Other News, Exposing the Persecution
Torture | Kidnapping | Brainwashing | Illegal Detention and Imprisonment | Extortion | Persecution Throughout Society | Inside the Labour Camps | Individual Accounts | 6-10 Office | Death Cases | Organ Harvesting
A Nurse from Jiangxi Province Subjected to Psychiatric Persecution for 10 Years
2013-09-17Ms. Jiang Xiaoying, a nurse at the Jiujiang City No. 5 Hospital in Jiangxi Province, refused to renounce her belief in Falun Gong and the principles of Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance. She has been subjected to inhuman psychiatric persecution over the last 10 years. The medical staff injected drugs that damaged her central nervous system and force-feed her. It was rumoured that she was tied when injected unknown drugs and the mental patients were ordered to attack her. We call upon people worldwide to demand her release.
Practitioner in Her Sixties Tortured in Masanjia Forced Labour Camp
2013-09-17Sixty four year-old Falun Gong practitioner Wang Shulan was taken to the Masanjia Women's Forced Labour Camp on May 25th, 2012 to serve a one-year sentence. Prison staff attempted to force her to give up her beliefs by torturing her with brainwashing sessions and other cruel methods. Ms. Wang was taken to Zhang Lili's office on June 27th after she refused to slander Falun Gong, where she was struck in the face and shocked with an electric baton.
Falun Gong Practitioner Ms. Liu Qingmei Dies after Years of Torture
2013-09-17Ms. Liu Qingmei, 54, from Shandong Province passed away on September 3rd, 2013, in the Anqiu City Hospital. Her death was a direct result of the persecution she had been subjected to at Shandong Women's Prison, where she was stripped naked and severely tortured repeatedly since 2008. She became mentally disordered at one point. She couldn't walk and suffered from high blood pressure and kidney disease.
Recording of Bo Xilai's Voice Confirms Chinese Communist Party (CCP) Brutality Against Falun Gong
2013-09-17Bo Xilai has recently been sentenced for certain crimes, but his involvement in organ harvesting atrocities from Falun Gong practitioners has not been publicly discussed or prosecuted. However, a voice recording implicating his involvement in live organ harvesting was recently obtained. In the recording, which was made several years ago, Bo states that Jiang Zemin gave the order to initiate the process of live organ harvesting.
The Torture and Abuse Endured by Falun Gong Practitioner Sun Lijun
2013-09-10Ms. Sun Lijun went to Tiananmen Square to peacefully protest the persecution. She recounts her experience: "Several fellow practitioners and I were sent to a police station in Beijing. Because I refused to tell them my address, three policemen stripped off my clothes, leaving me in only my underwear. They hung me up by my hands. Four officer shocked me with electric batons at the same time. They shocked my head, teeth, nipples, private area, hands, and legs. Since I would not give in, they dragged me to the yard and hung me from a pole, with my feet not touching the ground. They hung me outside for a long time in the cold. Then they took me back to the room and hung me up again. They tortured me nonstop."
Five Outstanding Teachers in Daqing Persecuted to Death by the Chinese Communist Party
2013-09-10As of April 28th, 2013, among the 67 Falun Gong practitioners from Daqing persecuted to death, five were outstanding teachers. They died because they remained steadfast in their belief and conducted themselves according to Falun Gong's principles of Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance. One teacher, Mr. Bai Shuang, was in his 50s. After the persecution started on July 20th, 1999, he was repeatedly arrested and his home was ransacked. He was detained and tortured. Mr. Bai was taken to the Daqing Forced Labour Camp, where he died as a result of abuse.
Mr. Jiang Wenshang Unjustly Sentenced for Promoting Shen Yun Performing Arts
2013-09-10Beautiful fairy maidens dancing so elegantly against the wondrous settings of the Fairy Lake; the legendary monkey king with penetrating eyesight catching monsters and devils on a pilgrimage to the west seeking Buddhist scriptures; the loyal and patriotic general Yue Fei battling his enemies in an ancient war-torn battle field—these are a few scenes from Shen Yun Performing Arts, which revives 5,000 years of traditional Chinese culture through breathtaking dance and music. Yet for promoting such a remarkable performance to the Chinese people, Mr. Jiang Wenshang from Jixi City, Heilongjiang Province was unjustly sentenced to seven years in prison. He is currently incarcerated in Jiamusi Prison.
