Exposing the Persecution
Torture | Kidnapping | Brainwashing | Illegal Detention and Imprisonment | Extortion | Persecution Throughout Society | Inside the Labour Camps | Individual Accounts | 6-10 Office | Death Cases | Organ Harvesting
Details Surrounding the Death and Torture of Mr. Jiang Bingzhi at Suihua Forced Labour Camp
2010-04-01Fifty-nine-year-old Falun Gong practitioner Mr. Jiang Bingzhi was sent to the Suihua City Forced Labour Camp in October 2008, where he was savagely tortured and left at the brink of death in August 2009. Labour camp officials then notified his family to come see him at the Beian Hospital, the first visit since his arrest. His family saw bruises on his legs. Mr. Jiang died a few days later on August 26th, 2009.
Ms. Xu Shihua from Nong'an County, Jilin Province Dies Due to Persecution
2010-04-01Ms. Xu Shihua is a practitioner from Jilin Province, who after the persecution of Falun Gong started, endured long-term detention, as well as constant harassment and pressure. In 2002, Ms. Xu was forced to leave home to avoid persecution. The police nonetheless ransacked her home in her absence. The police went to her son's home and handcuffed him to a heating pipe while interrogating him about his mother's whereabouts. They also went to the homes of Ms. Xu's parents, sisters and brothers, searching for her. When Ms. Xu was homeless, she didn't have enough warm clothes in the winter or enough money to live on. Her health deteriorated. After suffering severely both mentally and physically, she passed away on January 18th, 2010, at the age of 58.
Tangshan City Steel Mill Technician Ms. Shao Liyan Suffers Mental Collapse Due to Psychiatric Abuse at Ankang Hospital
2010-04-01Ms. Shao Liyan went to Beijing to appeal for justice for Falun Gong in 2000. She was later incarcerated at the Ankang [Mental] Hospital, where she was subjected to psychiatric torture and abuse which resulted in her suffering a mental collapse. She has not recovered. According to another practitioner who was also held at the Ankang Hospital, practitioners' limbs twitched and became numb following forced injections or drugs forcibly administered by mouth, and their minds became sluggish. They encountered overall weakness and restlessness, and were unable to sit down or sleep with ease. Some even fell unconscious.
More Than 400 Falun Gong Practitioners Are Being Held in Shandong Province Women's Prison
2010-04-01Miss Liu Zhimei, who was #1 in academic achievement in Shandong Province, was given a waiver for the high school college entrance exam, and was then accepted by Tsinghua University, was dismissed by the university in March 2001 for practising Falun Gong. She was arrested and sentenced to 12 years in prison in Beijing. Subsequently she was taken to the Shandong Province Women's Prison and tortured, which affected her mentally. Before being released in November 2008, she was injected with unknown drugs. On her third day at home, she suddenly suffered a mental collapse and has not yet recovered.
Falun Gong Practitioner Ms. Yin Fengqin Dies During Arrest at Home
2010-03-31On January 29th, 2010, Chang Zheng, a member of the Jilin Province 610 Office (an organisation of special agents just for persecuting Falun Gong) led police officers to 63-year-old Ms. Yin Fengqin's home to arrest her. After the officers forced their way into her home, Ms. Yin suddenly plunged from the fifth floor balcony, shattering her skull, fracturing her arms and legs, and forcing her ribs through her skin. Although she was taken to Yanbian Hospital, she had already died.
Masanjia Forced Labour Camp Still Brutally Persecutes Falun Gong Practitioners
2010-03-31"My name is Wang Jinfeng and I am 46 years old. On March 5th, 2008, for the second time I was sent to Masanjia Forced Labour Camp. First they used brainwashing so that I would agree with the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) lies and be voluntarily 'transformed' [forcibly renounce Falun Gong]. On March 20th, I was sent to the sweatshops where clothing is made. They force practitioners to do hard labour. Each one suffered unbearably both mentally and physically. The workshop was filled with a horrific atmosphere. Ma Guimei, a drug addict and criminal inmate, helped the guards. She beat up and verbally abused other inmates at will."
Mr. Huang Guang Arrested Again and Unable to Reunite with Family During the Lantern Festival
2010-03-31It was the Lantern Festival on February 28th, 2010 and families were having a happy reunion and enjoying the New Year together. But on this day, Falun Gong practitioner Huang Guang, 46, was on his way home when he met someone and told him about the persecution of Falun Gong. Soon he was arrested by police. Mr. Huang was arrested and imprisoned numerous times for practising Falun Gong. Mr. Huang went to Beijing twice to tell people about Falun Gong. He was arrested and detained.
