Other News, Exposing the Persecution
Torture | Kidnapping | Brainwashing | Illegal Detention and Imprisonment | Extortion | Persecution Throughout Society | Inside the Labour Camps | Individual Accounts | 6-10 Office | Death Cases | Organ Harvesting
The Savage Persecution of Falun Dafa Practitioners in Daxin Women's Prison in Beijing
2005-07-27Since July 20th, 1999, when the persecution began, many Falun Dafa practitioners have been detained at the Daxin Women's Prison in Beijing. They have been detained for over three years. Practitioners are forced to work overtime - working over 16 hours a day. If they don't finish their work on time, they have to continue to work and are forbidden to sleep or rest. A female practitioner who was disabled from beatings had to continue to work with an injured leg.
Falun Dafa Practitioner Ms. Yu Meiying Dies after Son Wei Jianhui is Tortured to Death
2005-07-27Falun Dafa practitioner Mr. Wei Jianhui recovered from a terminal illness through Falun Gong practice. After the persecution of Falun Gong began, he was detained and harassed many times, which finally resulted in his death in September 2004. When Mr. Wei's mother, Ms. Yu Meiying, went to appeal for justice for Falun Gong, she was subsequently arrested. Eventually, following her son's death and her daughter's second imprisonment following a four year jail term, Ms. Yu could no longer stand the sustained attacks on her family, and she died in December 2004.
Falun Dafa Practitioner Mr Liu Yuhe Tortured - Family Threatened
2005-07-27After the police failed to obtain any useful information from Mr Liu, they intensified the torture. A police officer tied him to a chair, grabbed his hair and forced him to the floor, facing the ceiling. His mouth was covered with a towel, and mustard water was forced down his nose. Mr. Liu could not breathe, his head felt numb and swollen, and he could not stop crying with a continuous runny nose. He then became confused, and he could only exhale. Soon he began to vomit uncontrollably. The pain was more severe than any other torture method he had endured.
Chinese Communist Party Imprisons Morally Upright Man
2005-07-26Mr. Sun, who had saved the lives of more than ten people, was secretly sentenced to seven years in prison for his righteous belief in Falun Dafa. He is now detained in the 4th Detention Centre of Jiamusi Prison, Heilongjiang Province. Mr Sun stated, "I fainted several times because of the excruciating pain. I came to after some time. I have not idea how long I was out. Then, I saw Liu pushing my arm joints back because they had been pulled too far. They also hit me with mop handles, and claimed that they would break my arms. They hit my head and face with belts and fists until my face was bloody and totally deformed. The officers then made fun of my looks."
Hubei Province Practitioner Ms. Li Huiping Persecuted by Police
2005-07-26One night a policeman named Gao came down from upstairs, lifted the urine basin, and threw it at the female practitioners as hard as he could. Then he dragged them from their beds to the hallway and ordered them to stand against the wall with their hands and feet spread as far apart as possible for five straight hours. When they were finally released, they were numb all over their bodies. During this a policeman sat on a female practitioner sexually assaulted her, poured hot water on her, and spat on her.
Misguided Parents Help Brainwashing Centre Persecute Their Daughter Mi Xiaozheng
2005-07-26When Mi Xiaozheng started a hunger strike against her imprisonment, the guards in the brainwashing centre force-fed her several times without a physician's supervision, ignoring the risk of severe injury. Mi Xiaozheng' parents, misguided by the Communist Party's propaganda, did not stand up for their own daughter; instead, they blamed everything on their daughter's refusal to be "transformed." Her mother begged the so-called "teaching assistants" to transform her daughter by all means. With the support of her parents, the brainwashing centre persecuted Mi Xiaozheng even more severely.
Kaifeng Public Security Bureau Kills Practitioner Mr. Zhang Zhagen and Tries to Avoid Responsibility
2005-07-26Falun Dafa practitioner Mr. Zhang Zhagen was persecuted to death at the Kaifeng Forced Labour Camp. The perpetrators, trying very hard to cover up their crimes, hid the body and refused to allow his family members to examine it. The local authorities pressured Mr. Zhang's family members to cremate his body as soon as possible. Over 100 policemen escorted his body to the crematorium on June 28th. Uniformed policemen and plainclothes policemen monitored the funeral tent every day and searched the relatives and friends who came to mourn for him. They even said that they would turn over the funeral tent if there was any mention of Falun Gong at the funeral proceedings.
Over a Dozen Falun Dafa Practitioners Tortured and Unjustly Sentenced to Long Prison Terms in Gansu Province
2005-07-25In early September of 2002, the police unjustly arrested 13 Falun Dafa practitioners. Following former president Jiang Zemin's ruthless policy regarding killing Falun Dafa practitioners ("It is not a crime to beat them to death, just accuse them of having committed suicide"), the police brutally tortured the practitioners. Practitioners Mr. Li Yuhai and Tang Pinghu's hand joints were dislocated as a result of the torture. They were sent to the hospital to have their joints relocated, and an acquaintance actually witnessed the surgery. Sources have revealed that practitioner Mr. Huang Ruzhong was hung from the ceiling. Several days later, his trousers were still left in the room he was tortured in. Practitioner Ms. Zhou Xiuying was in her 60's, yet after she was tortured, she was hung up for an entire day and night.
