Exposing the Persecution
Torture | Kidnapping | Brainwashing | Illegal Detention and Imprisonment | Extortion | Persecution Throughout Society | Inside the Labour Camps | Individual Accounts | 6-10 Office | Death Cases | Organ Harvesting
Officers from the National Security Department Use Contemptible Means to Persecute Falun Dafa Practitioners
2002-02-23Officers in the National Security Department use advanced technology to arrest practitioners who have access to the Internet.
Public Security Bureau Uses Display Boards Defaming Falun Gong in Order to Arrest Practitioners
2002-02-23 -
Corrupt Guards at Huanxi Forced Labour Camp Torture Practitioners
2002-02-23 -
Unrelenting Violence at the Pingantai Labour Camp in Lanzhou City
2002-02-22[...]a vice division leader named Kang Shicheng, a team leader named Bao Ping, and another guard handcuffed Qian Shiguang behind his back and hung him from an iron wire. As he was hanging, policemen and drug addicts beat him viciously for long periods of time. When his condition became very serious they were forced to take him to a hospital out of fear that he would die.
Heizuizi Forced Labour Camp Brutally Tortures Practitioners on Hunger Strike
2002-02-22A [labour] camp doctor said to the practitioners who were on hunger strike, "You won't be released even if you become a vegetable!"
Savage Torture at Forced Labour Camp Arouses Public Indignation
2002-02-22[...]many practitioners have had their teeth knocked out, and some had their faces beaten swollen and out of shape, unable to open their mouths, making ingestion problematic.
Forced Medication and Brutal Beatings: One Practitioner's Shocking Story
2002-02-21 -
Ridiculous Events: The Impact of Persecution on Non-Practitioners
2002-02-21 -
"Reward Notices" Reveal Lawlessness of Persecution
2002-02-21"...anyone who reported or captured Falun Dafa practitioners who posted or had truth-clarifying materials, would be rewarded anywhere from 200 to 1,000 yuan [500 yuan is the average monthly salary for a Chinese worker]. He or she just had to dial the hotline number "610."
An Example of How Chinese Media Distort The Truth To Slander Falun Gong
2002-02-21 -
Details Of The Cruel, Disturbing Persecution in Chongqing City Labour Camp
2002-02-21"The labour camop leader forced a practitioner to squat in a water trough and then used an electric baton to shock him until all the power of the baton was used up. People could smell the horrible odour of scorched skin and flesh from far away. Many inmates who had witnessed this were choked with tears."
Jiang's Tyranny: Five Members of One Family Are Sent to Forced Labour Camps, Leaving a Grandfather and Granddaughter at Home
2002-02-20 -
Photo Report: The Scene after Beijing Police Ransacked this Practitioner's House
2002-02-20 -
Photo Report: Jiamusi Practitioner Zhou Puxiu's Home is Searched and Ransacked
2002-02-20 -
Driven By Greed, Luyuan Public Security Bureau Officials Illegally Arrest Falun Dafa Practitioners
2002-02-19On February 4, some policemen from Luyuan Police Station used a master key to break into the apartment. They tied him up and beat him. After searching his home, the police declared, "If you were not disabled, we would send you to the labour camp!"