Exposing the Persecution
Torture | Kidnapping | Brainwashing | Illegal Detention and Imprisonment | Extortion | Persecution Throughout Society | Inside the Labour Camps | Individual Accounts | 6-10 Office | Death Cases | Organ Harvesting
10,955 People Sign Petition to Protest the Persecution of Falun Gong in Hebei Province
2013-03-23In June 2012, more than 700 people from Zhengding County, Shijiazhuang City, Hebei Province signed and put their fingerprints on a petition to rescue the imprisoned Falun Gong practitioner Mr. Li Lankui. The petition attracted much attention from the media both inside and outside China. As a result, the authorities responded with an even more intense and frenzied round of persecution. Despite the increased persecution and pressure, local citizens have continued to collect signatures, gathering 10,955 to date.
Falun Gong Practitioner Chang Guiyun Dies on March 8th, Never Recovering From the Effects of Sustained Abuse in Prison
2013-03-23Falun Gong practitioner Ms. Chang Guiyun was sentenced to eight years in prison in 2008. She was incarcerated in the Heizuizi Women's Prison in Changchun City. Due to ongoing torture and abuse in the prison, she suffered a stroke and became partially paralysed, unable to take care of herself. She eventually lost all her teeth, her face was permanently disfigured, she could not speak clearly and her hair turned white. She was finally released on medical parole in 2012 and died on March 8th, 2013, at the age of 62.
Two Women Detained for Two Weeks for Practising Falun Gong
2013-03-19Falun Gong practitioners Ms. Mo Huiping and Ms. Luo Xinping from Yinchuan City, Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region were arrested in Wuzhong City and detained for two weeks. Ms. Mo Huiping, 37, had previously been arrested after being ambushed by police in 2001. She was subsequently sentenced to three years in a forced labour camp. In 2004, she was once again sentenced to another three and a half years in prison. Her sister and brother-in-law were also both persecuted for practising Falun Gong.
Father Misses His Imprisoned Daughter
2013-03-19Falun Gong practitioner Zhang Qiuyun's father cries out “Daughter, let's go home” each time he visits his daughter in prison. He has developed dementia, but he remembers his daughter's name and asks on a daily basis, "When will our daughter come home?" His daughter, Zhang Qiuyun, is a Falun Gong practitioner who was arrested in July 2008. She was interrogated and held for one year, then sentenced to five years in prison in Shijiazhuang Women's Prison.
Innocent English Teacher Sent to Forced Labour Camp, Family Appeals
2013-03-19Police arrested Nanjing City practitioner Ms. Li Jun when she posted informational materials about Falun Gong on May 5th, 2012. Officials first held her at the Nanjing City Detention Centre and then sent her to the Nanjing City Brainwashing Centre. Because Ms. Li refused to give up her belief, she was sent to the Judong Women’s Forced Labour Camp in Jiangsu Province for a term of 15 months in August 2012. This labour camp is notorious for persecuting, torturing, humiliating, and brainwashing Falun Gong practitioners. Ms. Li’s family has appealed to the Nanjing City and Jiangsu Forced Labour Camp Administrative Bureau to release her.
Why Does Shenyang Court Try to Conduct Secret Trials?
2013-03-19The Shenyang City Shengbei New District Court tried four Falun Gong practitioners under the direction of the local 610 Office (an organisation of special agents just for persecuting Falun Gong), on January 17th, 2013. The practitioners denied the criminal charges during during the trial. They argued that Falun Gong is legal and requested a release with a not-guilty verdict. They refuted Judge Wang Xu's accusations one by one. The judge stopped Ms. Niu when she tried to describe how she was tortured. The trial came to a hasty end within a couple of hours.
Many Mudanjiang Falun Gong Practitioners Sent to Forced Labour Camp
2013-03-19The Mudanjiang police followed, monitored and videotaped Falun Gong practitioners when they talked to people about Falun Gong, distributed Falun Gong materials and shared their experiences. Then the police arrested the practitioners and searched their homes. On November 2nd, 2012, the police arrested dozens of Falun Gong practitioners from their homes or work places.