Six Falun Gong Practitioners from Jilin, Heilongjiang, Hebei and Sichuan Provinces Have Died from Persecution
2005-07-25Ms. Wei Rong was in her 30s. She was a Falun Gong practitioner from Sichuan Province. In 2000, 610 Office staff Zhou Kaiwan and others went to Ms. Wei's residence. They grabbed one of her Falun Dafa books, beat her violently and then took her by force to the Laochi Township. They hung her up from an elm tree for two days while bombarding her with propaganda. After the incident, township government officials went to Ms. Wei's home many times to harass, intimidate and persecute her, causing the relapse of her old illnesses. Ms. Wei died in January 2003.
Persecution Suffered by Li Peiyi before His Death
2005-07-25Mr. Li Peiyi, 68, and his wife were were taken to a brainwashing centre in 2001. They were held in the detention centre in Linquan County because they refused to give up practising Falun Dafa. After they suffered inhuman persecution there, they were sent to the mental hospital for further persecution. Later, the authorities came to their home to harass them many times. Mr. Li's wife was persecuted to death in 2002. Li Peiyi was persecuted to the verge of death in August 2003 and was sent to the local police station in an ambulance. He lost his memory due to the severe persecution. He often cried. The local police station sent people to his house twice to disturb and intimidate him, and also tried to force him to write the guarantee statement despite his condition. Li Peiyi died in April.
Police in Inner Mongolia Bulldozed Dafa Practitioner Ms. Liu Yazhi's Home and Crippled Her Because She Went to Beijing to Appeal
2005-07-25Ms. Liu Yazhi, a Dafa practitioner from Tongliao City, Inner Mongolia, went to Beijing in September 2001 to tell people about the goodness of Falun Dafa and expose the persecution. She was unlawfully arrested and imprisoned. The local police station even went as far as to bulldoze her house, leaving Ms. Liu with no home to return to. Ms. Liu Yazhi was then unlawfully imprisoned at the Inner Mongolia Public Security Prison. The police brutally tortured her. This lasted until she lost feeling in her lower body. She could not move and lay in bed for more than two months. Because of this torture, she could not live by herself, and she needed someone to carry her and help her move around.
Persecution Methods Used in Some Prisons and Forced Labour Camps in Shandong Province
2005-07-24"I have been imprisoned in labour camps and detention centres many times. I was physically and mentally humiliated and viciously beaten. I spent three Chinese New Years in detention centres. I was not able to have a family dinner with my husband and child. My elderly parents and my child have suffered tremendously. In China, many families are being persecuted. The entire country is under the red terror. One of my fellow practitioner's children became an orphan at less than two years old. Many practitioners cannot go back to their homes because of the persecution."
Arrested and Tortured: Practitioners Mr. Zeng Zhaoxin and Mr. Qiao Mingxi from Henan Province
2005-07-24Since Mr. Zeng Zhaoxin went to Beijing to appeal for Falun Gong, he was fired by his company. He was therefore destitute and homeless. After he heard that Yalan Company was recruiting workers, he went there for an interview on the afternoon of May 8, 2005. He was arrested by the police from Nanyang municipal public security bureau. Right now, he is imprisoned in Shangzhuang Detention Centre in Nanyang City and is suffering from persecution. Another practitioner Mr. Qiao Mingxi, who was the new security guard of Yalan Company who was hired only a few days prior to his arrest. As a matter of fact, Mr. Qiao had been released only 20 days after he had been imprisoned for three years and ten months.
The Persecution of Mr. Wang Wei in the First People's Hospital in Nanyang City
2005-07-24Mr. Wang Wei, 36 years old, is a dentist in Nanyang City. In the past few years, the 610 Office and the hospital's director have often harassed Mr. Wang. Wang Wei told them about the goodness of Falun Dafa, and told them of Dafa's ability to heal illnesses and maintain fitness. Even so, on June 15, 2005, Nanyang City First People's Hospital Party secretary tried to force Mr. Wang to write a "guarantee statement" saying he would never practise Falun Gong again. Mr. Wang stood firm and would not write it. At the time, Mr. Wang was on a job, but Liu Kai, in front of the patients, called in hospital security officers to take Mr. Wang away to a brainwashing class. This persecution against a Dafa practitioner was done by the hospital just to placate higher authorities.
Tortured to Deformity by Local Police and Forced Labour Camp Workers, Xinjiang Practitioner Ms. Gu Ping Dies Untimely Death
2005-07-2428 year-old Ms. Gu Ping was harassed, detained and severely beaten because she practised Falun Dafa. The brutal torture and abuse she suffered while she was in Wulapo Forced Labour Camp caused her emaciated appearance. She also developed symptoms of liver cancer. She was released in June 2003 but still suffered persecution at the hands of the local police. Her body became extremely deformed by torture. She jumped out of a building and died on December 2, 2003.