Other News, Exposing the Persecution
Torture | Kidnapping | Brainwashing | Illegal Detention and Imprisonment | Extortion | Persecution Throughout Society | Inside the Labour Camps | Individual Accounts | 6-10 Office | Death Cases | Organ Harvesting
Ms. Yang Yuhua Dies from Force-feeding in the Daqing Detention Centre
2005-05-30Ms. Yang Yuhua, a 50-year-old teacher was cruelly force-fed and died as a result on the afternoon of May 12, 2005. Seeing Ms. Yang's body covered with black and blue marks, her hair matted and sticky, and her eyes wide open, her family was heart-stricken.
The Persecution and Death of Ms. Sun Qian, a Falun Dafa Practitioner from Dalian
2005-05-30"I was shocked to learn that Sun Qian, a Falun Dafa practitioner from Dalian City, Liaoning Province died from persecution on March 15, 2005. She was on a hunger strike for a long time in protest of the unjust sentence of six years imposed on her and the torture inflicted on her, so her persecutors forcefully inserted a feeding tube into her stomach. This resulted in stomach bleeding and she was infected with tuberculosis. On the brink of death, the prison had no choice but to release her to the care of her family. She soon died at home."
Mr. Yang Caiyin from Hubei Province Passed Away Due to the Persecution
2005-05-30Over the past several years, 48 year old Mr. Yang endured unimaginable pain. The heavy attacks from the vicious environment created by the Communist Party, the physical torture, the social discrimination caused by the propaganda, and the financial burdens combined and exceeded Yang Caiyin's ability to endure. The immense pressure caused a total mental collapse, and his health quickly deteriorated. Finally, Mr. Yang died on April 23, 2005.
Sanshui Women's Forced Labour Camp in Guangdong Province Sets up "Dark Cells" to Secretly Persecute Practitioners
2005-05-30"Dark cells" have been set up especially for the persecution of steadfast Falun Gong practitioners in Sanshui Women's Forced Labour Camp. The police designate two drug addicts to watch one practitioner in the cell, where the walls are covered with profanity smearing Falun Dafa and its founder, Mr. Li Hongzhi. The drug addicts demand that the practitioner read those words aloud, otherwise, they will beat her, force her to squat for a long time, or make her sit on a small stool for an extended time. If the practitioner refuses to follow their commands, she will be deprived of sleep or use of the toilet. If the practitioner goes on a hunger strike to protest, the criminal inmates will brutally force-feed her.
Mr. Min Changchun Critically Injured from Ruthless Beatings in Qinduankou Prison
2005-05-29Falun Dafa practitioner Min Changchun was beaten many times by a group of inmates in Qinduankou Prison. The physical assault left him with severely damaged internal organs and many wounds on his body. The beatings wounded Mr. Min's body in many places. The kicks from an inmate severely damaged his internal organs. He could hardly eat anything because of the throbbing pain and swelling in his abdomen. Mr. Min's upper torso was also severely injured. He went in a coma and required emergency surgery.
"I Want My Mummy and Daddy Back"
2005-05-29Yang Zhenyu was born in November 2001. He used to be a lively little boy. Now he seldom talks, and he frowns all day, because his parents have both been sent to a forced labour camp for practising Falun Gong. Little Zhenyu currently lives in a village near Zhucheng City with his grandparents. His grandparents are both in poor health, and his grandfather is blind in one eye. They have no source of income. Each day, they yearn for the return of little Zhenyu's parents.
Officials at Henan Province Forced Labour Camp Order Practitioners to Make Pledges to CCP Flag
2005-05-29A Chinese Communist Party (CCP) flag has been hung up in each cell in the forced labour camp since August 2003. All practitioners were ordered to make pledges in front of it. Party members have threatened that the red flag will be painted with blood from anyone who refuses to comply. Officials have also ordered everyone to sing songs in praise of the CCP.
