Other News, Exposing the Persecution
Torture | Kidnapping | Brainwashing | Illegal Detention and Imprisonment | Extortion | Persecution Throughout Society | Inside the Labour Camps | Individual Accounts | 6-10 Office | Death Cases | Organ Harvesting
Jiang's Genocide Policy in Action: 56 Year Old Lady Practitioner Beaten to Death by Shulan City Police
2003-06-27When asked why she was beaten to this point, one official from the police department growled, "She did not cooperate!" They attempted to cremate her right away, but her relatives voiced a strong objection. In order to hide the evidence, the police took six practitioners as hostages, claiming, "If Kong's body is cremated today, we will release these people today; if her body is cremated tomorrow, we will release these people tomorrow; if her body is not cremated in ten days, we will keep these people for ten days."
Toxic Force-Feeding Fatal to Female Dafa Practitioner in Zhangjiakou City (phone numbers)
2003-06-27In mid June 2003, Ms. Yang Yufangwas taken away by thugs from division three of the city police department. She held a hunger strike in protest of her unjust treatment and the police brutally force-fed her twice, causing her death. Her body was secretly cremated, with no regard for human decency.
Elderly Policeman Dies As a Result of Persecution After Experiencing Miraculous Healing from Dafa
2003-06-27Once, nine people altogether, from both work units, went to my father-in-law's home and pressured him. The elderly man felt very sad and could not endure all these pressures. He often cried. He was in a fearful mental state for a long time. He could not calm his mind when he wanted to study the Fa and practise the exercises. Originally, his mind and body had become healthy through cultivation of Falun Gong, but under this kind of detrimental environment and persecution, his health deteriorated rapidly.
Follow-up Report on the Rape of Chongqing University Female Graduate Student Wei Xingyan by Vicious Policemen
2003-06-27The "610 Office" also threatened the Chongqing University leaders, the Engineering school leader, the department heads and fellow teachers, the students, and so on. They are completely forbidden from talking and enquiring about Wei Xingyan's story. They have also officially informed Chongqing University to speak along the same line: "Tell all outsiders that you do not have a student named Wei Xingyan, and do not admit there is a field called high-pressure direct current transmission and simulation technology (or high-pressured power transformer)."
The Agony Experienced by Falun Dafa Practitioner in Guangshui City
2003-06-27In addition, he was beaten with batons, rods, and bamboo strips, and suffered bruises and wounds all over his body. All this, together with the bitter living conditions in the detention centre, made his health extremely fragile. Several times, he almost fainted. However, before letting him return home, Guangshui City Police Department extorted 13,000 Yuan [the average monthly salary of an urban worker in China is 500 Yuan.] from his family, while the detention centre took a living expense of 400 Yuan from his family.
Torture, Rape, and Extortion: Crimes Committed By Shandong Province "610 Office" And Police
2003-06-27With direct supervision of Shi Xuezeng and Ma Wenchang, Bing Fengtai led the hired thugs to beat her for several hours until she lost consciousness. These men were so evil that they enjoyed the torture as if it was some kind of twisted and entertaining game. They even exchanged their "experiences of beating and torturing" as if it was everyday conversation.
Falun Gong is Openly Practised in a Chinese Village Where 610 Office Agents Have All Learned the Truth
2003-06-27Since July 20, 1999, there have been around 30 to 40 Falun Gong practitioners in a certain village in China who have been improving themselves diligently though studying the Fa and following the Fa closely. As a result, most people within the village have come to understand the truth about Falun Gong. Some people have even started to practise Falun Gong. Officers from the 610 Office who had previously persecuted practitioners have learned the truth and become supportive and are now protecting practitioners. Some have even started to study Falun Gong.
The Boss Said: I Know Falun Gong is Good, Otherwise Why Would So Many People Practise It?
2003-06-27When I finished the day's work at the office, I stopped by my boss's office. After some small talk, we switched to Falun Gong. I said to him that it was important to handle the Falun Gong issue appropriately. In reply he said: "I know Falun Gong is good. Otherwise, why would so many people Practise it? Jiang tried to ban it and crackdown on it, but people continue to Practise."
Cruelty to the Extreme: Handcuffed and Hung on a Steel Post for Days
2003-06-26My mother is 76 years old, and after hearing that I had been detained, her hair turned grey overnight. One day, my husband came to see me; the female person in charge pointed at me and said, "Your husband does not beat you, I will beat you for your husband to give vent to his anger." Then her hand started falling on my face like raindrops, she was beating me and swearing at me non-stop. While she was beating me, she was asking, "Do you still practise or not?"
Senseless Persecution of Dafa Practitioners in Qiqihar City
2003-06-26Ms. Dong Qiuyan is 39 years old, and was a teacher. She was discharged from her job for being a Falun Gong practitioner, and was also arrested and detained several times. In May of 2002, the police broke into her home and forced her into a police vehicle using clothing to cover her head, leaving her 11-year-old daughters alone at home to fend for themselves. Police beat Ms. Dong terribly in order to try to force her to reveal information about other practitioners.
Jilin City Police Secretly Transfer Female Dafa Practitioner Fearing Further Exposure of Their Crimes
2003-06-26Police pushed Wang Minli out of a 6th-floor window while she was trying to protect Falun Dafa materials in her rented room. Her body sustained many injuries, however the police continued to brutally torture her and caused serious bleeding. Since Wang Minli refused to cooperate with the evildoers and continued to clarify the facts to surrounding people, the police lacerated her larynx (so that she was unable to speak). Now she is in Jilin City Hospital under 24-hour surveillance by the police and nobody is allowed to visit her.
Shanghai Dafa Practitioners Fall Victim to a New Round of Persecution
2003-06-26Mr. Ma usually looked after his wife, who suffers from hemiplegia. After his illegal arrest, his 7 year old grandchild and his 80 year old mother were left at home with his wife. Even though other practitioners volunteered to look after them the police refused to allow it, without giving any reason. The police also refused to allow Ma's family members to visit him in the detention centre. Mr. Ma is a retiree of almost 60 years of age.
Unyielding Torture by Shuangyashan City Police Leads to Same-Day Death of Dafa Practitioner
2003-06-25During his interrogation, the police used violent methods to torture Ji in an attempt to force a confession out of him. By 4 p.m. on the same day, Ji Songhai had been relentlessly tortured to death. After his death, the perpetrators pushed his body down from the 7th floor of a building in order to stage a "suicide." According to people who were at the scene, Ji's body was covered with awful injuries.
Agonising Death from "Restriction Jackets" at Shibalihe Female Forced Labour Camp
2003-06-25Then they pull their arms up over their shoulders to the front of their chest, tie up the practitioners' legs and hang them up in the air from the windows. At the same time, they gag practitioners' mouths with a cloth, put earphones in their ears and continuously play messages that slander Dafa. According to an eyewitness account, people who suffer this torture quickly sustain broken arms, tendons, shoulders, wrists and elbows. Those who endure this torture for a long time have completely broken spines, and they die in agonising pain.
Torment Beyond Imagination Endured by Female Dafa Practitioners in Beijing Women's Forced Labour Camp
2003-06-25In 2002, after disappearing for quite a while, Zhang Yijie, a very dedicated practitioner finally reappeared. However, a large area of her body was badly bruised. A large portion of her face was dark purple and swollen. Her eyes were swollen shut. Prison police and some collaborators shamelessly yelled, "She has done plastic surgery on herself!"