Exposing the Persecution
Torture | Kidnapping | Brainwashing | Illegal Detention and Imprisonment | Extortion | Persecution Throughout Society | Inside the Labour Camps | Individual Accounts | 6-10 Office | Death Cases | Organ Harvesting
"I Miss Grandpa"
2002-12-30One day, a four-year-old girl, holding her grandpa's photo in her hands, wept in silence. When her grandmother saw her so upset, she asked her with great concern, "Xiaoxue, what happened? Why are you crying?" The little girl said, "I miss grandpa." Her grandpa is a Falun Dafa practitioner and was taken away from home and sent to a forced labour camp.
The Torture Suffered by Female Practitioner Gong Zhihui from Panzhihua City (photo)
2002-12-29During her detention, Gong went on a hunger strike to protest the persecution and was kicked, punched and force-fed with food and medicine. The guards usually did not do it themselves. They ordered the criminals to pinch her tendons and force-feed her while plugging her nose. They were also responsible for the multiple bruises on her arms and legs. She was unable to walk and two of her teeth had been knocked out.
Three Months Without Food is Unable to Weaken the Steadfast Belief of Liu Yongwang
2002-12-29Dafa practitioners are illegally imprisoned without trial and are sentenced to long prison terms for believing in Truth, Compassion, Tolerance. They are tortured and beaten with no way to appeal and very little chance of revealing their situation to the outside world. Therefore, many practitioners in China have had to resort to hunger strikes to protest against the unlawful and inhumane persecution that they are subjected to.
Police Break into Practitioners' Home like Criminals and Kidnap them
2002-12-29The police were afraid that the neighbours would come and stop their evil actions, so they stuffed the practitioners' mouths to gag them and threatened that if they made any noise, the police would carry them away in sacks. Thus Lin Xueyou and Hu Hongyu were forcibly arrested and are presently detained in the Xinjin Detention Centre.
Two More Death in Police Custody Death Toll Rises Again
2002-12-28When abducted by the police on January 14, 2002, Wang Fengwei was hanging up a banner that read, "Falun Dafa is Good." She was beaten to the brink of death, and then sent to Shen County Detention Centre. Police in the Detention Centre said; "We will not release her even if she dies here."
The Persecution I Witnessed at the Nanmusi Women's Forced Labour Camp in Sichuan Province
2002-12-28Policeman Yuan Jin threw Tao Juhua's head against a wall until she vomited blood. Zhang Xiaofang, a policewoman, shocked Zhang Yaqun with an electric baton until her face was covered with blood, just because she spoke out for another practitioner that was being tortured.
Practitioner Fang Siyi is Brutally Tortured in Jilin Provincial Women's Forced Labour Camp
2002-12-28Fang Siyi used to be a hairdresser and had a loving family. Because of the Jiang regime's persecution, the family was broken apart. Her friends and relatives now have to take turns in caring for her three-year-old daughter. Mother and daughter cannot be with each other anymore.
Masanjia Labour Camp in Liaoning Province Continues to Brutally Persecute Falun Gong Practitioners
2002-12-28If anyone violates their rules or orders, they will suffer all kinds of physical penalties such as being beaten up, not being allowed to sleep, and being confined in a solitary compartment, etc.
Practitioners Nearly Escape from Wangcun Forced Labour Camp
2002-12-27The interior of the grisly water dungeon in the labour camp is a big cement pool. Next to it is an iron rack that is used to hang people in the water, and above that is a cement cover. The people inside this grim chamber can't tell whether it is day or night. The water is so deep that people cannot touch the bottom and have to move continuously and keep awake.
Barbaric Torture in Masanjia Labour Camp Could Not Shake My Steadfast Belief
2002-12-27Sadistic policemen stripped off my clothes, leaving only my underwear and forced me to sit on the floor. They started to beat me and shocked me with three electric batons simultaneously. I cannot begin to describe the pain and humiliation from this torture! My underwear was stained with blood.
How the Harbin Drug Rehabilitation Institute Persecutes Falun Dafa Practitioners
2002-12-27A group of savage guards pulled him out, and beat and kicked him, pulled his hair, and slammed his head against a wall in a terrifying frenzy. Then they locked him up in an iron cage, tied him to an iron chair..The person who was in charge of the labour camp said, "You can go ahead and appeal, but it won't help you at all no matter where you appeal."
Lawless "610" Office Seize Unconscious Practitioner and Throw Her into Labour Camp
2002-12-26Tang Chunfang was not feeling well and lying in bed, unable to move. She had lost consciousness by the time the policemen pried her door open. Yet in spite of her condition, the barbaric policemen still carried her into the police vehicle. They also stole her life savings.
Masanjia Forced Labour Camp Intensifies Its Persecution While Dafa Practitioners Remain Steadfast
2002-12-25Dafa practitioners are not afraid or shaken by this evil persecution. They are persistent in their righteous thoughts and righteous actions and they always conduct themselves openly and nobly.
Pingdu City Policemen Kidnap Over Thirty Dafa Practitioners and Force them into Brainwashing Classes
2002-12-25Before the Chinese Communist Party's 16th Congress, Pingdu city police orgainsed a mass arrest of Dafa practitioners who were imprisoned in brainwashing centres. Without legal charges, policemen abducted practitioners from their homes or concealed themselves in areas where practitioners often passed by, and then ambushed them.
Dafa Practitioner in Coma from Beating by Police
2002-12-24The vicious policemen injured Shen's eyes. Instead of stopping the torture, the policemen escalated it by hanging the practitioners with handcuffs 24 hours a day while torturing them with various gruesome instruments. Realizing that all the torture methods failed to work, the policemen locked a few Falun Dafa practitioners in a freezer.