Other News, Exposing the Persecution
Torture | Kidnapping | Brainwashing | Illegal Detention and Imprisonment | Extortion | Persecution Throughout Society | Inside the Labour Camps | Individual Accounts | 6-10 Office | Death Cases | Organ Harvesting
The Atrocities Committed at the Xishanping Forced Labour Camp in Chongqing
2004-06-19On November 23, 2001, the Chinese Ministry of Justice held a meeting in Haikou City, Hainan Province. The main topic of the meeting was how to force the Falun Gong practitioners held in either the prisons or the forced labour camps to renounce their belief in Falun Dafa. The Deputy Head of the Education Division of the Xishanping Forced Labour Camp shouted at a meeting to all the entire detainees "We will take strong measures to resolutely strike those Falun Gong practitioners who refuse to renounce their beliefs and are unwilling to reform themselves."
Elderly Man, Lin Youhui, from Guangdong Province Dies As a Result of Persecution
2004-06-18There was an old gentleman in Jieyang City, Guangdong Province. His name was Lin Youhui and he was in his 60s. When he started practising Falun Dafa his tuberculosis and heart problem were healed. In the autumn of 2001, the police arrested him and sent him to a Detention Centre where he was tortured. He vomited blood as a result. The police reluctantly released him. In September 2003 he was sent to a brainwashing class, where he was devastated both mentally and physically. Soon after his release he passed away on February 14, 2004.
Elderly Liaoning Province Dafa Practitioner Mrs. Li Yansong Dies of Persecution
2004-06-18Mrs. Li Yansong was a 57-year-old Dafa practitioner from Dalian City, Liaoning Province. In September 2000, she went to Beijing to appeal for Dafa. At the Dalian Bus Station, she was ordered to curse Teacher. She firmly refused and was arrested. Later she was sent to a labour camp to be persecuted. Because of the torture, her health deteriorated. Not wanting to take the responsibility, the labour camp released her on medical parole. She returned home in April 2001 and passed away in November 2003.
Dafa Practitioner Mr. Han Junqing Dies as a Result of Torture at Detention Centre in Beijing
2004-06-18Dafa practitioner, Mr. Han Junqing, from Beijing was 47 years old. After the persecution began, he was sent to a forced labour camp for appealing for Dafa. His determination in Dafa practice won him the respect of all in the labour camp. After persisting for eight months, though, he was eventually influenced by collaborators and became a collaborator himself. After he was released he realized his mistake and cultivated diligently again. He was arrested again and tortured to death at a detention centre in June 2004.
An Aged Mother Grieves as Daughter is Killed and Son is Disabled by Torture While in Police Custody
2004-06-18Mr. Jiang Lide is a 34-year-old Dafa practitioner from Dehui City, Jilin Province. He is very weak and has become disabled due to torture. Yet in May 2004, police abducted him and detained him again in the detention centre. His younger sister, Ms Jiang Chunxian, was sentenced to eight years in prison and sent to the Heizuizi Forced Labour Camp in Changchun. Thirty four days later, she died in police custody with bruises all over her body. When Mr. Jiang's mother heard that her son was taken away again, she grieved very much. Her daughter had just been tortured to death. Her grief caused her to fall ill again.
Ms. Gao Fen Tortured in Jiaozhou City Psychiatric Hospital
2004-06-17"My name is Gao Fen. I am 32 years old and I live in a village near Jiaozhou City. In June 2000, I was arrested for no reason and sent to Jiaozhou City Psychiatric Hospital. Doctors there forced me to begin taking medication as soon as I arrived. The drugs were apparently toxic because I felt constantly dizzy. If you refused to take the medication, the doctor would get several large mentally disturbed patients to force-feed you. I tried to reason with the doctors. They said coldly that there was nothing they could do and these were their political duties."
Practitioner Ms. Tang Yunxia from Chengdu City Was Subjected to Various Brutal Methods of Torture
2004-06-17The persecution of Falun Dafa by Jiang Zemin's regime has left tens of thousands of practitioners' families broken, with the separation of husbands and wives, and the separation of parents and children. One of these practitioners is 41 year old Tang Yunxia, who lives in Chengdu City. From 1999 until 2003 she suffered a number of brutal and horrific tortures in brainwashing centres, a labour camp and finally a psychiatric hospital. Fortunately she escaped from the hospital in July 2003
Facing Cruelty and Violence in Hunan Province Prison
2004-06-17Inside Chishan Prison in Hunan Province, prison guards incite and coerce inmates to torture Falun Dafa practitioners who refuse to give up their beliefs. Inmate Xu Shenjun asked, "Is (practitioner) Xiao Huisheng going to work?" Mr. Xiao looked at him calmly and did not answer. Xu Shenjun got upset and punched him in the stomach several times and said, "Let me tell you, the provincial government is putting pressure on the prison, and Prison Director Zi is personally making sure that all of you are forced to work no matter how tough you are."
