Other News, Exposing the Persecution
Torture | Kidnapping | Brainwashing | Illegal Detention and Imprisonment | Extortion | Persecution Throughout Society | Inside the Labour Camps | Individual Accounts | 6-10 Office | Death Cases | Organ Harvesting
Revealing The Facts about So-Called "Civilised Reform" at the Guoyang Forced Labour Camp
2003-07-26In order to achieve a high "reform rate," the prison guards brutally and inhumanly torture Falun Gong practitioners. For example, they force fed a Falun Gong practitioner with excrement who had been on a hunger strike for more than twenty days and was very weak. This gave the practitioner a stomach infection, a high fever of 102.2 to 104 o F (39 to 40 o C), blood pressure of 50-70, and caused her to be on the verge of death.
Chinese TV Series "Life is Innocent" Distorts the Facts - This is What Life at the Beijing Female Labour Camp is Really Like
2003-07-26We heard the shocking news that the Party is premiering a TV series called Life is Innocent, to slander Falun Gong and to whitewash the persecution taking place in labour camps. We, a few of the tens of thousands of practitioners who were illegally detained at Beijing Female Labour Camp, the former Tiantanghe Labuor Camp or Xinan Labour Camp, can attest that the people who made the TV program are fabricating facts. Here we just want to tell the truth about life at the Beijing Female Labour Camp.
"610 Office" Use Charles Li's Elderly Parents to Coerce Him to Give up Falun Gong
2003-07-25Charles' fiancée said, "Chinese people love and respect their parents, and the worst thing for them is to see their elderly parents live in fear and desperation, worrying about their son. The Party is using filial piety, a cherished Chinese character trait, to coerce Charles." She said, "the government took Charles' parents to the prison and ordered them to 'advise' Charles to 'obey the rules'."
Female Dafa Practitioner Hung up and Beaten for More Than 10 Days in the Forced Labour Camp in Hohhot City
2003-07-25Meiqing's parents cried and said: "The child is not easy to take care of. He does not study hard. We are too old. What can we do if he is sick?" Xu Meiqing went forward and hugged her son. Her tears streamed down. Just because of her steadfast belief in "Truthfulness, Compassion, Forbearance," Meiqing was imprisoned, suffered from torture, and was unable to take care of her elderly parents and young active child. Whose fault was it that her family experienced such persecution and hardship?
Jinan Female Labour Camp Enslaved and Forced Brainwashing on More Than Two Hundred Dafa Practitioners
2003-07-25This First Female Labour Camp is still illegally detaining two to three hundred Dafa practitioners. All of them, no matter old or young, healthy or weak, were all required to work daily in three shifts in the workshop. They didn't stop until 10:00 p.m., sometimes extended to 11:00 p.m. or 12:00 p.m. In the morning, they were allowed only five minutes for toileting and washing. Around 9:00 a.m., all in each were in turn allowed to go to the toilet and also drink some water.
Exposing the Lies in CCTV's Programme About Woman Practitioner in Renqiu City
2003-07-25About a year later, and after the persecution against Falun Gong had begun, an unscrupulous reporter disregarded journalistic ethics, distorted the facts, fabricated and changed the previous interview clips. CCTV reported "Ms. Yuan Yuge went insane due to practising Falun Gong and jumped into the Baima River together with her child." The local residents all know that the CCTV is broadcasting another fake story yet again.
Conversation with a Veteran Cadre
2003-07-25A friend of this veteran cadre suffered hepatitis and several other diseases and he could not afford the medical bills. Under the desperate situation, he tried to practice Falun Gong and regained complete health after practising. As a result, his whole family started practicing Falun Gong. After July 20, 1999, they could not accept the slander against Dafa by CCTV and went to Beijing to appeal for Dafa. This friend was detained for more than six months and fined more than 10,000 Yuan for his appeal. Since then, whenever it was a holiday or so-called sensitive dates, this veteran cadre worried about the safety of the friend and his family.
