Exposing the Persecution
Torture | Kidnapping | Brainwashing | Illegal Detention and Imprisonment | Extortion | Persecution Throughout Society | Inside the Labour Camps | Individual Accounts | 6-10 Office | Death Cases | Organ Harvesting
75 Year Old Ms. Wang Guimin Jailed 10 Times for Practising Falun Gong
2004-04-17Ms. Wang Guimin is a retired worker from Kuangshan Machinery Plant in Jining City, Shandong Province. She is seventy-five years old. I met this gentle, elderly lady quite by chance. She related to me the great changes she had experienced both physically and mentally after she started practising Falun Gong. She also told me about the persecution she suffered since July 20, 1999. She showed no bitterness or regret. I was quite moved by her attitude, welling up with tears. Although I do not know much about Falun Gong, her steadfast belief in "Truthfulness, Compassion, and Tolerance" should tell people that we need to wake up as soon as possible and uphold truth and justice.
Recent Abduction of Dafa Practitioners in Huludao City
2004-04-17According to sources inside a police department on April 5, 2004, within the following few days there was going to be a five-day period of nation-wide arrests of Falun Gong practitioners. Between the end of March 2004 to early April, it was known throughout Huludao City that about ten Falun Dafa practitioners suddenly disappeared. On the night of March 31, 2004, Dafa practitioners who had left their homes to avoid the persecution had their temporary residences ransacked by the police.
Siping City Police Admit They Tortured Ms. Dai Chunhua to Death (Photo)
2004-04-16Ms. Dai Chunhua, a thirty-four-year-old Falun Gong practitioner, was a nurse at the First People's Hospital in Jilin Province. On February 19, 2002, she was arrested by police from Siping City, and detained at the city's detention centre. Twenty days later, she was tortured to death. Surprisingly, the police department of Siping City acknowledged that they tortured her to death, and therefore the police department paid the funeral expenses. In many cases, the police do not admit responsibility and grieving families are forced to bear the funeral expenses.
Shandong Province Dafa Practitioner Ms. Zhu Meijuan Dies While Escaping Persecution; Husband Unjustly Detained: Young Daughter Left at Home Alone
2004-04-16Shandong Province Dafa practitioner Ms. Zhu Meijuan fell to her death whilst escaping from an attempted police arrest at home. The exact date of her death has not been verified, but it is thought to have been on March 21 2004. Her husband, Zhou Zhaohua, is serving a four year sentence also because he practises Falun Gong. Sadly, their 11-year-old daughter is left at home alone, with no parents to care for her.
One Young and One Elderly Dafa Practitioner Die as a Result of Persecution in Jiayu County, Hubei Province
2004-04-1660 year old Dafa practitioner Mr. Shen Guoyan lived in Hubei Province. In late September 2001, he was arrested while publicly distributing truth clarification materials and was sent to a Detention Centre where the guards viciously beat him and violently struck his chest. They tortured him with various methods until his whole body became swollen and he was on the brink of death. Mr. Shen was released in October 2002, however passed away in February 2003. His ten-year-old grandson whose only family was Shen Guoyan is now left home all alone.
Homeless and Penniless Dr. Piao Jizi Dies from Torture-Related Illnesses
2004-04-16Ms. Piao Jizi was a 49-year-old doctor working at the Disease Prevention Unit of Yanji, Jilin Province. Through the practice of Falun Gong she was healed of many serious illnesses. However her health deteriorated drastically after spending time in forced re-education through labour. After her release she had to leave home to avoid further persecution. The tremendous pressure on her body and mind resulted in her death on January 8, 2004.
Belated Report: Liaoning Province Falun Gong Practitioner, Mr. Ma Zhongxing Tortured to Death in 2001
2004-04-16Mr. Ma Zhongxing, 52, was a Falun Gong practitioner from Liaoning Province. After making an appeal to call to the end of the persecution he was arrested and sent to a labour camp. He suffered brutal treatment and developed symptoms of severe heart disease. Fearing that he might die in detention, the authorities released him but continued to harass him until he passed away on November 1, 2001.