Firmly Holding on to His Belief, Practitioner Liu Yong Has Been Confined to a Mental Hospital for Three Years
2004-06-17Liu Yong is a Falun Gong practitioner from Hebei Province. After the persecution of Falun Dafa began Mr. Liu was repeatedly sent to labour camps because he remained steadfast in his belief. Later, several officials from his workplace unjustly authorized his confinement in the Baoding City Mental Hospital. Liu Yong has been there for three years now. During this time, Liu Yong has been administered large doses of drugs intended for mentally ill patients against his will. This treatment has several times put Mr. Liu's life in danger.
Hebei Province Falun Dafa Practitioner Ms. Wang Yaping Paralysed and Blinded from Torture Then Dies
2004-06-16In June 2003 when she was distributing flyers, Ms. Wang Yaping was arrested and sent her to the Luzhazigou "610 Office" to be brainwashed. Ms. Wang persisted in her Dafa practice, however, was sentenced to two years of forced labour and was later sent to the Gaoyang Forced Labour Camp. In January 2004, her lower body became paralyzed and she became incontinent. She also lost sight in one eye. Under this situation, the labour camp authorities told her family to take her home. She passed away on May 9, 2004.
Head Covered with Multiple Plastic Bags--A Falun Dafa Practitioner Is Beat, Kicked, and Shocked in Fusong County Detention Centre
2004-06-16Jilin Province police abducted a male Falun Dafa practitioner in his 30s, after he posted truth-clarifying materials. It was also revealed that because this practitioner resisted the persecution and did not reveal his name, he was cruelly. The police covered his head with multiple plastic bags (this kind of torture can cause suffocation and death), struck and kicked him, and also shocked him with electric batons. As a result, this practitioner's eyes are now inflamed and swollen, and his hearing is badly damaged, to the degree that he can almost not hear a sound.
Practitioners Tortured in Jiutai Labour Camp
2004-06-16Guards at the Jiutai Labour Camp in Jilin Province have been cruelly persecuting Falun Gong practitioners since they began detaining them. To the outside, they claimed that their policy was "Education, Reform, and Salvation," however they were actually following the policies of Jiang. Namely, "It doesn't matter if you kill a Falun Gong practitioner," and "those who are killed can be counted as suicide." Since March 2004, guards at the labour camp have also been fabricating documents and cheating practitioners because authorities there agreed to pay them 400 Yuan for "reforming" a practitioner.
The Persecution of Falun Dafa Practitioners in Zhejiang Province
2004-06-16Mr. Ji Jianwei, a Falun Gong practitioner, was formerly a policeman in Huzhou City Police Station. Because Mr. Ji practises Falun Gong, he was detained at Huzhou City Detention Centre on criminal charges. Since Mr. Ji was a policeman himself, many policemen in the detention centre knew him. They all wondered why an outstanding policeman who used to catch all kinds of criminals was detained there. So the "610 Office" purposely transferred Mr. Ji to a detention centre in Changxing. He suffered many kinds of torture and intensive forced-labour there.
Practitioner Chen Weiyuan's Account of the Atrocities She Witnessed in the Heizuizi Labour Camp
2004-06-15My name is Chen Weiyuan. I am 53 years old. I live in Jilin City. I have been arrested many times for helping the public learn the truth. I was put in Heizuizi Forced Labour Camp three times and suffered a lot from the many tortures imposed on Falun Gong practitioners. I also witnessed other practitioners being tortured. I experienced some memory loss because of the overwhelming trauma to my head and brain. Only after I left the labour camp and recovered for a long time, did my memory begin to recover.
Additional Details of the Torturing to Death of Three Falun Gong Practitioners from Shandong Province
2004-06-15On November 20, 2001, Mr. Wu Haiyou's family received a notice from the local police station asking them to identify a body. Lying in the morgue, Wu's face carried an expression of agony and distortion. His body was cold, and his mouth was covered with blood. Twice, when questioned by one of Wu's family members as to how Wu had died, the officers were evasive with their answers. Afterwards, the police officers were afraid, and they returned to the scene of the crime to make sure that all evidence regarding Wu's death was eliminated.