Exposing the Persecution
Torture | Kidnapping | Brainwashing | Illegal Detention and Imprisonment | Extortion | Persecution Throughout Society | Inside the Labour Camps | Individual Accounts | 6-10 Office | Death Cases | Organ Harvesting
Ms. Wang Jie Passes Away After Long-Term Torture In Prison
2012-05-23By 2002, Falun Gong practitioner Ms. Wang Jie had seen many other practitioners from Liaoning Province brutally persecuted and disabled by torture, and their families torn apart. Ms. Wang and fellow practitioners decided to collect persecution evidence and publish the names of the perpetrators. However, Ms Wang did not realize her phone was being monitored and she was arrested in October 2002 by police. She was hung by her handcuffs on a wall for two days and nights, and sentenced to seven years in prison. When she finally got out of the hell-like prison in October 2009 she was extremely weak and had contracted bladder cancer. She passed away on April 21st, 2012.
Shanghai Practitioner Mr. Shi Yi Locked up in a Mental Hospital
2012-05-23Falun Gong practitioner Mr. Shi Yi went to West Nanjing Road Police Station in Jingan on March 29th, 2012, hoping to talk to the police chief about Falun Gong and to collect some of his personal belongings that had been confiscated from him. However, Mr. Shi was arrested on his way to the station by police. His family was later informed that he had been taken to the Central Hospital of Mental Health in Jiangan.
Practitioner Mr. Sun Jiangdong from Binzhou City, Shandong Province Sent to Labour Camp Twice, Barred from Seeing His Lawyer
2012-05-23Falun Gong Practitioner Mr. Sun Jiangdong was arrested by police on March 27th, 2012 and sent directly to Shandong No. 2 Men’s Labour Camp. Mr. Sun’s father, his father-in-law and a lawyer came to the labour camp to visit him on April 19th. When the lawyer presented a legal document for Mr. Sun’s signature, police officer Zhang Zhenguo told them that the visit was not permitted, “according to special instructions from the 610 Office (an organisation of special agents just for persecuting Falun Gong).” When the lawyer asked him to show the instructions in writing, the officer refused, citing a number of implausible excuses.
Practitioner Zhang Shengquan From Chongqing City, Previously Sentenced to Prison and Forced Labour Camp, Recently Framed and Sentenced Again to a Four-Year Prison Term
2012-05-23On February 16th, 2012, Falun Gong practitioner Zhang Shengquan, 53, was arrested by nine police officers. Five days later, the Chongqing City Judicial System secretly sentenced him to a four-year prison term. Zhang Shengquan will appeal the court ruling. The Chinese Communist Party (CCP) has constantly persecuted Zhang. He previously had been sentenced to two years of forced labour and a three-year prison term for his beliefs.
Chongqing Practitioners Severely Persecuted by Wang Lijun and Bo Xilai
2012-05-23We are Falun Gong practitioners from Chongqing. After June 2008, when Bo Xilai, former head of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) Chongqing branch, transferred Wang Lijun to Chongqing, we witnessed the crimes committed by both Bo and Wang. They brainwashed the people of Chongqing with methods similar to those of the Cultural Revolution, and the persecution of Falun Gong practitioners escalated. In 2009, at least 188 practitioners were arrested. Of those, six of them were persecuted to death, 18 were sentenced to prison, 76 sentenced to forced labour, and five sent to mental hospitals to be persecuted.
Mr. Hua Lianyong and Wife Ms. Tian Zongli Arrested Again
2012-05-23On April 24th, 2012, Falun Gong practitioners Mr. Hua Lianyou and his wife Ms. Tian Zongli were arrested by police. Their home was ransacked. It was said that the police station received an order from the city government to arrest them. The police confiscated personal belongings including Falun Gong books, computers, and printers. The couple are now detained in Beichen District Detention Centre. Mr. Hua and Ms. Tian had previously been arrested in February 2001, and were sentenced to five years and four years in prison, respectively.
Ms. Wang Guiying from Baoding City Is Being Brought to Trial
2012-05-23On February 25th, 2012, Falun Gong practitioner Ms. Wang Guiying, who is 55 years old and from Baoding City, was arrested by the Domestic Security Department of the Beishi District Police Sub-Bureau. Ms. Wang's family received a notice saying that Ms. Wang will be tried on May 25th. In August 2002, Ms. Wang was arrested for practising Falun Gong. She was tortured until her life was at risk. They used an electric chair to cruelly torture her, injected her with poisonous drugs, and beat her. As a result, she was wrapped up for a few months, she became emaciated, and was at the brink of death.
Office Manager Mr. Wang Zishan Arrested at Zhuhai Airport
2012-05-21Falun Gong practitioner Mr. Wang Zishan, 57, was arrested at the Zhuhai Airport on March 4th, 2012, as he was departing for a business exposition in Beijing. As he was preparing to board and presented his identity card, more than ten plainclothes police gathered around him and forcibly took him to the Airport Police Station. They frisked him and searched his belongings. After finding some paper money bills with messages exposing the persecution of Falun Gong, they immediately arrested him. It was learned that Mr. Wang was then sent to the Sanshui Brainwashing Centre.