Stories of Chinese People Awakening to the Facts
2003-07-25One Sunday I was on duty at work. A person came into the room and chatted with me. As I just started to tell him the truth about Falun Gong, he interrupted me, "You don't have to tell me, I know, Falun Gong is absolutely innocent."
Changchun City's Chaoyanggou Labour Camp Torture Dafa Practitioner to Death
2003-07-24Mr. Sun Futao shouted, "Falun Dafa is good!" Under Gao Zhilu's orders, inmates Xu Hui and others brutally beat him. One side of Mr. Sun's neck swelled up badly as a result of the beating. This swelling never went away and was still visible at the time of Sun's death. During the 2003 Chinese New Year, Sun Futao was tortured to death at this Chaoyanggou Labour Camp.
Hefei Industry University Undergraduate Student Subjected to Inhuman Treatment in Anhui Province
2003-07-24Sometime after 4:00 p.m. on October 30, 2002, I was arrested at the door of the university by two plainclothes policemen, who did not show any legal documents. I asked them: "Who are you? Why are you treating me like this?" The two policemen said nothing but continued to beat me. I was beaten so badly that my vision was blurred and distorted. I was forcibly taken to the Hongxing Hotel. Later that day I learned that several other practitioners were illegally apprehended as well.
Heart-Rendering Accounts of Vile Abuse Against Falun Gong Practitioners in Hunan Province
2003-07-24"Several police officers held me down on a bed, tied my four limbs with thick bandages, and gave me intravenous fluid with a neurotoxic drug. For more than 40 days, I was tied to the bed without eating or drinking. My body was soaked in faeces and urine. I was in alternating states of coma and consciousness and finally totally lost consciousness. The police kept giving me the toxins the whole time.
Shanghai "610 Office" Fails to Recruit Dafa Practitioner as Spy
2003-07-24At the end of January my family had me released on bail. On the one hand, the police wanted to see who would make contact with me and thus discover the whereabouts of other practitioners. On the other hand, the police kept talking to me every two or three weeks, threatening me to get me to write the "letter of separation" and other letters against Falun Dafa, and they also hung onto the delusion that I would become their spy. But I kept a righteous mind and their plot failed.
The Surveillance Cars Disappear
2003-07-24After learning Master's new article, the elderly practitioner, with a noble and righteous mind, returned home, telephoned the deputy of the police station and said, "I am home now, if you come by yourself, we can talk. If you bring other people, then don't come." After hearing this, he said that he would come alone. After arriving at her home, he was very polite to her and this practitioner used this opportunity to clarify the truth to him. In this way, this practitioner was able to stay at her own home. After a few days, she discovered a few police cars surrounding her house had her under surveillance. She called up the police station and said, "You are putting me under surveillance in my own home. This violates my human rights." Afterwards, the police cars disappeared.
Practitioner Liu Dejun Arrested, Shot at, Imprisoned and Persecuted to Death for Meditating
2003-07-23The police never notified his family, who subsequently learned of his arrest and three-year labour term through a non-official channel. After asking around, Mr. Liu's wife was able to locate and briefly meet with her husband twice in a hospital. Following those two visits, however, she was unable to determine his whereabouts. She asked the forced labour camp about his whereabouts. Although they said that he was not there, they would not say where he was. She went to police stations and similar units to ask for information about her husband, but without any results.
Jealous Officials in Chengdu City Lead Police To Shoot at Dafa Practitioner
2003-07-23Yang Yuanqiu, a Dafa practitioner from Shuangnian Village, Chengdu City, was the alternate supervisor of the village. Because Mr. Yang conducted himself according to the principles of "Truthfulness-Benevolence-Forbearance" he was an upright official. The party secretary of another village and that village supervisor were jealous of Yang Yuanqiu and feared him because of his righteous behaviour. They were afraid that the fact that they embezzled over 100,000 Yuan would be exposed. (note: An average urban worker's monthly wage in China is about 500 Yuan) So they staged an action to frame Yang Yuanqiu.