Other News, Exposing the Persecution
Torture | Kidnapping | Brainwashing | Illegal Detention and Imprisonment | Extortion | Persecution Throughout Society | Inside the Labour Camps | Individual Accounts | 6-10 Office | Death Cases | Organ Harvesting
The Icy Grip of Terror Extends to Practitioners Far and Wide in Henan Province
2003-06-07In late May 2002 he was abducted by the town police and detained in Xuchang Detention Centre. Because he refused to give up his cultivation and cooperate with the evil people in any way, he remains in detention. His family is poor and depends on the income he earns as an employee of a brick manufacturer. After he was abducted, his son could not afford to pay his tuition fee. Only with the help of relatives was he able to continue to go to school. Recently there was news that the police wanted to sentence his son, a young boy, to jail as well!
Elderly Falun Dafa Practitioner Abducted and Held Illegally at Detention Centre in Dalian City
2003-06-07Several policemen went to her home and banged on her door on the evening of May 11, 2002. Zhang refused to open the door. The policemen continued to pound on the door and kept shouting, so her daughter had no choice but to open the door. The whole group of policemen rushed in and searched her home.Though they found nothing, they forced Zhang into the police car and fooled her family by telling them that they would just ask her a few questions at the police station and send her back after a while.
An Example of Using SARS to Expose the Lies and Waken People's Minds
2003-06-07Because of the spreading of SARS, some students have relatives and friends working in hospitals or studying in universities. They already knew that a number of people had died from SARS and some people that had caught the SARS virus were not quarantined. They understood that instead of reporting the facts, the local newspaper lied, saying that not a single case of SARS had been found in the local area. Using this as a starting point, I revealed the deceitful character of China's media system, and then brought up the topic of the persecution of Falun Gong.
Policeman Zhu Wenyong Murders Practitioner Gao Xianmin By Force-Feeding Him with Toxic High-Concentration Salt Water
2003-06-06They then poured a whole packet (500 grams) of salt into the bottle, mixed with only a little water. All of the Dafa practitioners on hunger strike were force-fed in this horrendous manner. Some were force-fed with one packet of salt and some with two packets of salt. Female practitioner Zhang Chunmei was once force-fed with two packets of salt. She could not move afterwards, remained unconscious for several days and nights, and lost control of her bowels and bladder. In spite of her condition, policeman Zhu Wenyong repeatedly came to the cell to kick her, and loudly claimed that she was pretending to be dead.
Elderly Dafa Practitioner's Spared No Means of Suffering Until He Died in Fushun City
2003-06-06I went to see Wei before he passed away. It seemed that he had aged 20 years since before his detainment; his whole body was swollen and covered with infected wounds. He could not stand, sit, or lie down. This elderly, extremely steadfast Dafa practitioner was in pain every minute. When he talked about not cooperating with the evil people and about his refusal to abandon or betray his righteous faith, the face of the old man was full of righteousness and fortitude.
Family Broken Up and Impoverished Due to Unlawful Persecution
2003-06-06Beginning in October 2001, I went to the district police department, the "610 Office," prosecutor and national security team to ask for my husband's release. Why didn't they release him? What crime had he committed? They blamed each other and gave me the run-around, taking over one month of negotiating back and forth. After several twists and turns the problem had not been resolved. On November 19, my father-in-law and I went to enquire about my husband's status at the National Security Team. The police even detained my father-in-law and me for one day just because of our enquiries.
Beijing's Fangshan Police Station Openly Violate Police Rules to Torture Innocent Dafa Practitioners
2003-06-06While being shocked by the electric baton, another practitioner righteously and resolutely questioned the police officer's violating the law, pointing to the slogans on the wall which said that police act gentle and kind to people, as well as refrain from beating, hitting, or cursing. A public security leader replied, "Go ahead and report police brutality. I'd like to see who will be your witness; no one dares to be your witness." The police officers tried to hide their crimes by not wearing their uniforms while participating in the torturing of Falun Gong practitioners.
