Other News, Exposing the Persecution
Torture | Kidnapping | Brainwashing | Illegal Detention and Imprisonment | Extortion | Persecution Throughout Society | Inside the Labour Camps | Individual Accounts | 6-10 Office | Death Cases | Organ Harvesting
Exposing the Persecution of Falun Gong Practitioners in Wumaping Prison, Sichuan Province
2007-07-24The prison has solitary confinement areas, and the "Assembly Division" has big and small cells where many people have been tortured to death. It is indeed a hell and is used to "destroy the bodies, wreck the souls, and extinguish human nature." According to those inmates who have been detained in the prison for years, 50 per cent or more of those sent to the solitary confinement areas or the big and small cells were tortured to death. If one luckily came out alive, he often suffered internal injuries and died several months later. The big or small cells were designed like a water dungeon. Each is a small pit, about one metre below the ground. It has a concrete bed and frozen water. The victims were thrown on the concrete bed without any cover. If the victims cried out from the extreme pain, those in charge would add more freezing water, and the crying would immediately stop.
Authorities in Dachang Town in the Baoshan District of Shanghai Are Persecuting Falun Gong Practitioners
2007-07-24Ms. Huang Qiaolan, 58, was arrested on November 20th, 2001, while she distributed information about the persecution of Falun Gong in residential areas. Authorities held her at the Luodian Detention Centre in the Baoshan District for one year. In order to rescue her, her family had to pay nearly 50,000 yuan, and do things such as buy meals for the officials. After this extortion, these officials sentenced her to three years of custody to be served outside of prison, from November 20th, 2001, to November 20th, 2004. Ms. Huang underwent extreme physical and spiritual suffering, and was diagnosed with lung cancer. She died on October 29th, 2004, while still serving the jail term.
Examples of How the Police "Arrest" Falun Gong Practitioners in Wuhan City, Hubei Province
2007-07-24In March 2004, Jin Zhiping, the chief of the Qiaokou Police Precinct, led other officials to secretly arrest Falun Gong practitioners Huang Zhao and Liu Ning at their home and search it. Huang Zhao was tortured to death within 24 hours at the Qiaokou Police Precinct office. The police blocked all information about this. Even Huang's family was not informed. Liu Ning escaped from the police office and told her parents that she had been arrested. At that time, none of them were informed about Ms. Huang's death. Her father immediately went to see Jin Zhiping at the police precinct office and asked for her. Jin was astonished: "How do you know Huang is here?" Jin then deceived her father by saying that she was fine. Actually, she had passed away days earlier. After two weeks, the police could no longer cover up the case. Finally, they informed Ms. Huang's family that she had died, but lied and said that she had committed suicide.
Elderly Practitioner Mr. Li Shuxiang Dies, Leaving Behind Many Riddles
2007-07-23Falun Dafa practitioner Mr. Li Shuxiang, in his 70s, went out at around 5 p.m. on April 16th, 2007, to distribute leaflets exposing the persecution. He never returned home. At around 5 p.m. on April 17th, the local police asked his family to identify his body, which had been found on a farm road. Before Mr. Li's family rushed to the scene, the police had the funeral home conduct an autopsy on the body, and they told his family he died from falling from the upper level to the lower level of the road. Before cremating the body, the family changed Li's clothes and they found many coin-sized bruises on his back. His left shoulder had a palm-sized bruise. Local folks said the upper level of the road is only 3-4 metres higher than the lower level. No one had died before from falling.
Mr. Sha Naiyu from Jilin Petroleum Field Tortured to Death
2007-07-23In July 2007, when Mr. Sha Naiyu rode his motorcycle to distribute leaflets exposing the persecution of Falun Gong, his licence plate number was reported. Police officers from the Liangjia Town Station arrested him at his workplace on July 12th, and took him to the Da'an City Police Department on July 13th. His family went to visit him on July 14th, but they found out that he had been tortured to death. The details are yet to be investigated.
Five Practitioners Battered by Torture are Brought into Court on Stretchers to Stand "Trial"
2007-07-23On July 10th, court hearings were held in the Chuanying District of Jilin City in Jilin Province for five Dafa practitioners. They were all so severely tortured that they were carried into the courtroom on stretchers. All five had been tortured for two days in the Yuesanlu Police Station. Ms. Zhao Yinjie was poked by an electric baton and force-fed mustard oil. Di Shigang, the director of the National Security Bureau, force-fed practitioner Wang Liqiu eight bottles of mustard oil. Practitioner Zhao Guoxing was force-fed horseradish roots and beaten with a steel bar. His kneecaps and calves were seriously injured. Practitioner Liu Yuhe was tortured until he could no longer walk. More than 20 policemen beat Mu Chunhong and force-fed her two bottles of mustard oil.
