoming Petroleum Chemical Corporation in Guangdong Province
2007-08-27Since the persecution started on July 20th, 1999, the 610 Office heads in the Maoming Petroleum Chemical Corporation have participated in the persecution of Falun Gong practitioners. They monitor practitioners and tap their phone lines. They order practitioners to constantly report their whereabouts during holidays. They harass their families. Without any legal procedures or documents, they frequently ransack practitioners' residences and take away their personal belongings. They arrest practitioners and imprison them in brainwashing centres, detention centres, forced labour camps, and prisons. They fire practitioners from their jobs or withhold their salaries and retirement pensions. Some practitioners have lost their families or become destitute as a result of this persecution.
Please Help Rescue My Older Sister Cui Shengyu
2007-08-27My sister was persecuted simply for her belief in Falun Gong. My whole family was terrified, and has been traumatised by the atrocity ever since. My sister did not give up the practice, and she went to Beijing to appeal for Falun Gong. She was arrested there and sent back home. Soon afterwards, she was laid off and put into the detention centre in Jiamusi City for six months. After six months, my sister suffered a great deal and she was on her last breath when she was released. When she got out of the detention centre, she was unrecognisable, and her weight had dropped nearly in half. They arrested her again during the period when she was breastfeeding her daughter. They rampantly beat and tortured her, and she was forced to live a homeless life to avoid being continually persecuted.
Gansu Province No. 3 Prison in Tianshui City Rewards Guards for Violently "Transforming" Practitioners
2007-08-27The Gansu Province No. 3 Prison in Tianshui City awards guards 10,000 yuan for violently "transforming" each practitioner. Attempting to subdue steadfast practitioners, the No. 3 Prison detains them in solitary confinement, prohibits anyone from accessing them, forces them to "transform" through torture, and manipulates murderers and other prisoners to devastate them both mentally and physically.
Practitioners Arrested by the 610 Office in Beijing's Haidian District
2007-08-27Since March 2007, many practitioners in various parts of China have been arrested by the 610 Office. Beijing is no exception. In the Haidian District, the 610 Office captured several practitioners. In Haidian Detention Centre, every cell holds five to six practitioners and has a capacity for 30 or more. All of the captured practitioners are over the age of 60 and most of them are first time detainees.