Other News, Exposing the Persecution
Torture | Kidnapping | Brainwashing | Illegal Detention and Imprisonment | Extortion | Persecution Throughout Society | Inside the Labour Camps | Individual Accounts | 6-10 Office | Death Cases | Organ Harvesting
SARS Patients and their Family Members Consider Class Action Suit Against Chinese Government
2003-06-10A Canadian citizen living in Toronto who originally came from Hong Kong revealed that SARS patients and their family members are considering bringing a class action suit against the Chinese government. It is widely believed that the cover-up of the SARS epidemic by the Chinese government contributed to the spread of SARS around the world, including Canada, a country geographically far away from China.
Health Ministry's Denial of SARS Cover-Up Sparks Torrent of Criticism from Internet Users in China
2003-06-10The Chinese Vice Health Minister Gao Qiang declared that SARS had begun to be effectively controlled in mainland China during a press conference on May 30, 2003. He also made excuses for former Health Minister Zhang Wenkang, claiming that his declaring the epidemic under control was not intentionally hiding the facts, and his being removed as Minister was not a result of the cover-up...
Police Have Doctors Surgically Cut Wang Minli's Trachea to Prevent Their Wicked Crimes from Being Exposed
2003-06-09But when Wang was asked whether she got the injury from jumping off the building, she shook her head "no." She pointed to the police and signalled that it was caused by the brutal beatings from the police. Also, there was a chance that there might be other serious injuries at the place where her chest was wrapped up. Under these circumstances, her family asked to examine her injury. However, the police refused. Since Wang Minli's trachea was surgically cut, she has not been able to talk or move around. All she can do is lie in bed. She is also unable to eat, and her life is being sustained by infusions.
Practitioners in Critical Situation Hunger-Striking in Gaoleng Detention Centre
2003-06-09Since July 20, 1999, the lawless officials in Fangzheng Forest department have been closely following Jiang's group to persecute Falun Dafa practitioners. One of the detained practitioners, Li Hongkui, 46 years old, was illegally sentenced to one year of forced labour more than three years ago. He was not ever sent to the labour camp. Instead, he was thrown into the Gaoleng Detention Centre and he has still not been released.
Zhengzhou Police Kidnap Practitioner Couple
2003-06-09There is news of a document issued by the Central Henan Provincial Party Committee to the City and other regions that is laying out plans for another round of persecution against Falun Gong practitioners. Zhengzhou City Council has forwarded this document to other departments together with its own memorandum.
Villagers Resist the Shameful Conduct of the "610 Office" Authorities
2003-06-09On May 8th and 9th, an electric power company truck was observed displaying an eye-catching poster that read: "Falun Dafa is good". As the truck made its way from downtown to the village's work zone, the employees inside the truck all shouted loudly: "Falun Dafa is good! What is said is quite right! Good stuff!". Although the driver and the other passengers weren't practitioners, pedestrians all the same were eager and excited to see them. Dafa practitioners were so happy for the people who had awakened to the true facts about Falun Dafa.
A Prison Guard Extols the Dignity of a Falun Dafa Practitioner
2003-06-09During the time of his detention, aside from when they were force-feeding him, as long as he had freedom, he would fold up both his legs, and never take a break. When he was being force-fed, no matter how much pain he was in, or how much he was bleeding, or how badly the force-feeding damaged his throat, he didn't even say a word. His faith was steadfast and unshakable, like diamond. People surrounding him would only feel his all-encompassing forbearance.
Female Dafa Practitioner Ruthlessly Beaten to Death in the Nanmusi Women's Labour Camp
2003-06-08Zhu Yinfang slipped into a coma as a result of the torture and after prison guards called for help, two nurses tried but could not revive her. They then found a doctor, who pronounced, "This person is dead. She is not in a coma!" In order to cover up their crimes, the prison guards shut everyone behind doors and forbade them from observing and then they quickly cleaned up the crime scene.
Policeman Rapes Female Graduate Student in Chongqing City (phone numbers)
2003-06-08On the evening of May 13, the police took her to a room in the Baihelin Detention Centre and ordered two female inmates to strip off all her clothes. Wei Xingyan cried out, "You have no right to treat me this way!" Then a police officer in uniform came into the room and pushed Wei Xingyan to the ground and raped her in front of the two inmates. Wei Xingyan sternly warned the police, "I have seen your police badge number. You won't get away with this."
"610 Office" Personnel Persecute Dafa Practitioners Using the Excuse of SARS Prevention
2003-06-08On the afternoon of May 25th, police discovered several Dafa practitioners in Panjin City holding a group discussion. More than 20 practitioners were arrested. Police separated them, using the excuse of "preventing SARS" by claiming that someone had a fever. The specific location where these arrested practitioners are being held is unknown. At the same time, several other practitioners were arrested from their homes. Detailed information is not available.
Police in the Jiutai Forced Labour Camp: "It is useless for you to sue us because you cannot get any evidence."
2003-06-08"Who saw it?" has become a tag for the police in Jiutai Forced Labour Camp. With this kind of mentality, they appear shameless and contemptible. When the practitioner asked police officer Zhang Baochun about the beatings, the next day he beat the practitioner, then said, "Did I beat you yesterday? Who saw it?" The first time policeman Zhang Ming talked to practitioners, he said, "It is useless for you to sue us. You can not get any evidence." The deputy chief of the police department Meng Xianglin once ordered seven policemen to beat one practitioner who refused to watch the video slandering Dafa. He even said shamelessly, "Did I beat you? I did not, did I?"
The Jiang Regime Tortured Me Until I Was Permanently Disabled
2003-06-08During her stay at the camp, my over-60-year-old mother suffered from a heart attack. Finally, the labour camp had to release me. By now, I had been permanently disabled and could not walk anymore. I could not even get up from the bed. A female inmate carried me on her back on my way out. To add to the terror, a police officer pointed to me and said, "You are still breathing?" They just wanted to kill me to silence a witness. The eleven-month long inhuman torture caused me to be emaciated and fragile. My hair had turned completely white. Everyone who saw me said, "How did they turn a healthy person into such terrible shape?"
Overseas Practitioners' Efforts Allow People to See the Truth
2003-06-08I clarified the truth to her many times, but she refused to discuss the topic and sometimes her words were very harsh. Earlier this year, she went to Canada to make a film. Upon returning, she told me about Dafa practitioners in front of a Chinese consulate in Canada. She said, "Falun Gong is really amazing there! There were even exhibit boards placed around the consulate." This occurrence caused her to gradually changed her attitude towards Falun Dafa.
What Made the Gaoyang Forced Labour Camp "Number One" in the Nation? Force-Feeding with Faeces!
2003-06-07On April 12, 2001, five Falun Gong practitioners began a hunger strike to protest the cruel torture. The policemen, having lost all shred of human conscience, responded by force-feeding the practitioners with faeces, which caused them serious stomach infections, high fevers of 104 degrees and low blood pressure, placing their lives in great danger. Since the beginning of 2003, the camp has made the force-feeding worse and worse. Each day they force-feed the practitioners twice and have increased the amount for each session. The practitioners constantly suffer from vomiting and diarrhoea.
Female Dafa Practitioner in Critical Condition Due to 9 Months of Abuse in the 2nd Prison of Shijiazhuang
2003-06-07She is detained in the Women's Section of the 2nd Prison of Shijiazhuang City, where she continues her hunger strike. She has endured brutal forced feeding and other torture, and her present condition is life threatening. She is vomiting blood and her whole body is swollen. She lies on a bed, unable to move, but the prison police still refuse to release her, claiming, "The director ordered us not to release her."