Exposing the Persecution
Torture | Kidnapping | Brainwashing | Illegal Detention and Imprisonment | Extortion | Persecution Throughout Society | Inside the Labour Camps | Individual Accounts | 6-10 Office | Death Cases | Organ Harvesting
Director Lies about Conditions in Yichuan Labour Camp
2001-10-08Mr. Zhou Shuzhang was cuffed to an extremely hot steam pipe on the ceiling resulting in one of his hand muscles being severely burnt almost as though cooked. The handcuff cut into his wrist muscle so deeply that his blood was streaming down. In addition, some officers constantly commanded some thug inmates to punch or kick upward on him heavily causing him to swing while in that excruiating position. That was intolerably cruel.
Yimianpo Labour Camp's Persecution of Falun Dafa Practitioners
2001-10-08In a typical situation, two prisoners would lift up a stone pipe weighing more than 100 pounds and come up to practitioners to ask them if they still wanted to practise. When a practitioner answered "yes," they would drop the stone pipe down onto the practitioner's body. Sometimes the practitioner's face would be broken, his head would have huge swellings, or the skin on his shoulder would be peeled off. The injuries were so gruesome that they were difficult to look at.
Nanmusi Women's Labour Camp Authorities Force Practitioners to Manufacture Commercial Labour Camp Products
2001-10-08 -
Student Deprived of Right to Education for practising Falun Gong
2001-10-08The unreasonable persecutors would not excuse practitioner's parents and relatives who did not practise Falun Gong. Yang Junlei was deprived of the right to participate in the National College Entrance Examination, preventing him of his right of further education. Now he stays at home with his parents to do farm work.
University Lecturer Persecuted for Legal Appeal and his Family made Destitute
2001-10-08He was also not given enough to eat and the food brought in by his family was all taken by other inmates. Therefore, he was left to starve. As a result of the poor sanitation of the detention centre, he had scabies all over his body.
Brutal Persecution of Falun Dafa Practitioners in Yaziquan
2001-10-08She once went on hunger strike for ten days in order to protest the illegal detention. She was forced-fed once a day, sometimes twice a day. Each time she refused to cooperate, and each time she was beaten black and blue by the wicked. Each time when the thick pipe used for force-feeding was pulled out from her stomach, the end was all bloody.
Evil Deeds in Pingantai Labour Camp
2001-10-08Male practitioners are given the heaviest and hardest jobs during the daytime. At night they are hung up with their hands handcuffed from behind and drug addicts take turns torturing them. Some female practitioners are hung up during the daytime and are sent back to the cell at night; some are forced to labour during the daytime and are beaten during the night; some are forced to work in the daytime and afterwards are forced to stand the entire night without any sleep
Recollections of a Practitioner Who Escaped from a Labour Camp
2001-10-07The non-practitioner inmates no longer regard themselves as prisoners under rehabilitation. Instead, they now work in conjunction with the guards, following their directions to beat and harass Falun Gong practitioners. The inmates are often even more brutal than the fiercest guards.I heard that a policewoman shouted out to the sky one day when she took practitioners out to work, "Why hold these good people here?!"
A Farmer's Family Becomes Penniless Under Persecution
2001-10-07It is Jiang Zemin and his government officials at different ranks who have made our whole family suffer. At the present time in China, many families are suffering like my family. I hope that all the kindhearted people in the world will give us support and help so as to terminate this black terror that is happening in China.
Falun Dafa Practitioners Are Transferred to the notorious Ji County Labour Camp to Be Persecuted
2001-10-07The Ji County Labour Camp is notorious for its endorsement of "No responsibility to beat people to death".
Practitioner Wang Yuanxian Becomes Mentally Disordered as a Result of Torture
2001-10-07 -
School Children Forced on to the Streets by the Persecution
2001-10-07A coalition of government offices collaborated to force the two students to publicly slander, and renounce their belief in Falun Dafa, by threatening them and their parents through a variety of tactics.
When We Do Not Cooperate with Evil,There is Nothing the Evil Can Do
2001-10-07One of the policemen was Geng Renqing. The policemen slapped both sides of my face, dragged me by my hair and slammed my head against the wall. Because I still would not tell them anything, they handcuffed me and shocked me with electric batons, inserted lighted cigarettes into my nostrils, and forced me to smoke the cigarettes. They kept on torturing me until I had little breath left.
Li Meili's scabied body is a testimony to the horrors taking place in labour camps
2001-10-06In this terrible environment, Li Meili developed scabies all over her body (as did other practitioners), to the point where she couldn't even open her eyes. She fell unconscious a couple of times and her whole body became covered with ulcers that seeped pus. There was not a single place on her body that was intact, and even the slightest movement led to excruciating pain.
Six month old baby amongst practitioners kidnapped in Shijiazhuang City