Family Grief-Stricken as Badly Injured Mr. Zheng Xiangxing is Returned to Prison
2013-03-19Falun Gong practitioner Mr. Zheng Xiangxing was readmitted to Baoding Prison Hospital on February 21st, 2013. It had only been an hour since his lawyers had left him. They demanded judicial intervention, verification of facts, and compensation for their client. Mr. Zheng's family members were distraught and concerned when they heard this. They knew that the prison hospital would not take care of him, but would instead torture him more. Mr. Zheng, 45, was once strong and healthy, but he became totally unrecognizable after just two months in Baoding Prison. One of his eyes was badly swollen and totally bruised. He was emaciated and looked like a skeleton lying on the bed. Even his family couldn't recognize him.
Paralyzed Woman Recovers by Practising Falun Gong, Once Again Disabled after Torture and Abuse in Detention
2013-03-19Ms. Ma Chunli used to be paralyzed and suffered from many illnesses. All of these conditions disappeared after she started practising Falun Gong, and, miraculously, she was able to walk. After the Communist regime began persecuting Falun Gong, however, Ms. Ma was arrested twice and held for two years in a drug rehabilitation centre, which had been turned into detention centre. In the Harbin Drug Rehabilitation Centre, Ma Chunli suffered a relapse of her prior health problems because she was not allowed to do practise Falun Gong. She thus once again became paralyzed. The guards and inmates brutally tortured her despite her condition.
Ms. Lei Jinxiang Dies Suddenly in Prison; Body Cremated the Same Day
2013-03-15Falun Gong practitioner Ms. Lei Jinxiang died at the Sichuan Women's Prison on February 1st, 2013, at the age of 60. The Jianyang Procuratorate forced her family to give consent to let the medical examiner perform an autopsy and cremate Ms. Lei's body on the same day. It is clear that they are trying to cover up whatever happened at the Sichuan Women's Prison and destroy evidence.
Tai Hao Brutally Tortured, His Condition Critical
2013-03-15Falun Gong practitioner Mr. Tai Hao was arrested for installing a satellite TV receiver for New Tang Dynasty Television [a TV company that broadcasts programmes exposing the persecution of Falun Gong] and has been detained for nine months. He is very weak and has difficulty eating, and was recently sent to Yanji Hospital for emergency treatment. At the police station he was tortured with a device that adjusts an electric current to intensify the victim's suffering. It can cause the victim's organs to bleed when it is operated under a large amount of current. The victim seems to be hammered by a heavy hammer or shocked as if by loud thunder. The extent of suffering is beyond words.
Ms. Wang Mingyun, 51, from Shengli Oil Field Dies After Seven Years of Imprisonment
2013-03-15Falun Gong practitioner Ms. Wang Mingyun was an employee of the Shengli Oil Field. Her friends, family, and colleagues alike regarded her as a very kind person. She and her husband were arrested on May 13th, 2005, for possessing Falun Gong informational materials. She then was sentenced to seven-and-a-half years in prison in 2006. When she was released on November 19th, 2012, she was very weak, and her hair had turned white even though she was only 51 years old. She died on February 11th, 2013.
Senior Professor Mr. Wang Zaiyuan Passed Away in 2008 After Relentless Persecution
2013-03-15Because he practised Falun Gong, Mr. Wang Zaiyuan, a professor from Nanjing University, was unjustly detained and put in forced labour camps many times. Relentlessly monitored, harassed, and threatened by the police, he passed away in June 2008 at the age of 72. Mr. Wang's wife, Ms. Tang was also subjected to detention and brainwashing in an attempt to force to renounce Falun Gong.
Mr. Qu Shanlin, 67, Passes Away After Long-Term Torture in Dongling Prison
2013-03-15A year in Dongling Prison turned Mr. Qu Shanlin from a healthy man into one in critical condition, leading to his death. Mr. Qu was arrested for practising Falun Gong in September 2010 and sentenced to three years in prison in December 2010. He was brutally tortured in Dongling Prison, as a result of which his health rapidly declined. Mr. Qu was eventually diagnosed with stomach cancer. The prison did not grant him medical parole until the end of 2011, when he was already near death. Mr. Qu passed away on May 16th, 2012, at the age of 67.
Ms. Zhang Fuying, 66, Dies Following Abuse at Brainwashing Centre in Shenzhen
2013-03-15Falun Gong practitioner Ms. Zhang Fuying was arrested and taken to the Xili Brainwashing Centre in November 2012, for distributing Falun Gong materials exposing the persecution. She developed a serious illness during the detention and her entire body was swollen. She died three months later after she was released.