Exposing the Persecution
Torture | Kidnapping | Brainwashing | Illegal Detention and Imprisonment | Extortion | Persecution Throughout Society | Inside the Labour Camps | Individual Accounts | 6-10 Office | Death Cases | Organ Harvesting
Female Dafa Practitioner Killed by High-Voltage Electric Batons at Banqiao Forced Labour Camp
2003-04-11Practitioners went on a work strike to protest against the illegal persecution. The police then resorted to violence attempting to get practitioners back to work. Headed by an evil policeman named Kou, the police beat up and shocked every practitioner with highly lethal high-voltage electric batons. Many practitioners were severely injured. Ms. Li Shumin tragically died on the spot.
The Courage of an 11 Year Old Girl Practitioner In Spite of Persecution
2003-04-11In July 2001, I went with a young practitioner the same age as myself (11 years old) to Tiananmen Square. We held high a banner with the words, "Truthfulness, Compassion, Forbearance" on it. We were knocked to the ground with one kick from the policemen and were dragged away by our hair. In China, the people in power are cruel and violent, even to harmless and defenseless school children like us. It is really inhuman.
Agonising Screams Heard from Female Practitioners in Changchun City Heizuizi Women's Forced Labour Camp
2003-04-11In October 2002, there was an unknown female practitioner in the No. 1 team of the No. 2 Division (Dafa practitioners are not allowed to say anything to each other when they meet, therefore her name remains unknown). A policewoman Wei ordered an old common prisoner, He Huanping, to drive steel needles into this practitioner's fingertips. The entire camp could hear this practitioner's agonising screams.
Evil Strategies Used by the "610 Offices" To Catch Dafa Practitioners
2003-04-11After finishing the search, the "610 Office" sends a working team to the practitioner's home and carries out a so-called "chat and help," where they falsely say that they will help look for jobs and they pretend to care about the lives of the practitioners. They say something like, "If you want to practise then stay at home to practise. Do not worry, we do not have hostility against you."
Community Up In Arms at Unwarranted Torture and Death of Much-Loved Female Practitioner
2003-04-10She gave presents to her parents-in-law, and meticulously took care of her father-in-law, who had been paralysed for many years. She was a kind daughter-in-law with high virtue. Her father-in-law always used to tell people, "I'm really blessed in this life, since I have a very nice daughter-in-law. My wife has taken very good care of me. But my daughter-in-law looks after me even more." He was not aware that Mrs. Liu had been tortured to death.
Security Bureau Secretly Kidnaps Practitioners
2003-04-10In July 2001, Wang received his master's degree; however the university did not release the graduate dispatch certificate [a certificate required to obtain a job after graduation] to him because he refused to write, against his conscience, the so-called "Guarantee Statement" to renounce Falun Dafa. As a result, he did not have a stable job, and was always on the go, making a living by taking temporary jobs.
Nanchang City Retired Female Doctor Detained Again After Suffering Several Rounds of Torture
2003-04-10The thugs tried to force her to write suicide notes, saying, "It counts as suicide if we beat you to death." They also instigated the common criminals to beat her brutally. These criminals forced her to kneel on the ground with a towel in her mouth. They slapped her on her face and beat her with metal hangers, especially on the infected parts of her body.
Mafia-Style Henan Province Police Extort Money From Falun Gong Practitioner For His Peaceful Appeal
2003-04-10The detention centre forced us to lie about our conditions to the inspector that came to check on us. We were forced to work long hours every day. After we were released, the Political and Security Section Chief illegally ordered us to pay a 6,000 Yuan [Chinese currency, the monthly salary for an average Chinese urban worker is about 500 Yuan] as a "fine."
Another Tragic Casualty of Persecution: Young Dafa Practitioner Dies in Pingfang Detention Centre
2003-04-09This healthy young man was tortured to death only fifteen days after he was captured and detained without trial or legal process. How can a legal system be just when good, honest people, who believe in Truthfulness-Compassion-Tolerance, are incarcerated, stripped off all human rights and tortured to death?
Practitioners Donated Money for Natural Disaster Relief in Liaoyuan City, Now Driven to Mental Collapse and Tortured to Death
2003-04-09These are just several instances that can be substantiated. Actually, in the Liaoyuan region alone, there are far more than these several instances where innocent people were brutally persecuted just because they wanted to practise Falun Gong. Why are the authorities so afraid of good people?
Staggering 1,350 Falun Gong Practitioners Currently Illegally Incarcerated in the Masanjia Forced Labour Camp
2003-04-09The police threaten, "You will be tortured to death in three days at Masanjia if you do not transform." Every day, Dafa practitioners have been bearing huge physical and mental abuse. The guards are so dehumanised that they take pleasure in the suffering of these harmless people. Where is there justice?
Atrocities in Tangshan City: A 66 Year Old Retired Female Teacher is Brutalised in Freezing Weather
2003-04-09Zheng Chunsheng warned them, "I will beat you all to death, and then use gasoline to burn your bodies. I will just claim that you committed self-immolation." He then slapped Zhang Muying on her face and said, "I will listen to whoever pays me." Zhang Muying asked him to stop beating her, but he replied, "The Party ordered us to beat you up. If you dare to get out of this room, I will beat you to death!"
Courageous Dafa Practitioners Question the Judge With Righteousness at the Xinhua District Court of Haikou City
2003-04-09Many people sitting in the visitors' benches were moved by Dafa practitioners' righteous thoughts and said, "Falun Gong practitioners are great!" In response to the practitioners' righteous statements, the judge could only say, "Laws like this are stipulated by our country...As long as you are involved with Falun Gong, you are guilty."
Shuangcheng City Detention Centre's Long-Term Abuse Leads to Death of Practitioner
2003-04-08Yet another tragic and needless death due to long-term abuse, of a Dafa practitioner who had the courage to exercise his right according to the Constitution: to appeal for the right to peacefully practise his belief in Truthfulness-Compassion-Tolerance. However, not only has his right of appeal been violated, his very life has been taken away.
Steadfast Dafa Practitioner Tortured to Death in Huludao Forced Labour Camp
2003-04-08"Don't think about leaving without been 'transformed'. " Sheng Xuejun said, "Once you write the pledge to stop practising, to not appeal and to not gather together [with other Falun Gong practitioners], and pay 500 to 3,000 Yuan, you will be released."