Exposing the Persecution
Torture | Kidnapping | Brainwashing | Illegal Detention and Imprisonment | Extortion | Persecution Throughout Society | Inside the Labour Camps | Individual Accounts | 6-10 Office | Death Cases | Organ Harvesting
Elderly Female Practitioner Killed by Fatal Blow to Head in Chongqing City
2003-04-21Because she firmly practiced Dafa, she was subjected to various forms of torture. On May 11, 2001, in order to stop her from cultivating Dafa, an evil guard grabbed her hair and slammed her head against the wall. The blow was fatal and the next day, she sadly passed away as a result of the severe injury she had sustained.
Record of the Savage Atrocities in the Wanjia Forced Labour Camp in Harbin City (1999-2001) [Part 1]
2003-04-21This article reveals the inhumane persecution against Falun Gong practitioners in the Wanjia Forced Labour Camp in Harbin City from 1999 through 2001. This includes individual and group torture, forced-feeding, and imprisonment of female practitioners in male cells, among other gruesome and inhumane methods. From the perspective of witnesses, it unmasks the shocking murder case on June 20, 2001 and exposes the lies fabricated by the Jiang regime.
Shameful Acts Committed Against Female Dafa Practitioner in Yanqing Prison
2003-04-21They slapped me, burned me with a lit cigarette, and fondled my breasts. Their behaviour was cruel and obscene. These gangster policemen forced me to take off my coat so they could torture me with an electric shock baton. They shamelessly shouted, "You are over 50 now. If you were still in your 30's, we would take off all of your clothes
In the Face of Brutal Beatings and Cruel Torture in Sichuan Province
2003-04-21Because the majority of the practitioners had been forced to give up their cultivation, they turned around and assisted the evildoers to persecute me. They monitored me and did not allow me to speak. I could not even look at other practitioners or they would accuse us of encouraging each other. For this, they punished me even more. They would stand beside me even when I went to the toilet.
Falun Dafa Practitioner Hou Mingkai Tortured to Death for Broadcasting Truth-Clarifying Programmes on Cable TV
2003-04-20Hou Mingkai, working with other practitioners, risked their lives and took the unprecedented step of tapping into the local cable TV to broadcast Dafa truth-clarifying programmes. In response to this, the "610 Office" [an agency specifically created to persecute Falun Gong, with absolute power over each level of administration in the Party and all other political and judiciary systems] issued a warrant for Mingkai and promised a 50,000 Yuan reward plus a promotion to whoever caught him.
Heaven's Fury at Torture Death of Female Dafa Practitioner in Weifang City
2003-04-20In 13 days, a life full of energy was destroyed. Gao's husband was denied a last visitation. Her daughter had to face the harsh reality of her father's detention and her mother's death. Worrying that her grandmother may be unable to bear the bad news, she had to put on a smiling face and told her, "Mum went to Jinan City on business. She will be back in a few days." Now the elderly grandmother asks every day when her daughter-in-law will come back.
Hebei Province Chen Family Suffer Persecution: 2 Dead, 4 Incarcerated
2003-04-20The Chens are a family from Zhangjiakou City, Hebei Province. All six people in the Chen family had the good fortune to become Dafa practitioners. Yet all six have had all their human rights stripped away, two of them enduring agonising torture and subsequently died.
Hunan Province Elderly Practitioners Persecuted by Cold-Hearted Police
2003-04-20They brutally tortured Mr. Hu to force him to give up practising Falun Dafa. He refused and protested, angering the persecutors. Yu Wuodong, in an wicked frenzy repeatedly struck Mr. Hu's head causing him to lose his eyesight. Afterwards, they removed all valuables from Mr. Hu's home. As a result of the brutal persecution, Hu Xuanju is now blind and deaf.
Lethal Injections Cause Death of Female Falun Dafa Practitioner at Zhongba Female Forced Labour Camp
2003-04-19Ms Han Ming was detained at the Zhongba Female Forced Labour Camp in Guizhou Province, where she was brutally tortured. After a vicious female guard Gu Xinying, 29 brutally beat her, eight guards tied Han Ming up and forcibly injected her with four doses of unknown drugs. From then on, Han Ming's muscles atrophied and her lower limbs were virtually paralysed.
Sixteen-Year-Old Girl from Hebei Province Subjected to Horrific Torture
2003-04-19To protest the illegal arrest, she went on a hunger strike. Under orders from the deputy head and a director at the centre, cold-hearted police officers inserted a tube through the practitioner's nose and administered a large amount of toxic salt water, injuring her stomach.
Falun Dafa Practitioner Tortured to the Point of Disability For Refusing to Renounce His Beliefs
2003-04-19Eventually, the thug-like police's kicking broke my back, and I lost feeling in both legs. My work unit dismissed me because I insisted on practising cultivation, and my family lost financial security. The medical expenses for my injury alone cost me more than 20,000 Yuan [500 Yuan is the average monthly income for an urban worker in China.] I lost my good health, I lost my livelihood.
How Heilongjiang Province Dafa Practitioner Was Persecuted to Death
2003-04-19Changlinzi Labour Camp informed Zhang Tao's brother that Zhang Tao had died of a "heart attack" (at that time, Zhang Tao's wife and daughter were in jail and his son was missing). On August 2nd, when Zhang Tao's family members and relatives went to the Harbin No.2 Hospital to dress Zhang Tao's body, they were shocked to discover that Zhang Tao's neck was heavily bruised and badly swollen, and one of his shoulders was obviously fractured and disfigured. What evidence was this of a heart attack?
Brainwashing Centre Official Betrays His Own Family Members
2003-04-19The agents swarmed into the house, kidnapped Xing's mother and sent her to the Xiajiadian Brainwashing Centre in Shiyan City. Xing's sister stepped forward to try to stop the arrest and yelled for help. Xing Xu then ordered two doctors to forcefully give his sister an injection.
Prolonged Hanging Kills Practitioners in the Fuyu Forced Labour Camp
2003-04-18The vicious policemen often mentioned, "To fix you up is just like playing a game." Policemen Huang Dianlin and Wang Xuan often said, "Nobody would care if you were beaten to death," "This is the policy of the country," "Even if you want to sue us you would not win." This clearly shows that the policemen of the Fuyu Forced Labour Camp disregard the law and cruelly deprive people's basic human rights.
More Information about Practitioner Zhang Baoxing's Death
2003-04-18Mr. Zhang Baoxing left behind four children and his wife, now a widow. The loss of a husband and father is irreplacable His eldest daughter was forced to get married too early in order to survive. His other two daughters (one age 16, and another age 14) were forced to leave school and do odd jobs to help the family make ends meet.