Other News, Exposing the Persecution
Torture | Kidnapping | Brainwashing | Illegal Detention and Imprisonment | Extortion | Persecution Throughout Society | Inside the Labour Camps | Individual Accounts | 6-10 Office | Death Cases | Organ Harvesting
Ms. Han Yuxia's Arm Fractured from Torture at Linkou County Detention Centre
2005-05-23Falun Dafa practitioner Ms. Han Yuxia was arrested in 2001 and held at the Linkou County Detention Centre. The police forced her to lie on the ground and beat her thirty times. After the beating, Ms. Han still refused to say anything, so they continued beating her, and used a rope that they had prepared beforehand to tie and hang her in midair. Several people together forcefully twisted both her arms behind her back. Her arms were twisted and forced upward for a long time. The sound of Ms Han's arm snapping like a stick breaking off was heard. Police in the detention centre grudgingly sent Ms. Han to the hospital, but after an operation on her fractured arm she was taken back to the detention centre.
Sixteen Falun Dafa Practitioners from Heilongjiang, Liaoning, Hebei, Gansu, and Shandong Provinces Die from Persecution
2005-05-23Practitioner Ms. Liu Junying, 55, lived in a village in Heilongjiang Province. Before practising Falun Dafa she was very sick and had difficulty swallowing food. She completely recovered after she started practising. On July 20, 1999 she was abducted and sent to the district brainwashing class where she was savagely tortured and brainwashed with slandering propaganda. She wrote a guarantee statement against her conscience, which made her upset and depressed afterwards. She suffered a relapse of her old illnesses, but was not released from the labour camp until she was at the brink of death. She passed away soon afterwards, on November 28, 2003.
90-year-old Man and His Son Die as a Result of Persecution
2005-05-22Wang Youling, 90 practised Falun Gong with his whole family. He was repeatedly persecuted. In May 2003, Wang Youling's son Wang Rucheng was arrested by police for practising Falun Gong. Seeing his son was persecuted so severely, Wang Youling was extremely worried. His old diseases relapsed and he collapsed to his bed and passed away on October 30, 2003. Wang Rucheng was very sad about his father's death. A total of 30,000 yuan had been extorted from the family. Living in depression, his old disease relapsed, and he died on December 16, 2004.
Thirteen Practitioners Died after Facing Persecution in Shandong Province, Tianjin, Hebei Province, Hunan Province, Liaoning Province and Jilin Province
2005-05-22Practitioner Mr. Zhang Kao was in his 70s and lived in Hebei Province. He went to Beijing to appeal and was held at a police station and tortured. After he returned home, the local authorities fined him 3,000 yuan. They continued to harass Mr. Zhang at home. They took his bankbook listing deposits of over 10,000 yuan. In the autumn of 2003, the authorities sent Mr. Zhang to a brainwashing class. In February 2004, his son was also abducted and sent to the brainwashing class. As a result of the relentless persecution, Mr. Zhang suffered great depression and passed away in March 2004.
Ms Sun Qiuping Was Forced to Renounce Falun Gong and Died from Persecution by Police in Hebei Province
2005-05-22Because Mrs. Sun Qiuping went to Beijing to appeal for Falun Dafa, she was arrested and taken back to her local County Detention Centre. Police officers transferred her to the police station, and brutally persecuted her. According to Mrs. Sun's statement before her death, she was held in the police station for three days, during which at least twenty people took turns beating her; kicking her head, face and body with heavy boots. Her face and head became deformed. It was completely swollen and bruised. It was such a gruesome sight that nobody dared to look at her. Her face was still unrecognisable after eight days had passed. Under all kinds of pressure and threats, Mrs. Sun Qiuping was forced to give up Falun Dafa, and write a "Guarantee Statement". After her release, she became ill with hepatitis and quickly passed away.
Falun Dafa Gave Practitioners a Second Life - the Persecution Caused Their Death
2005-05-22Ms. Wen Ruilan was 78 years old and lived in Liaoning Province. On Nov. 22, 1999, she went to Beijing to appeal for justice for Falun Gong, but was arrested at Tiananmen Square and was humiliated by the police. The police took 200 Yuan from her pocket, which was all the money she had with her. Later went she was released the police harassed her frequently and she left home to avoid arrest. Ms. Wen's mind and body suffered long-term harm due to the continued persecution, and her illness recurred. She was diagnosed with late stage lung cancer. She died on Feb. 15, 2005.
Additional Information about Middle School Teacher Mr. Wang Wenju Who was Tortured to Death
2005-05-21English teacher, Mr. Wang Wenju, was arrested when he discussed the truth about Falun Data in his class and was sentenced to three years in prison. In prison, he did not renounce Falun Dafa so they beat him severely. The guards beat him severely. He was sent to the hospital on April 25, 2005 yet only two days later he died as a result of the torture he had been subjected to. When Mr. Wang's family rushed to the hospital, he had already succumbed to the torture and died. The hospital did not acknowledge any responsibility, saying that he died of gastric acid poisoning from his long-term fasting. The prison closed the case after paying a 2,000 yuan fee to the family.
