Other News, Exposing the Persecution
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Ms. Shi Suqin from Hebei Province Dies After Long Term Persecution
2004-12-11In April 2004, Falun Dafa practitioner Ms. Shi Suqin, a resident of Baoding City, Hebei Province, passed away after going through several months of pain and suffering. Shi Suqin's husband violently opposed Shi Suqin's practising Falun Dafa and frequently beat her. She was arrested and tortured and upon her release her husband still would not allow her to practise. Early in 2004, Shi Suqin was hit by a car and she finally passed away after several months of pain and suffering.
How I Was Tortured by the Police in Heilongjiang Province (Re-enactment Photo)
2004-12-11"From October 3 to October 18, 2000, the head of the Police Department in Yichun City, ordered police and others to brutally torture me several times. One of the tortures involved having hot water poured on my head for four hours until they ran out of hot water. They then beat me with a wooden stick. One time they incessantly beat me for more than six hours. They also whipped me on the back with belts and stabbed me on the neck and back with cactus thorns."
Falun Gong Practitioner Mei Jianqi of Shanghai is Sentenced to Seven Years in Prison
2004-12-11Mr. Mei Jianqi, in his late twenties, entered Shanghai Jiao Tong University as a student in the School of Mechanical Engineering. University authorities expelled him from school in October 1999 because he went to Beijing to appeal for Falun Gong and was then not willing to write the "Guarantee Statement" to give up the practice.
Practitioners Who Have Being Tortured to Death in Mudanjiang City's Jianshanzi Prison in 2003
2004-12-10Mr. Yu Junxiu was tortured to death in July of 2003 at Jianshanzi Prison in Mudanjiang City, Heilongjiang Province. Before his death, he had been tortured for over three months. When Yu Junxiu's health condition was extremely precarious, they sent him to the hospital. He died several days after he was released from solitary confinement. However, the prison blamed Falun Gong and claimed that he died because he refused medical treatment after he had become ill in solitary confinement.
Falun Gong Practitioner Mr. Han Rufeng, a Teacher from Harbin City Dies As a Result of Persecution
2004-12-10Mr. Han Rufeng, 34, was a middle school teacher in Harbin City. He previously suffered from late stage kidney disease and his doctor said that he didn't have much time left. He started practising Falun Gong in 1997 and his illness gradually disappeared. In late 2002, he went to Beijing to appeal on behalf of Falun Gong. After he returned, the police harassed and blackmailed him on a constant basis. Han Rufeng underwent tremendous stress and passed away on September 18, 2004.
65 Year Old Ms. Huang Laiyu Died Soon after Being Released from the Shanghang County Detention Centre in 2002
2004-12-10Ms. Huang Laiyu was a Falun Gong practitioner from Fujian Province. She went to Beijing to appeal on behalf of Falun Gong twice and was detained in the Shanghang County Detention Centre twice, where she suffered great physical and mental damage. She died soon after her release from the detention centre. She was 65 years old.
Tortures in Daqing Prison (Photos)
2004-12-10In Daqing Prison the lead guard beat Mr. Zheng Zhong, a fine young practitioner, so severely that he vomited blood and developed a stomach condition that made him throw up whatever he ate. Within six months he had lost so much weight that he looked like a skeleton. It was a very sorrowful scene.
Ms. Niu Mengling from Xinjiang Autonomous District Falls Six Floors to Her Death - Her Husband Sentenced to Eight Years in Prison
2004-12-09Ms. Niu Mengling was a Falun Dafa practitioner living in Xinjiang Autonomous District. On November 26, 2004, "610 Office" police ransacked her house, then took her to her brother's house. Witnesses saw her fall from the sixth floor window. There were only police and her inside her brother's house. She was taken to the hospital but was declared dead. She died at age 32, leaving a six year old daughter.
Tortured to Death: 63 Year Old Ms. Hao Guimei from Hebei Province
2004-12-09Ms. Hao Guimei was a 63 year-old Falun Dafa practitioner from Hebei Province. On November 29, 2004, local police arrested her from a fellow practitioner's home. In just 24 hours, Ms. Hao Guimei was tortured to death, and her body had a bloody hole in the head. The police claimed that Ms. Hao had jumped from the third floor of the police station. However, the third floor consists only of offices - the interrogation rooms are located on the second floor.
Hebei Province Practitioners Ms Yan Xiling and Ms Shi Suqin Passed Away As A Result of Persecution
2004-12-09Ms Yan Xiling and Ms Shi Suqin from Hebei Province, met with brutal persecution because they practised Falun Gong. As a result, they were each persecuted to the point of death in December of 2002 and April of 2004. Ms. Yan Xiling, 55 years-old, was sent to a detention centre, where her body and spirit were severely damaged from persecution. Soon after her release she passed away on December 29 2002. After the persecution began, Ms Shi Suqin was beaten by her husband, tortured by police and denied the right to practise Falun Gong. She lived months of agony and distress. In April 2004, she was hit by a car and killed.
Practitioner Ms. Jin Shulian Tortured to Death in August 2002
2004-12-09Falun Dafa practitioner, Ms. Jin Shulian, from Heilongjiang Province was arrested by police while on the road on April 16, 2002. They had been hiding there for three days. She was tortured until she was as thin as skin and bones and sent home in early August 2002. She died on August 13, 2002, at the young age of forty one.
Shanghai Practitioner Ms. Wang Ye Died as a Result of Intense Persecution in 2000
2004-12-09Ms. Wang Ye was 46 years old, and a Falun Dafa practitioner from Shanghai City. She went to Beijing to appeal, clarified the truth about Falun Gong ,but was forcibly escorted back to Shanghai, and tortured by the"610 Office". Toward the end of April 2002, her employer attempted to force her to give up her faith, and to obtain her promise not to go to Beijing to appeal again. She absolutely refused to sign her name. She had endured almost six months of sleep deprivation, exhaustion, slander, and psychological tortures. She suffered a stroke, and became unconscious one night, and was sent to the hospital, yet died eighteen days later.
Details of the Death of Fang Decheng, a Practitioner from Jilin Province
2004-12-08On July 20, 2004, many police secretly surrounded the building where Fang Decheng lived. They used a master key to open the door to his room. Mr. Fang tried to escape by tying several sheets together and use them as a rope to climb out of a window and down the side of the building. Tragically, the sheets tore and Fang Decheng fell to the ground from the fifth floor. He died soon after.
50 Year Old Practitioner Ms. Chen Yuanmei from Hunan Province Died as a Result of Persecution in 2002
2004-12-08Falun Dafa practitioner Ms. Chen Yuanmei was about 50 years old and from Hunan Province. After she went to Beijing to appeal she was arrested then monitored by police after her release. In January 2001, the local police abducted her from home and sent her to the drug rehabilitation centre in Hengyang City. She was severely tortured and released in March 2001. The physical and spiritual torment was so overwhelming that she never fully recovered and passed away in June 2002.
Practitioner Ms. Li Yuxia from Liaoning Province Died in 2002 as a Result of Persecution
2004-12-08Falun Dafa practitioner Ms. Li Yuxia, 57 years old, was a farmer in a village near Tieling City, Liaoning Province. After Jiang began the persecution of Dafa, Ms. Li went to Beijing to appeal for Falun Dafa in December 2000 and was arrested for unfurling a banner in front of Tiananmen Square. Ms. Li was persecuted and harassed by the local police many times. On May 3, 2002, she died from the devastating persecution to her mind and body.