Other News, Exposing the Persecution
Torture | Kidnapping | Brainwashing | Illegal Detention and Imprisonment | Extortion | Persecution Throughout Society | Inside the Labour Camps | Individual Accounts | 6-10 Office | Death Cases | Organ Harvesting
Tianjin Dafa Practitioner Mr. Zhang Xiangjun Persecuted Repeatedly
2006-04-21The police started cursing, "When the Chinese Communist Party says that you are wrong, you are wrong, even if you are not. We can tell you that our superiors have instructed us that if you are not 'transformed' ideologically, then you will be transformed by fire (cremation). Even if we kill you, you will die in vain, and we will get our bonus." Seduced by money and succumbing to orders from above, they started savagely torturing Zhang Xiangjun. They tied him to the tiger bench and used seven electric batons to shock him simultaneously.
The No. 2 Prison in Xinjiang Province Brutally Persecutes Female Dafa Practitioners
2006-04-21Ms. Li Xianghong has been severely persecuted. In October 1999, her workplace sent her to the No. 4 People's Hospital (a mental hospital) for two months. They injected some drugs into her body without her permission. In April 2001, she was sentenced for a three-year term in a forced labour camp. In March 2002, she was arrested again and was sentenced for eleven years and kept in the No. 2 Prison in Xinjiang Province. In the prison, she suffered all kinds of persecution. The police beat her, abused her, would not allow her to sleep and tried to brainwash her.
Belated News: Falun Gong Practitioner Qi Cangyun's Left Foot Disabled by Police Beating in Xinji City (Photo)
2006-04-21On September 30th, 2001, Falun Dafa practitioner Qi Cangyun was arrested. He was then taken to the Xinji City Police Department. In the afternoon of the same day, the police savagely beat Qi Cangyun with a large metal pipe, disabling the big and second toes on his left foot and severely injuring the foot itself. He was also fined nearly 10,000 yuan.
Falun Dafa Practitioner Zhou Chuanzhong and Family, and Other Practitioners Arrested by Police
2006-04-21Falun Dafa practitioner Zhou Chuanzhong and his family were forced to live away from their home as a result of the persecution. On the morning of February 25th, 2006, about a dozen vehicles from the Yanjiao Police Department and the 610 Office suddenly surrounded the temporary home of Mr. Zhou. The police arrested Zhou Chuanzhong, Wang Shuhua, and their son. Without presenting any documents, they ransacked the house and confiscated a computer, a copy machine, Falun Dafa books, and other things. It was said that the police officers drove away with several cars full of property.
Where Are You, Ms. Huang Xin?
2006-04-20This time it was her railway system employer that actively followed the CCP's persecution policies. Having not paid Ms. Huang her salary for a long time, her employer ordered her to return her already-issued salaries. When she arrived at her workplace, Public Security officers who had been waiting there for a long time immediately arrested her against her protests. She was then sent to the Liaoning Province Women's Prison. There were stories that she was severely tortured, but later it was difficult to get any information about her from the prison.
The Brutal Persecution of Dafa Practitioners at Xinhua Forced Labour Camp in Sichuan Province
2006-04-20Since January 2005, the persecution of Falun Gong practitioners in the Camp has escalated. On December 2nd, 2005, the police carried out an unprecedented and rampant persecution of all Falun Gong practitioners in Xinhua Forced Labour Camp. Many practitioners were tied up tightly, pinned down to the ground, had their heads beaten until they were swollen and bloody, and were shocked by electric batons. On top of that, it was decided in a meeting that their confinement and "re-education" in the camp would be extended.
Crimes Committed Against Dafa Practitioners at Suzhou Prison in Anhui Province
2006-04-20In early January, 2005, officials and criminal inmates brutally tortured Dafa practitioner Hu Wenkui for several days. Under -10 degree Celsius (14oF) temperature, they opened the windows and used an electric fan to freeze Hu Wenkui, who only wore thin clothes. They hit and kicked him all over his body. They handcuffed one of his hands to the window frame and tied his other hand with ropes. Several criminals pulled the rope and hung up his entire body. Then they started to hit his chest and back. A few criminals held him down in a corner, stretched his legs into a straight line and hit his groin again and again. They also used electric batons to shock his groin for more than thirty minutes.