After Repeated Arrests and Heavy Fines, Ms. Su Baoli Sent to a Forced Labour Camp
2005-05-21Ms. Su Baoli, 28, is a Dafa practitioner from Shandong Province. The police recently arrested her and her parents again following searches of their homes. Although the police extorted 10,000 yuan from the family, Ms. Su was still kept in the police detention centre for one month. The family had to borrow the money from friends and relatives in order to pay it to the police. On April 15, 2005, she was transferred to the Wangcun Forced Labour Camp for continued persecution. Her pre-school child was left at home without a mother's care.
Information on 42 Falun Dafa Practitioners Who Died Due to the Persecution
2005-05-2114-year-old Ms. Wang Wenlan went to Beijing with her mother and older sister to appeal for justice for Falun Gong. They were arrested and detained for seven days at the Shuangcheng City Liaison Office in Beijing. When they returned to Shuangcheng City, members of the local 610 Office interrogated, intimidated and threatened them. Wenlan's mother was forced to pay 700 yuan in fines. One day, when Wang Wenlan was in class, police officers went to her school and harassed her. She was only 10 years old at the time. She was under constant and extreme physical and psychological pressure as a result of the persecution. She died on September 12, 2003 at the age of 14.
Thirty-Four Practitioners Died Due to Persecution
2005-05-21In January 2000, Ms. Yu Yan went to Beijing to appeal for Dafa. Police in Beijing arrested her. As the officials were taking her back to Changchun City the officers tried to force Ms. Yu to squat down and wouldn't allow her to sit. When she refused, they beat her, viciously punching her head and face. When she still refused to cooperate with them, they continued to beat her. Ms. Yu's face was covered with black and purple bruises. Ms. Yu was detained in a detention centre for 10 days, where she was infected with scabies. After she was released, the scabies covered her entire body, which itched terribly and kept her awake at night. Shortly after, she developed hemiplegia and became paralysed. She passed away on July 21, 2004.
350 Persecution Related Deaths Reported Recently
2005-05-20In April 2005, another 350 Falun Gong practitioners were verified to have died in China as a result of persecution during the past 6 years. Among the 350 cases, 203 women practitioners constitute 58%; 223 practitioners were above 55 years of age, comprising 64% of the total, including 72 practitioners who were over 70 years of age. According to statistics published on the Minghui Website [Chinese version of Clearwisdom] on April 30, 2005, at least 1,982 Falun Gong practitioners have lost their lives during the past six years of public persecution, as confirmed through several channels.
71 Year Old Ms. Li Chunhong from Shandong Province Died in 2001 Due to Persecution
2005-05-20Ms. Li Chunhong had enjoyed great health after she started practising Falun Dafa, as all of her difficult illnesses disappeared. Since the persecution started her home was ransacked numerous times and she was fined. Her son was sentenced to prison and her daughter-in-law was sent to a forced labour camp. One time the police blockaded her door for two days to prevent her family from leaving and going to work. No one was allowed to visit the home during those two days. Li Chunhong passed away on December 12, 2001.
Older Practitioner Ms Li Shulan Passed Away in 2003 After Being Abducted Numerous Times by Jinzhou City Police
2005-05-2059 year old Li Shulan was abducted three times within seven months and was held for a long time. During her detention she was tortured physically and mentally. She started to have paranoia and thought every police officer on the street was after her. She returned to her hometown but still lived in fear. She suffered a relapse of the illness she had had prior to practising Falun Dafa and passed away on December 31, 2003.
Three Practitioners, Including a 16-Year-Old, Forced into Slave Labour
2005-05-20Shancheng County Police Station authorities sent three practitioners to the Henan Second Prison in Henan Province without any legal procedures or legal documents. 16 year old Yang Shuguang has since been forced to do rigorous hard labour, including working on a big furnace. The prisoners are divided into teams, and those who refuse to work are randomly beaten with thick wooden boards by the team supervisors. Prison staff and supervisors tie practitioners up and shock them with electric batons at will.
Two Teachers Recently Tortured to Death
2005-05-19In October 2004, to his class of English pupils, Mr. Wang Wenju explained the true nature of Falun Gong by talking about his wife's miraculous cure, achieved through practising. While talking, he was in tears and couldn't help but say loudly, "Falun Dafa is good!" Later, some of the students' parents reported the incident to the police. Soon after the police sent him to a detention centre followed by a 3 year prison sentence. He was tortured to death on April 25, 2005 in prison.