Practitioner in Kunming City Arrested and Sentenced Because His Wife Had the Same Name As a Crime Suspect
2012-05-21Mr. Cheng Hongchou is a 61-year-old Falun Gong practitioner. Because his wife has the same name as a crime suspect, the police broke into his home and arrested him. The agents also threatened his wife, saying, “We will return and arrest you if you expose today’s incident on the Internet.” While he was held in the detention centre, Mr. Cheng was brutally tortured. As a result, his body and mind were badly injured. He developed symptoms of oedema in his legs and he was in very poor physical condition. On March 13th, 2012 the Kunming City Court sentenced him to three years of imprisonment with three years of probation.
Wang Xiangyu, Chen Hengmei from Shenzhen Still Detained
2012-05-21On April 2nd, Falun Gong practitioners Wang Xiangyu, Chen Hengmei and Ying Jie were arrested in the Ying Jie Barber Shop. They have now been held for a month in a detention centre. Wang Xiangyu lived in the back of Ying Jie's barber shop. Wang Xiangyu's mobile phone was monitored by the police for a month. Police claimed that they followed Wang. The Chinese Communist Party (CCP) 610 Office (an organisation of special agents just for persecuting Falun Gong) was responsible for these actions. These officials arrest practitioners at will. According to sources, the 610 Office staff ransacked Ying Jie's barber shop, then fined her 20,000 yuan.
Li Changhai from Jilin Province Facing Unjust Sentence Because of Distributing Shen Yun CDs
2012-05-21On February 17th, Falun Gong practitioner Li Changhai and his wife, Li Shuyun, were arrested by police. This occurred while they were distributing Shen Yun [a world-class traditional Chinese cultural show from New York] CDs near the Jiangbei Chemical Hospital in Jilin City. After being brutally beaten, Mr. Li was sent to the Jilin City Detention Centre. The police continued torturing Li Changhai into the night.
Gansu Province Women's Prison Orders Criminals to Persecute Falun Gong Practitioners
2012-05-20The Gansu Province Women's Prison subjects all female Falun Gong practitioners to persecution in an attempt to force practitioners to renounce Falun Gong. Every day, practitioners are forced to watch videos that slander Falun Gong for more than 10 hours and then they are forced to write reports about their views on the subject. Falun Gong practitioner Ms. Li Xiulan, in her 60's, was beaten, not given food or water and was forbidden to perform personal hygiene or go to the toilet. When she was forced to wet her trousers, she was not allowed to change. Inmates spat on her and forced her head into a toilet bowl.
Li Guiyun and Five Other Falun Gong Practitioners Are Tried by Nongken Court in Baoquanling City, Heilongjiang Province
2012-05-20On April 19th, Falun Gong practitioners Ms. Li Guiyun, Ms. Zhao Hongyu. Ms. Qi Xiumei, Liu Hongbin, Liu Gui, and Lu Chengying were put on trial in Nongken Court. During the trial, Ms. Li Guiyun recounted how the police used torture to extort confessions from practitioners. When Ms. Li was detained in Lingxi Police Station and Nongken Public Security Bureau she was interrogated. Officers Zhang Aiwu, Wu Yinglong, and Wang Xuejun repeatedly used torture in an attempt to extort a confession from her, yelling “I will kill you and leave no evidence, so no one will know.” They turned off the monitoring device and twisted her hands behind her back. They then handcuffed her to a torture device with her feet off the floor. Her arms had to support her entire body weight, causing excruciating pain. Within a short time, she lost consciousness.
Sentenced to Nine Years in Prison, Elderly Practitioner Mr. Luo Laiyang from Nanchang City Dies As a Result of the Persecution
2012-05-20Mr. Luo Laiyang was arrested and sentenced to 9 years in prison in 2007 for distributing information about Falun Gong. He passed away as a result of persecution, at age 73 on April 6th, 2012 at the Jiangxi Prison Hospital. During his imprisonment, Mr. Luo held a hunger strike to resist the persecution, and developed symptoms of illness. However, the prison authorities refused to release him on medical parole, citing the fact that Mr. Luo refused to write a “repentance statement” renouncing Falun Gong.
Falun Gong Practitioners Systematically Murdered for Their Organs: Refuting the Chinese Regime's "Death Row" Explanation, Chapter IV
2012-05-20In this section, we will explain why we are assuming that the number of death row inmates with organs suitable for transplantation is 30% the total. Organs from death row inmates are a one-time resource. Unlike organs hosted by a pool of living people, organs from death row inmates cannot be reserved for future use. Due to perceived political needs, the Chinese Communist regime makes a habit of executing death row inmates on national holidays, such as New Year's Day, May Day, or National Day, to get the most exposure from the event. Quite often, the dictated times of such executions mean that the inmates' organs are not used.