Husband's Harrowing Story of Cover-Up Regarding Wife's Death (Photo)
2004-04-15"A head surgeon named Sun said, "She had meningitis but we haven't made a correct pathology report." We went to the morgue and the people there asked me to sign a document. I asked what the document was for. He asked my wife's name. I told him and he again asked me to sign, so I did. I left the morgue and suddenly realized there was something behind the document, so I went back and saw division heads Zhang and Li from the "610 Office" were taking away my wife's body."..."As the victim's husband, I don't know who to go to protest the mysterious circumstances surrounding my wife's death. She was a healthy person when she was arrested and yet died in a very short time."
Sham Autopsy Report to Hide Truth of Suspicious Death of Liaoning Province Dafa Practitioner Ms. Li Ying (Photo)
2004-04-15Ms. Li Ying was tortured to death by the No.1 Division of the Fushun Police Department in Liaoning Province. But the police, procuratorate and court have together given false testimony, and at present, the murderers are still at large. Li Ying's family questioned the leaders for the cause of her death. Hao said that she had died of natural causes. Not convinced they paid for a second autopsy to be performed. The professor examined in detail the obvious dark, purple wounds on Ms. Li's body, which numbered over a dozen and he said aloud to himself, "What heavy item hit the body? However the autopsy report said, "Lung thrombus, natural death."
The Crimes of Zhao Zhenguo and the Shulan City Policemen at the Coal Mine Plant
2004-04-15Zhao Zhenguo persecuted Dafa practitioner Ms. Wang Pengying cruelly. Wang Pengying's husband had died from an accident at work and she was leading a difficult life, supporting herself and her young son. Zhao Zhenguo knew that she was too poor to extort money from her, so he targeted her elder sister by telling her to deliver him 500 yuan as the condition for releasing Wang Pengying. On payment more money was demanded again and again until Wang Pengying was sent to the Heizuizi Forced Labour Camp in Changchun City because she could not afford to pay the so-called fines.
Less than Two Months After Release from Detention Centre, 60 Year Old Mr. Wang Gaibian Died from Torture Related Illnesses in 2003
2004-04-15Mr. Wang Gaibian was 60 years old. In March 2002, Mr. Wang was arrested by Wuan City police and sent to a Detention Centre. There, the police forced him to rip cotton for more than twelve hours a day. Sometimes, the police used a leather scourge to thrash him. Mr. Wang became very weak because of the torture. The police didn't release him until after he was tortured almost to the point of death. Less than two months after he was released, he died.
Ms. Yang Xiuqin from Henan Province Dies as a Result of Torture
2004-04-14Falun Gong practitioner Ms. Yang Xiuqin from Zhoukou City, Henan Province was 50 years old. Because of going to appeal for Falun Gong many times, vicious police officers violently kicked her head and injured her brain, which led to continuous high blood pressure. Later when she was unlawfully detained again, she had blood in her stool for several days, and her blood pressure was extremely high. After getting out of prison, her health got worse and worse. She died on November 16, 2003.
Liaoning Province Falun Gong Practitioner Mr. Wang Guoyue Dies as a Result of Tremendous Physical and Mental Brutality
2004-04-14Mr. Wang Guoyue lived in Anshan City, Liaoning Province. In April 2001, he started a three year sentence of forced labour. After only 20 days in the labour camp he was released on medical parole yet continued to suffer from police harassment. Having experienced tremendous physical and mental brutality, he passed away on May 18, 2003. He was 44 years old.
Retired Teacher Mr. Liu Yupu from Henan Province Dies As a Result of Persecution
2004-04-14Mr. Liu Yupu was a retired teacher in Henan Province. He suffered from an incurable liver disease and was dying. It was through discovering the practice of Falun Gong that he made a marvelous, complete recovery. However once the persecution of Falun Gong began he was detained, brainwashed and tortured many times. He was forced to eat spicy food, which caused damage to his body and he passed away on April 2, 2004.
Practitioner Wu Yongmei from Chongqing City Severely Tortured, Her Four Year Old Daughter Taken Away by Police
2004-04-14Zhang Yuanyuan is a four-year-old girl who lives in Chongqing City. She used to have a happy family. Both her father Zhang Hongxu and mother Wu Yongmei practise Falun Gong. Yet on July 22, 1999, when she was only seven-months old, she was separated from her loving father, as he was sentenced to two years in a labour camp and then later had to leave home to avoid further persecution. Her mother was also detained and suffered agonies. When she was released home, she strongly requested to have little Yuanyuan back but the police refused.