Persecution Suffered by Chen Anrui While He Was Alive
2007-07-2365-year-old Falun Gong practitioner Mr. Chen Anrui died while trying to rescue two elementary school students who were drowning in a water reservoir. For a long period of time Chen Anrui was persecuted by the Chinese Communist Party for insisting in his belief of "Truthfulness, Compassion, Forbearance". He was subjected to repeatedly having his house ransacked, being arrested, sent to detention centres, subjected to forced brainwashings, and torture. Over the years, Chen Anrui was fined a total of 7,000 yuan
Two Courts in Jilin Province Hastily Hold Large-scale "Trials" of Arrested Falun Gong Practitioners
2007-07-22On July 10th, 2007, the Chuanying District Court in Jilin City, Jilin Province, found many Falun Dafa practitioners, who had been arrested, guilty of the false charges that had been brought against them. On the same day, the Changyi Court in Jilin City sentenced many practitioners including Guo Yunqing, and one with the surname of Fu, who had been persecuted and had to sit in a wheelchair to participate in the trial. It is the first time in Jilin Province that two courts put practitioners on trial at the same time. The authorities violated standard legal procedures and only allowed attendance by one person from each family of those on "trial."
Husband Sentenced to Five Years in Prison, Wife Destitute and Homeless
2007-07-22On July 20th, 1999, Jiang Zemin's regime started persecuting Falun Gong. Because I refused to renounce my belief, I was detained in a brainwashing centre. I was also held in a detention centre and a forced labour camp and even sentenced. I am presently destitute and homeless. My husband was detained several times and was sentenced to five years in prison. He is still incarcerated in Weifang Prison.
Non-Practitioner: Policemen from Pingshan County Public Security Department in Hebei Province Brutally Tortured My College Classmate, Mr. Ren Yinhai, in an Attempt to Coerce a Confession
2007-07-22My college classmate, Mr. Ren Yinhai, is an associate doctor and the vice president of the Pingshan County Epidemic Prevention Station. He is well established in his career and has received awards for his research and professional papers. He was one of the best students among our classmates in college. For a while I did not hear from him. When I asked other classmates and learned that because he practised Falun Gong, he was being persecuted, I sincerely wanted to know about his situation in detail, so I went to see him. Although I do not practise Falun Gong, I know that all Falun Gong practitioners are good persons because I know several practitioners. This is why I know about Falun Gong, and also know about the severe persecution against Falun Gong.
Wang Xianghui from Baoding City, Hebei Province Persecuted to the Verge of Death
2007-07-22Dafa practitioner Mr. Wang Xianghui was sentenced to prison for intercepting cable TV with broadcasts exposing the persecution about the persecution of Falun Gong. He was incarcerated in Baoding Prison and persecuted to the verge of death. After Mr. Wang was persecuted for about five years, his health deteriorated significantly. People in prison tried to hide Wang Xianghui's health condition from his family and limited his meetings with his family.
The Authorities Arrest, Torture, and Cause the Death of Mr. Chu Guilin of Changyi City, Shandong Province
2007-07-21Mr. Chu Guilin was a practitioner in Changyi City of Weifang, Shandong Province. On November 11th, 2005, he was arrested, and his home was searched because he informed people about the wrongful persecution of Falun Gong. In November 2005, he was sent to the Wangcun Forced Labour Camp. In November 2006, he was tortured until he became paralysed. He lost all sensation in his upper torso and he required assistance to live. On November 11th, 2006, those responsible for torturing him until he was disabled were afraid of being charged and released him. Six days later, he died. Mr. Chu Guilin was 56 years old.
A Falun Gong Practitioner's Letter to Her Husband from a Brainwashing Centre
2007-07-21Dear Lei: How are you? Ever since I began practising Falun Gong, I learned the principles of Truthfulness, Compassion, and Forbearance which have brought more harmony and joy to our home. However, when the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) started to persecute us, it created a lot of unhappiness. Many times, I was arrested, detained, and sentenced to prison terms. What happened to me has brought hardships to you and our family. You and the children and relatives all suffered a great deal, including tremendous financial losses. All that is not supposed to be a burden for us to carry, but has been forced upon us by the Community Party. Someone may say, "If you don't practise Falun Gong, everything will be all right." However, when I turn it around, I ask, "If the Communist Party stops persecuting us, would I need to speak out for justice for Falun Gong?"
Trial Held for Practitioner Hu Xinzheng of Henan Province
2007-07-21Falun Gong practitioner Mr. Hu Xinzheng was arrested in March 2007. On June 28th, Mr. Hu's neighbours received a phone call from the Chuanhui District Court. The court informed them of Mr. Hu's trial that morning. Mr. Hu's family asked a friend to ask the lawyer's office to make court enquiries. They discovered that his trial was held in the Juvenile Court section of the Chuanhui District Court. The lawyer was puzzled: why hold a trial for a 55-year-old in Juvenile Court? When the lawyer asked about the verdict, the court said it was a heavy penalty. They also said that for Falun Gong cases, the actual decision maker is the Political and Judiciary Committee, not the court. Mr. Hu's family still does not know the verdict.
Older Ms. Guo Jingtai from the Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region Died as a Result of Persecution-induced Mental Trauma
2007-07-2165-year-old Falun Gong practitioner Ms. Guo Jingtai was a teacher in the Tonglian Company school in Shihezi, Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region (AR). She was savagely persecuted several times between January 2003 and November 2003. Agents of the 610 Office were responsible. She was mentally traumatised and developed a persecution-induced illness. She died on July 19th, 2005.