The Persecution of Falun Gong Practitioners in Mudanjiang Prison
2006-04-20Falun Gong Practitioner Mr. Li Baohua, 30 years old was sentenced to three and a half years in prison. In the Extensive Training Team he was not allowed to wash his hands, face or clothes. Practitioners were not allowed to lie flat, and one had to sleep curled up on one's side. There were bugs crawling all over the bed. Many people got bites that itched terribly. When working, one had to use their hands that were infected and itched, to select and pack "clean chopsticks". If a practitioner could not finish the work, his feet would be whipped by the head of the criminals in front of the guards, using "the little white dragon"-- white plastic tubes. After the arches were swollen, one was forced to jump on the ground.
The Harassment and Persecution of Falun Dafa Practitioner Jia Jinfeng of Shanxi Province
2006-04-19Falun Dafa practitioner Jia Jinfeng from Taiyuan City, Shanxi Province was ruthlessly persecuted by agents from the Chinese Communist Party. She's been continuously harassed by police ever since. She was unlawfully detained and subjected to forced labour for one year. Before the arrest the police had tried numerous times to send her to a labour camp, but failed.
Practitioners Stripped and Left to Freeze in the Wanjia Forced Labour Camp
2006-04-19During the month of November 2005, Falun Dafa practitioner Ms. Song Wenjuan was tortured in the training ward at Wanjia Labour Camp and then sent to the 12th ward. The guards inhumanly tortured her for more than one month by forcing her to squat near an open window wearing only underwear. During the night, she was forced to sit on a metal chair. Along with the physical tortures and mental humiliation, collaborators mentally tortured her by forcing her write the three statements.
Crimes of the Prison Doctor at Changliu Detention Centre in Tonghua City
2006-04-19Every Falun Gong practitioner detained in Changliu Detention Centre in Tonghua City has been persecuted. At Changliu Detention Centre every practitioner is forced to work over ten hours every day. The detention centre director knows that forced labour is illegal, but he turns a blind eye to it. Falun Gong practitioners are provided with two meals per day: corn buns and radish soup. On Monday the bun is made with very crude flour. Daily necessities are sold there at two to three times fair market price.
Yang Lijuan and Four Other Falun Gong Practitioners Tortured at the Heizuizi Forced Labour Camp in Changchun City
2006-04-19Because Yang Lijuan refused to attend the slave-labour activities, the guards punished her with long-term standing. While her fellow practitioners were force-fed, Yang Lijuan stood up to stop the persecution, which meant she was beaten with electric batons. In such a difficult situation. She constantly fought for the basic rights of living and freedom for fellow practitioners as well as herself. Yang Lijuan wrote and delivered a letter to the head of the labour camp. After that, however, five Falun Gong practitioners, including Yang Lijuan, were strictly monitored and forced to "study" the fact-twisting theories by watching video programmes defaming Falun Gong.
Mr. Shi Yinchang Dies as a Result of Persecution
2006-04-18Falun Dafa practitioner Mr. Shi Yinchang was sentenced to two years of forced labour under the Chinese Communist Party's (CCP) persecution, which severely damaged his mind and body. He lost almost all of his eyesight in the Benxi City Labour Camp. He was released on medical parole yet Mr. Shi Yinchang was harassed multiple times and threatened by policemen and his employer. He died on April 30th, 2005, at the age of 57.
Non-Practitioner: The Cover-up of Organ Harvesting from Falun Gong Practitioners in Daqing City (Photo)
2006-04-18"While detained at the Daqing Longfeng Detention Centre, I heard a lot of stories from an inmate, who is now serving his time at Daqing Prison, about how the police were dealing in organs of Falun Gong practitioners. Practitioners whose organs are to be removed are not shot dead. Instead, they are knocked out first and then taken into a vehicle standing by, where the still living victims are cut open for their organs. Sometimes victims were in such excruciating pain that they pleaded, "Hurry up. Please let me die first!""
Rescue Falun Gong Practitioner Song Zhezi, Who Suffers Persecution in Changsha Women's Prison
2006-04-18Ms. Song Zhezi is 57-years-old. Because she persists in practising "Truthfulness, Compassion, Forbearance," she was secretly sentenced to four years imprisonment by the Wuling District Court in August 2004, and detained at Changsha Women's Prison in Hunan Province. The long-term persecution caused a mental collapse and seriously compromised her health. Her family went to visit her in February 2006, but was refused by the prison, which claimed that she did not obey the prison rules, so they cancelled her rights to be visited by family members.