Thousands of Chinese Sign Petitions to Rescue Falun Gong Practitioner Mr. Hua Lianyou
2013-09-10Falun Gong practitioner Mr. Hua Lianyou has held a hunger strike for more than a year to protest his sentence of seven years in prison. As of a month ago, 807 people had signed petitions to call for his immediate release, but the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) ignored their pleas for justice. In the past month, another 2008 people have signed the petition. There are now 2,815 signatures, and the number is growing. During the petition drive, many people expressed their admiration for Falun Gong practitioners and their dislike of the CCP. A 27-year-old man said: “This country is sick. Practising Falun Gong is good. Why do they arrest these people? I will sign petitions to help Falun Gong practitioners."
Ms. Hu Yanmin Recounts How Police in Liaoning Province Have Persecuted Her
2013-09-10Ms. Hu Yanmin is a 55-year-old factory owner from Yingkou City, Liaoning Province. She never hesitates to help those in need and is well regarded by her family, friends, and employees. Like millions of others in China, Ms. Hu has been persecuted for her belief in Falun Gong. She recounts: "I was tending to my elderly mother in my second-floor apartment, located in my factory building, when police pried open a window and jumped inside on September 28th, 2012. They turned my home upside down and confiscated my computer, printer, more than 1,000 yuan in cash, and my Falun Gong books. Despite my mother's pleas, they took me away. The police drove me to the local detention centre. Because my blood pressure was dangerously high they released me but the police demanded 30,000 yuan from my family. They did not give them any receipt."
Judge Refuses to Play Falun Gong DVD, Part of the Evidence, in Court
2013-09-10Falun Gong practitioner Ms. Chen was reported to the police when she was seen distributing free DVDs about Falun Gong and the persecution to the public near Zhongxin Market on March 3rd, 2013. She was arrested and then interrogated by police. Ms. Chen Guilan was put on trial on August 9th at Shuangta Court in Chaoyang City. Her lawyer gave a strong defence for her in the court and requested that an importance piece of evidence be played in the court to support his client's innocence - one of the DVDs on the persecution of Falun Gong. However, the judge refused his request, giving all sorts of excuses.
Ms. Qi Yaru in Critical Condition Due to Torture
2013-09-10Ms. Qi Yaru, 47, is a Falun Gong practitioner from Habin City, Heilongjiang Province. Because of practising Falun Gong and living by the principles of Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance (the three pillars of the practice), she was arrested five times over the past 14 years. Ms. Qi was sentenced to four years in prison in July 2012. She has been incarcerated in the Women's Prison of Heilongjiang Province. On June 14th, 2013, Ms. Qi's family received a call from the prison, telling them that Ms. Qi is now bedridden and unable to eat or take fluids. She is currently in critical condition due to torture.
Two Forced Labour Camps in Hunan Province Face Shut-down
2013-09-10The Chinese Communist Party's (CCP) persecution of Falun Gong is approaching a dead end, along with the forced-labour camp system in China. Baimalong Women's Forced Labour Camp started releasing prisoners other than Falun Gong practitioners early this year. The camp were secretive about releasing its detainees so Falun Gong practitioners would not be aware of it. Some inmates left overnight. In May this year, the camp released quite a few people. After finding out, practitioners demanded to be released. The Baimalong camp has released nearly 50 people this year. Falun Gong practitioners were not released until they finished their terms.
Ms. Qi Yaru in Critical Condition Due to Torture
2013-09-09Ms. Qi Yaru, 47, is a Falun Gong practitioner from Habin City, Heilongjiang Province. Because of practising Falun Gong and living by the principles of Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance (the three pillars of the practice), she was arrested five times over the past 14 years. Ms. Qi was sentenced to four years in prison in July 2012. She has been incarcerated in the Women's Prison of Heilongjiang Province. She is currently in critical condition due to torture.
Mr. Ma Tianjun Passes Away after Eight Years of Torture in Prison
2013-09-09Falun Gong practitioners Mr. Ma Tianjun and his wife, Ms. Li Yi, were arrested in August 2002. Mr. Ma was sentenced to eleven years in prison. After eight years of torture he became paralysed, unable to speak, and was dying. He was released in 2010, as he was dying, and the prison wanted to shirk responsibility for his possible death. He passed away on July 3rd, 2013. While on medical parole, he was closely monitored by local government agencies and the local police station.
Imprisoned and Tortured for 11 Years, Mr. Li Jinpeng Passed Away Soon After Release from Prison
2013-09-09Mr. Li Jinpeng was imprisoned twice for a total of 11 years for his belief in Falun Gong. While incarcerated, he was severely tortured and mistreated, which had dire consequences on his health. Mr. Li passed away on August 15th, 2013, at the age of 47 just six months after being released from his last incarceration.