The Righteous Overcomes the Evil - Stories from a Drug Rehabilitation Centre
2003-06-06A policeman dragged me by my hair from the conference room all the way to the office. A bunch of my hair was torn out and I collapsed to the floor. One police officer tried to stop the beating, and a group of male drug abusers in the cells across the hallway shouted, "Stop beating Falun Gong practitioners! They are all good people, Falun Dafa is good!" Chief Liu was scared and immediately left. Since then no one has called any meetings to slander Dafa
People in China Display a Kind View Towards Falun Gong
2003-06-06When a policeman went to the home of a practitioner's relative to arrest him, the relative was irritated and told the police: "Falun Gong practitioners are not bad people. You only arrest those good and you just leave the bad people alone. The world is turning corrupt." The relative protected the practitioner and helped to print truth materials to expose the evil persecution.
Persistent Trauma Due to Her Parent's Persecution Leads to Tragic Death of Four Year-Old Girl (Photos)
2003-06-05Shujie immediately passed out from shock and fear. After she woke up, she had a fever and was sweating. She shook her head from side to side due to severe pain in her head. She was restless and uneasy and banged her head against the wall. After she returned home, she was in lethargic sleep for a whole day. The police went to Shujie's home over and over again to arrest her family members. When Shujie's father was arrested and was not home, Shujie missed her father very much, and she held the picture taken with her father in her arms and cried badly.
Tragic Death at Hands of Inner Mongolia of Lady Dafa Practitioner (Photo)
2003-06-05She had been holding a hunger strike to protest the illegal detention. The police didn't allow her family to visit. On May 26, Liu Yuxiang was on the verge of death and was sent to the city hospital. She died around 8:45 p.m. the same day (May 26). At the time of her death, her front teeth had turned black and her mouth was slightly open, which may have been caused by brutal force-feeding. Afterwards, the police blocked this information and threatened her family. The police want to avoid responsibility for their crime.
The Crimes of Zhangjiakou City "610 Office" Director Ma Fuwei and His Associates
2003-06-05Ma and Yan ignored the law and followed Jiang's orders to take away people's freedom of speech and belief. They have persecuted and tortured Dafa practitioners for the past four years. According to the law, detention centres can only hold people for up to 37 days. In the following 5 cases, the perpetrators illegally abducted the practitioners and then held them in detention centres for extended periods, well past the legal limit. Arbitrary and groundless kidnapping is a serious crime in any country.
Female Practitioner Teacher Abducted by Police in Shandong Province
2003-06-05The police from the "610 Office" tried to brainwash her, forcing her to watch videos that slander Falun Gong and to listen to the nonsense of practitioners who have been brainwashed by the continual propaganda. The officials from the "610 Office" said, "Except transformation, you have no other ways but death," "You will never be able to go home if you refuse transformation," and "If this place cannot transform you, you will be sent to the labour camp. If the labour camp cannot transform you, you will be sent to prison."
60 Year-Old Lady Practitioner Tortured to Her Limit Until She Died in Masanjia Forced Labour Camp
2003-06-04She had been detained many times unjustly at Wafangdian City Detention Centre for going to Beijing to appeal for Dafa, and suffered all kinds of torture. Following her second illegal arrest she was sent to Masanjia Forced Labour Camp where she also suffered from brutal torture, such as being forced to kneel down on a 10" long wood strip or on a brick, being shocked with high voltage batons, and being exposed to the heat in the sun. She was tortured to the limit of her endurance and tragically died in April 2003.
Three Dafa Practitioners Savagely Killed by Police in Shanxi Province
2003-06-04Although they are unnamed they will not be forgotten for having staunchly held onto their beliefs in Truthfulness-Compassion-Tolerance, even when all their human rights were completely stripped away and finally even when they endured the most extreme suffering and lost their precious lives.