Exposing the Persecution
Torture | Kidnapping | Brainwashing | Illegal Detention and Imprisonment | Extortion | Persecution Throughout Society | Inside the Labour Camps | Individual Accounts | 6-10 Office | Death Cases | Organ Harvesting
The Intense Violence Against Dafa Practitioners in Zhalante Qi's Tumuji Forced Labour Camp
2003-02-25In order to get the "honour" of being named "civilized labour camp," the guards used faked guarantee letters for obeying camp regulations written by criminals, as if they had been written by Dafa practitioners. Every time when higher authorities came to inspect the labour camp, the guards carried severely injured Dafa practitioners away and hid them in cellars or pig pens.
Two Steadfast Female Falun Dafa Practitioners Endure Ongoing Harsh Persecution in the Notorious Wanjia Forced Labour Camp
2003-02-25They psychologically manipulated and tortured practitioners into making the repentance statement, and into slandering Falun Gong and the founder of Falun Gong in front of a video camera. When these friends and family visited, they were forced to express hatred, hostility, and opposition toward Falun Dafa. Otherwise, they were refused their right to visit these practitioners.
Dafa Practitioner Suffering from Persecution for Three Years
2003-02-25About 10 pm on February 9, 2002, Shuangcheng police went to his home to arrest Fu and his wife. The police tricked them by saying that they wanted some information, and would let them come back shortly after, but the couple has not been seen since then. Now, only the three children are at home, having to fend for themselves! The eldest one is 14 years old, the middle one is 5 years old, and the youngest is only 3 years old.
In Remembrance of Dafa Practitioner Ms Wang Fengwei
2003-02-24She was inhumanely tortured for a long time. A non-practitioner was locked up with her, and when this person came out, she told another Dafa practitioner how good Wang Fengwei was to her, and how Wang Fengwei cared about others. She saw with her own eyes how Wang Fengwei was severely tortured. Her body was extremely weak, and she could not manage to go to the toilet by herself. But the evil people did not care if she died or lived, and continued to shackle her for an extended period of time.
Police in Daqing City Jail Show No Mercy to Falun Gong Practitioners
2003-02-24In order to force Zhang Xingyan to wear the jail's uniform, the depraved police tore his clothes (including pants and vest) into pieces. He was naked and held down by two criminals, while others assaulted him. He also suffered the wind blowing in from the open window while the temperature was --20 degree Celsius [-4oF] for three consecutive days and nights. He fell unconscious from the cold.
Liaoyuan City Police Apply Vicious Torture Methods to Innocent Practitioners
2003-02-24The practitioners also told the police officers that those who persecute practitioners would not avoid the consequences of "what goes around, comes around". The policemen did not take the kind advice from Dafa practitioners; instead, they said the practitioners were cursing them. After the practitioners were arrested and taken to the police station, all were inhumanly tortured, without mercy.
Dafa Practitioners Face Continual and Brutal Persecution in Panjin Forced Labour Camp
2003-02-24Practitioner Liu Guangqing was beaten and kicked by a guard named Zhang Yan for reciting Teacher's articles. He was kicked in the groin so viciously that the entire area turned black, blue, and purple colour, and he was in so much pain that he swayed back and forth. But police officers Zhu Zhenlai and Meng Xianliang actually said Liu was pretending.
Blood on Hands of Yantai City Police for Death of Innocent Female Dafa Practitioner
2003-02-23Wang Fengqin was tortured to death around January 28, 2003. However, the cold-hearted perpetrators notified her family only after the Spring Festival. Wang Fengqin's family members saw that her clothes were stuck to her dead body and could not be removed. Her wrists showed clear marks from handcuffs. What she must have endured is hard to imagine. After extorting 1,000 Yuan from her family, the authorities cremated her body.
Belated News: Practitioner Cruelly Force-Fed to Death at Changchun City's Third Detention Centre
2003-02-23While in detention, Wang Shouhui was subjected to inhumane torture. Mr. Wang firmly resisted the evildoers by going on a hunger strike. The detention centre cruelly force-fed him, with no regard for his life, which led to his untimely death.
Eminent 73-Year-Old Female Astronautics Scientist is Persecuted to Death for Upholding Her Belief in Falun Dafa
2003-02-23Afterwards, the vicious gang blocked the news. Li Guangya, Party Secretary of the China Academy of Launching Technology, and Wu Zhongren, secretary of the Disciplinary Committee, boasted of their experience and achievements in "reforming" Falun Gong practitioners in a summing-up meeting at the academy. They even shifted the responsibility for Ren Yufen's death to Falun Gong. They have chosen to follow Jiang's regime to its dead end. It is despicable and doleful.
Formerly Healthy Young Woman Suffers Mental Breakdown from Excessive Torture at the Masanjia Forced Labour Camp
2003-02-23The harmful environment and filthy language in the detention centre, as well as police's frequent beating of practitioners, mentally scarred this cheerful, pure, and innocent young girl. Already deeply hurt by her father's illegal detention, her suffering reached the extreme when faced with this violence and brutality.
Young Teen's Heart-Rendering Story: Parents Sent to Labour Camp and Brother Sentenced to Jail
2003-02-22Then they handcuffed my parents and forced them to go to a detention centre. It was a frightening scene! I didn't want them to go, but the strangers didn't listen. It's been two months since then. I miss my parents very much! My uncle went to the detention centre to try to get my parents to come home, but he was told, "Both were sentenced to forced labour education for three years.
Further Information on Deceased Heilongjiang Female Falun Dafa Practitioner "D3"
2003-02-22When I was force-fed, I was pinned to the ground by four or five inmates. Such pressure on top of me made me feel like my internal organs were going to rupture. After the force-feeding, my whole body was usually covered with blood. From my own experience, I could imagine what kind of torment D3 must have endured.
Jiang Regime Distributes Fabricated Materials and Lies to Elementary and Middle School Students
2003-02-22The schools force all students to buy the books that slander Dafa. Taking advantage of the young students' lack of ability to differentiate between fact and fiction, the government takes all means to plant the seeds of hatred toward Falun Gong in their innocent minds.
Brainwashed Collaborators Assist in Persecuting Practitioners in Hubei Province
2003-02-22Ms Zhang Wenyu, was an employee of the Wuhan City Electric Power 3rd Department. After being brainwashed by the evil "610 Office," she took the initiative to persecute Dafa practitioners in the brainwashing centre. She kept practitioners from going to sleep and forbade them to go to the toilet to the point of being incontinent. She also informed the "610 Office" on other Dafa practitioners.