Exposing the Persecution
Torture | Kidnapping | Brainwashing | Illegal Detention and Imprisonment | Extortion | Persecution Throughout Society | Inside the Labour Camps | Individual Accounts | 6-10 Office | Death Cases | Organ Harvesting
Practitioners are Defeating the Evil at the Notorious Masanjia Labour Camp and Leaving with Dignity
2001-11-15They asked whether she was going to practise again. She said, "Yes!" The guard called over another person. Each of them (both female) used electric batons to shock sensitive parts of Liu's body. Seeing that Liu was shaking from the shocks, they sat on her thighs to stop her from shaking and continued with the electric shock torture for over 2 hours.
How Fuxin City Labour Camp Treats Practitioners
2001-11-15Policewomen are equally vicious when forcing female Falun Dafa practitioners to give up their cultivation. They brutally tortured practitioners by depriving them of sleep for several nights and forcing them to work as usual during the day.
Forms of Persecution Used Against Practitioners in Echeng Include Extortion, Dismissal from Jobs, Theft of Property, Torture and Illegal Detention
2001-11-15 -
Pregnant Practitioner Beaten Up by Police Station Chief
2001-11-15 -
Practitioner Tortured to Death and Secretly Cremated at Suihua City Labour Camp
2001-11-14 -
Police Take the Money of Senior Citizens
2001-11-14 -
Nearly Every Detained Practitioner Has Been Physically Tortured by Police in Qiqihar City
2001-11-14Wang Zhaoshan, the head of the Politics and Security Section of the Qiqihar City Police Department, Longsha Branch, is a very low person. He has sexually harassed female practitioners many times, touching their breasts and hurting many of them with beatings. He laughs whenever he starts torturing practitioners.
Practitioner Paralyzed in Tuanhe Labour Camp Where Zhao Ming Continues to Be Held Illegally
2001-11-14These vicious beings tied a practitioner's legs to a small iron ladder, forced him to bend down and then pressed his face toward his legs. They also gagged a practitioner's mouth with rags, and tied his hands to his back. They then forced him into a space underneath a bed that is less than 40 centimetres high. Only his feet remained outside that tiny space. They then tied his feet to a campstool, took off his shoes and socks, and struck the arches of his feet with a plastic shoe sole until his feet turned blue.
How Practitioners Have Resisted the Awful Persecution in Chongqing Women's Labour Camp
2001-11-14The detainee is locked up in a very small cell. The guards handcuff practitioners behind their backs in a fixed position in which they can neither move nor lie down. The small cell is very damp and without sunshine. Detainees have to urinate and defecate in the cell. Only half of a regular meal is served to detainees during the daytime. During the night the rats run around. The stench in the small cell is so bad that it is difficult to breathe. Practitioners are tied up by their hand and feet, their mouths are taped shut, and other prisoners are incited to brutally batter them.
Drug Addicts, Criminals and Prisoners who Used Bribes to Secure their Release Form the Labour Education Team in Xi'an Women's Camp
2001-11-14After the beating, they checked the practitioners' wounds one by one. For those practitioners whose injuries were not so serious, they beat them more until every practitioner was full of wounds.
New Information Concerning the Death by Force-Feeding of Practitioner Chen Dewen
2001-11-13 -
Survivors of the June 21 Atrocities at Wanjia Labour Camp Have Been Confined to "Small Cells" for Four Months
2001-11-13Being confined in a "small cell" refers to locking up a single detainee in a solitary cell, which contains a basin and a pair of handcuffs. The basin is used both for face washing and relieving the urine and bowels. One end of the handcuffs fastens the wrist and the other end attaches to the door railing. The handcuffs can be fastened onto the door railing at three different heights. In the highest position, the detainee has to extend her arm upward. The middle position is at waist level. In the lowest position, the detainee can sit on the ground.
A Sister's Letter Tells of the Atrocities at Wanjia Labour Camp
2001-11-13Even under such serious persecution, practitioners still insisted on clarifying the truth about Falun Gong. However, the evil forces of Wanjia Camp do not admit what they have done; they have cut off all communication with the outside and make up fake reports to deceive the public.
"Tying the Rope", Sitting on the Bench for Months, Force-Feeding with Powdered Milk and Salt and High Voltage Electric Batons Form Part of the Torture Strategy at Tangshan Labour Camp
2001-11-13...firm practitioners still wouldn't give up practising Falun Gong. They are still receiving various kinds of inhuman tortures. We call for help from all people with conscience to uphold justice. Please support Falun Gong practitioners and help stop these cruel and inhuman crimes.
How did Persecutor, Wang Taichang, Acquire a Luxurious Villa?