Exposing the Persecution
Torture | Kidnapping | Brainwashing | Illegal Detention and Imprisonment | Extortion | Persecution Throughout Society | Inside the Labour Camps | Individual Accounts | 6-10 Office | Death Cases | Organ Harvesting
Baimalong Women's Forced Labour Camp Create A Vicious Attack Team to Brutally Torture Dafa Practitioners
2003-03-01Practitioner Cao Xianghui was sent to the "attack team" twice. The first time she was tortured severely, to the point where she could not move her lower body. Later she was once again sent to the "attack team" for staging a hunger strike in protest. They tortured her day and night, and her cries of pain could be heard from her cell constantly. No person with any sense of humanity would not be moved by such scenes of horror.
Shuangcheng City Second Detention Centre Torments Woman Practitioner Until She Loses Her Mind
2003-03-01Ms. Xu Lijuan and her husband are both laid-off workers, and are therefore in considerable financial difficulty. They have had to spend close to 10,000 Yuan to treat Ms. Xu, [500 Yuan is the average monthly income for an urban worker in China] who remains listless, and has lost part of her memory. She cannot take care of herself. Because Ms. Xu's husband has to take care of her and also their daughter, who is in school, he cannot go out to work to earn money. He is extremely distressed and exhausted. The family has to rely on the financial help of their relatives in order to survive.
Changchun City Third Detention Centre Ruins Practitioners Physically, Mentally and Financially
2003-03-01Demonic police in the detention centre also stapled Dafa practitioners' hands, stabbed their hands with toothpicks and then tore out the staples and toothpicks. They enjoyed torturing the practitioners and called it "acupuncture." We caution the perpetrators that justice will prevail for the crimes committed against Dafa practitioners; "what goes around, comes around."
Female Dafa Practitioner Tortured to Death for Peacefully Distributing Truthfulness-Benevolence-Forbearance Cards (Photo)
2003-02-28Ms. Liu was an employee of the Shuangcheng City Beer Factory in Heilongjiang Province. On February 6, 2003, while peacefully distributing a New Year greetings card with the characters "Truthfulness-Benevolence-Forbearance" on it to a passenger in their own mini-van, she and her husband were reported to the police, who then unjustly took away the couple and their van. How could it be a crime to honour the values of Truthfulness-Benevolence-Forbearance?
Battered and Bruised: Female Dafa Practitioners Dead Body Is Proof of Vicious Torture In Brainwashing Class
2003-02-28It wasn't until the noon of October 14 that the perpetrators notified Xiong's family members that she was dead. In order to escape responsibility, they lied to Xiong's family, claiming that she suffered from a high fever due to influenza and that they were not able to resuscitate her in time. When Xiong's family saw her corpse, her teeth were clenched tightly, her whole body was covered with bruises and injuries and her wrists showed deep marks from being hung with iron-chains. The state of her body was the proof of the vicious treatment she had been subjected to.
Practitioners Expose the Crimes of Shenyang City's Dabei Prison to the "World Organization to Investigate the Persecution of Falun Gong"
2003-02-28The means they used are a collection of various nation-wide evil methods, all of which are very vicious and base. Last June, a Dafa practitioner was killed at Ward No. 7 in the Dabei Women's Prison. At the end of 2002, over 10 Dafa practitioners had been persecuted to death. But the criminals who killed those practitioners are still protected by Jiang's power and haven't been punished yet. They still conduct crimes out of their desire for political self interest and monetary gain.
Female Doctor from Tangshan City is Brutally Persecuted for Three Years Just for Wishing to Say, "Falun Dafa Is Good"
2003-02-28The next morning he dropped his disguise of a smiling face and revealed his vicious, real self. He continually slapped my face for the entire morning until it was all swollen. As he hit me, he snarled, "Will you be transformed or not?" I sternly replied, "I will not!" "If you are not transformed I'll hang you under the persimmon tree in the courtyard. In the past, they [he was referring to other Falun Gong practitioners] were all hung under that tree. Or I'll lock you up in a solitary room." When he saw that I was not intimidated, he sent for an electric baton and started to shock me with it.
