Exposing the Persecution
Torture | Kidnapping | Brainwashing | Illegal Detention and Imprisonment | Extortion | Persecution Throughout Society | Inside the Labour Camps | Individual Accounts | 6-10 Office | Death Cases | Organ Harvesting
Death of Practitioner Hou Zhanhai
2001-12-20 -
Tortured to Death: Practitioner Yang Yi from Fuquan City, Guizhou Province
2001-12-20Yang Yi passed away. When he died, his hands had abscesses, and yet he was still handcuffed. For one year, Yang Yi's wife was not able to see him, and when she finally saw him, Yang had already passed away.
My Experience of Being Kidnapped and Taken to a Mental Hospital Because of Holding True to My Belief
2001-12-20they said, "We know you are normal and you are not muddled. In fact, you have been very sober. But, it is illegal to practise Falun Gong, and you are being treated for your sickness of believing in Falun Gong. "You should not have been sent here in the first place. It was your factory that insisted on sending you here. Without the consent of your factory, I cannot let you leave here since you have a political problem."
Grinding with an electronic grinder over the spine- just one of the Atrocities Committed by the Illegal Xiantao City "6.10 Office" and Officials
2001-12-20Chen Hua, female, went to Beijing to appeal and was sent to jail. Police used electric needles to sting her body, and an electronic grinder to grind her spine. The electric grinder became worn out, but the police still could not shake her determined belief in Dafa. Finally, she was illegally sentenced to 1 year in a labour camp.
Crimes Committed in Chinese Women's Labour Camps
2001-12-20Zhang Sufang, after being tortured by policewoman Yan Liping for practising Falun Gong, was hung up with both hands cuffed and both feet off the ground. After five days, her face turned pale and she experienced severe cramps.
Liu Huanqing Tortured to Death
2001-12-19 -
List of Those Responsible for the Death of Chen Dewen
2001-12-19Ten days later, Chen Dewen was sent to the hospital where he died. The guards falsified the evidence, concocting a story that Chen died from heart disease. Another practitioner took the guards to task, demanding to know how patients with heart disease could be beaten and shocked with an electric baton. The guards were shocked and speechless.
Latest Statistics of the Persecution in Sichuan Province
2001-12-19After several months of interrogation and brutal torture, the police didn't get one word from Leng Tao. He was jailed with other inmates. The police encouraged the criminal inmates to persecute him. The inmates rode on his head and urinated on him. They use a toothbrush to rub his penis raw. Also they beat him inhumanly.
Police Detain Practitioners Indefinitely at Forced Labour Camp
2001-12-19 -
Lawless Police Detain Many Who Have Accessed Minghui.net
2001-12-19The police also equipped local internet cafes with automatic alarm systems. As soon as the users try to access Minghui.net or other Falun Dafa websites, the system will sound the alarm. Police officers have already arrested some practitioners in Nanchang City this way. They also use internet patrol software to monitor web-browsing activities.
The Torture of Practitioner Liu Guangxiu
2001-12-19Since Liu Guangxiu did not cooperate with the abusive policemen, they undressed her, leaving her wearing only her undergarments. They forced her to stand outside on the snowy ground for 24 hours. In the meantime, they poured icy water all over her body and force-fed water through her nose.
Record of Criminal Acts Committed by the Longan Police
2001-12-19 -
Police Hang a Falun Dafa Practitioner in the Air for Four Days
2001-12-19Police in Nanchang cuffed a practitioner with his hands behind his back and then hung him up in the air by his cuffed hands for four straight days. It was reported that his hands were deformed as a result of this torture.
Lawless Officers Torture Falun Dafa Practitioners
2001-12-19 -
The Hanchuang "610" Office Illegally and Indefinitely Detains Practitioners