39 Falun Gong Practitioners Passed Away Due to the Persecution
2005-05-29Recently, we were informed of the deaths of an additional 39 Mainland China Falun Gong practitioners due to the persecution. Two were from Beijing, five from Guangdong Province, seven from Hebei Province, eight from Jilin Province, four from Shandong Province, three from Heilongjiang Province, and two from Hubei Province and Sichuan Province. In addition, there were practitioners from Tianjin, Liaoning Province, Jiangxi Province, and Guizhou Province who passed away as a result of the persecution.
A Call for UN Refugee Agency and International Human Rights Organisations to Help Rescue Falun Dafa Practitioner Ms Zhang Xinyi
2005-05-28Mrs. Zhang Xinyi and her husband were previously granted refugee status and were under the protection of the UN Refugee Agency in Cambodia. Nevertheless, the couple were deported back to China because she practises Falun Dafa. Then, on April 28, 2005, police officers from Hunan Province arrested Mrs. Zhang, ransacked her home and confiscated her passport. She is being held in a detention centre.
Mother Forced to Watch Her Son Being Tortured in Shandong Province
2005-05-28On the evening of April 8, officers from the Lanwo Crime Response Team forcibly took Falun Dafa practitioner Mr. Feng Xuehui into custody. Kong Weiping, head of the crime response team, administered extremely harsh torture. All Mr. Feng's ten fingers have turned charcoal brown. The officers have been blatant in their cruel acts, including taking Mr. Feng's mother to the centre to watch her son being tortured. They held onto each other and cried together.
Husband and Wife Arrested in 2004 Secretly Sentenced to Nine Years In Prison
2005-05-28Husband and wife Mr. Deng Yulin and Ms. Chi Hongtao were secretly arrested in 2004 in the so-called "9-18 Midnight Terror" planned by the 610 Office . They were then secretly sentenced to a nine-year jail term. Their 11 year old child was left at home alone.
Fourteen Falun Dafa Practitioners Die from Persecution
2005-05-2864 year old Ms. Zhang Shulan went to Beijing to appeal for Falun Gong with about eight fellow practitioners. She was arrested by police in Beijing, and forcibly handcuffed and beaten. The local police took her and the other practitioners back to their hometown, and held them in custody at Tiechang Police Station. It was during the chill of winter and it was snowing outside. During the first three days, the police tied them to a tree, and made them sleep on the floor at night. Afterwards, the police extorted 3000 yuan in fines from each practitioner. After she was released, she was frequently harassed by the police. Ms. Zhang Shulan died on January 31, 2002.
Under Pressure from School Authorities, a Young Teacher's Father Resorts to Violence to Force Her to Renounce Falun Gong
2005-05-27On February 18, 2004, Ms. Yuan Ming, a young teacher in Guangdong Province, returned home from class. Her father, under the influence of the Chinese Communist regime's propaganda and persecution, pulled the cord out of the telephone, came up behind Ms. Yuan, and suddenly wrapped it around her neck. After she struggled and got away, her father caught her again, wrapped the cord tightly around her neck, and almost strangled her.
An Analysis of the Heavy Sentences Imposed by a Court in Beijing Against Ms. Chu Tong, Mr. Yu Chao and Mr. Wang Weiyu
2005-05-27The entire process used by the Chaoyang District Court of Beijing to try and deliver heavy sentences against Chu Tong, Yu Chao and Wang Weiyu was seriously flawed. Their arrest, prolonged detention, public prosecution and trial were based on unlawful applications of the law. None of the definitions of the nature of the "crimes", the investigation, the evidence, and the application of the laws followed proper procedures. This is a typical example of the Chinese Communist Party illegally manipulating the legal system in the persecution Falun Gong.
Ms. Liu Yunxiang Suffers Two Miscarriages After Beatings by Local Authorities
2005-05-27Led by the former township Secretary of Politics and Law, the authorities in Weifang City arrested Falun Dafa practitioner Ms. Liu Yunxiang in the winter of 1999. They imprisoned, beat, and tortured her until she had a miscarriage. In the summer of 2001, the local authorities once again arrested Ms. Liu and beat her until she suffered a second miscarriage.