Killing One Practitioner, Mengyin County Officials Then Kill the Only Witness: Story of the Gruesome Deaths (Photos)
2003-02-27Liu Shufen and Zhang Dezhen were being tortured together. Liu Shufen was the only witness to Zhang Dezhen's death. At that time, Liu Shufen was beaten until she lost consciousness. The guards deliberately sent her for brain surgery, saying that something must be wrong with her brain and forcibly carried her out of her cell. According to several Falun Dafa practitioners who witnessed the scene, she was breathing normally and her body temperature was also normal. She had just temporarily lost consciousness due to the beating. Liu Shufen died as a result of the surgery.
Hewan Forced Labour Camp Incites Thug-Like Criminals to Torture Falun Gong Practitioners
2003-02-27The police's slogan is: "As long as they are still breathing [referring to practitioners], the criminals can do whatever they want to torture them. But they should leave little or no trace on the surface of practitioners' bodies." Some practitioners were tortured several times per day; some suffered more than one hundred heavy lashes a day. Practitioner Wang Jun was subjected to over two hours of beating and slapping every day. So extreme was his torment! Sub-human criminal Li Zhongqi said, "However intense is your pain, so too is my pleasure. I love torturing you each day."
Base Police in Xuanhua Train Station Force Travellers to Step On the Portrait of the Founder of Falun Gong During the 16th Party Congress
2003-02-27This kind of behaviour is not only to persecute Falun Dafa, but also to insult those who wish to travel from this station. Perhaps the police have come to understand that this behaviour is not right, as they now hide out of sight to observe what is happening. They are no longer as blatant in their actions as they used to be, when they acted without any ethical consideration whatsoever. Their actions now show their fear.
Atrocities at Jiutai Forced Labour Camp
2003-02-26The evil guards pressed him onto the floor and cuffed his arms and legs to the table's legs. Three to four guards shocked him using electric batons. Soon the entire hallway was filled with the stench of burnt skin and thick smoke. Such frightening scenes occurred often. About 20 other practitioners were tortured in the same way.
Dalian Forced Labour Camp Threaten Dafa Practitioners Not to Tell of Torture When Released
2003-02-26If the practitioners were sent into the section due to hunger strikes and other reasons, the police would apply excruciating persecution and torture on them as long as they did not give up Dafa. The amoral police would force practitioners who were supposed to be released from the camp to guarantee that they would never tell anyone what had happened in the camp before releasing them from the "severe watch section."
Wicked Jinzhou City Forced Labour Camp Officials Inflict Pain and Misery on Practitioners
2003-02-26They have used all sorts of base methods, such as lying, putting pressure on the practitioners, and using material gains as bait. After being brainwashed, some practitioners, sadly, succumbed to the intense pressure and torture and became accomplices to the police officers in their conspiracy against their fellow practitioners. This is a great tragedy in this vicious persecution of Falun Dafa.
Well-Respected Female Professor Unjustly Sentenced to Eight Years in Prison
2003-02-26Zhang Ruixia has been unjustly and undeservedly sentenced to 8 years in prison, though she has not yet recovered from previous torture. Both legs are injured, and her health has suffered from the long-term detention and bad food. In the detention centre she has difficulty standing, and sometimes has to crawl to the washroom.
Changchun Female Dafa Practitioner Cruelly Tortured: Nipples Burnt, Face Covered with Bloody Blisters, Thighs Festered from Shocks of Electric Batons
2003-02-25...My neck was swollen to the size of my head, my face was full of bloody blisters. My ears extended because of swelling. My lips were swollen and turned to the outside. When I took off my clothes, all the people were so stunned that many of them burst into tears and dared not look at me. On my breasts and under my armpits, were bruises and scars from wounds strung together like beads. My breasts swelled up and were too painful to be touched, my nipples were burnt black.