Severe Persecution Causes Ms. Huang Juan to Develop Mental Disorder
2010-03-31Ms. Huang Juan is 21 years old and lives in Shengli Oil Field, Dongying City, Shandong Province. As a result of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) brutal persecution of Falun Gong, she has developed severe mental disorders and has often run away from home. On March 1st, 2010, police found Ms. Huang about 3 kilometres away from home. After the officers questioned her, they searched her backpack and found Falun Gong books. Then, they arrested her and took her to the Dongying City's State Security Division. Previously, Ms. Huang was sent to the Jinan Detention Centre's Wangcun brainwashing sessions, subjected to persecution and forced to quit school.
The Two-Year Persecution of Ms. Bai Xia in Wanjia Forced Labour Camp in Harbin City
2010-03-30I was arrested by police when I was distributing information about Falun Gong in Bayan County. I was detained in the detention centre until November 2004 and then taken to the Wanjia Forced Labour Camp to serve a two-year term. In Wanjia Forced Labour Camp we were forced to watch videos slandering Falun Gong. In the afternoon, we were forced to perform hard labour, and in the evening, we were forced to discuss the video we watched in the morning. Once, after I said that Falun Gong is not a cult and that all my mother's illnesses disappeared after practising Falun Gong, they put me in a small, dark room. Three guards (two women and one man, team leader Yao, who is in his 40s) beat me brutally and then hung me up. Yao shocked me with an electric baton around my neck. It was so painful that I screamed. Later my face became swollen, with many big blisters.
Seven Falun Gong Practitioners from Tianjin Arrested While Assisting an Imprisoned Practitioner's Family
2010-03-30On March 4th, 2010, seven Falun Gong practitioners were arrested by local police while looking after three children whose parents were not able to care for them. They were then detained at the Wuqing Detention Centre. Practitioner Ms. Wei Lianhua was arrested in 2008. She was sentenced to four years in prison and is currently being held at Tianjin Women's Prison. After his wife was prosecuted, Ms. Wei's husband went through tremendous hardship: he lost all hold on reality and was not able to recognise anyone. He would walk around without any clothes on, did not eat or sleep, and was prone to physical violence with anyone he saw. He was sent to a mental hospital.
Falun Gong Practitioners Beaten and Forced to Take Unknown Drugs in Jiangsu Women's Forced Labour Camp
2010-03-30I have witnessed the cruelty and ruthlessness of the guards in that forced labour camp. Practitioner Ms. Zhang Fengying was healthy before the persecution. While she was in a forced labour camp, guards claimed she had high blood pressure and forced her to take drugs, which afterwards resulted in open sores on her skin. Other practitioners became swollen after taking the same drug. The guards still ordered the drug offenders to administer the drug. Ms. Zhang Yuhua, a physician, was tortured with the "flying the airplane" technique in the yard. They also grabbed her by her hair and hit her head on the floor, pinched her neck, and kicked her, resulting in many scars on her neck.
Former Leukaemia Patient Ms. Mou Lihua Constantly Harassed
2010-03-30Ms. Mou Lihua was previously a leukaemia patient. After she began practising Falun Gong, her cancer was cured. Several officers from the Qidaoquanzi District Police Department repeatedly harassed Ms. Mou and her elderly parents, who are in their eighties. Police team heads Zhang Hua and Li Changxing, and officer Wang Gang, came to her house five times between September 2009 and the New Year in 2010, trying to arrest Ms. Mou. The most recent harassment occurred on February 27th, 2010, and Ms. Mou strongly protested, "I am following Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance to be a good person. Which law did I break? Falun Gong cured my illness, but you came to my house to bother me repeatedly. Why didn't you come when I was sick?" The police officers had nothing to say and eventually left.
Fellow Villagers Sign Petition Seeking Justice for Xu Dawei, Who Died as a Result of Persecution
2010-03-29Falun Gong practitioner Mr. Xu Dawei suffered severe abuse in prison. Due to the brutal torture, he suffered organ failure, his body was covered with cuts and bruises, and he suffered a mental collapse. He was finally released after eight years of imprisonment. However, he died only 13 days after his release, on February 16th, 2009. Mr. Xu's fellow villagers showed great discontent with the fact that such a good man was persecuted to death. Dozens of people went to Dongling Prison, demanding an explanation for his death. Mr. Xu's family also persisted in petitioning for justice after his death. However, they were all turned away.
57-Year-Old Ms. Cao Guifang Dies as a Result of Persecution in Gansu Province
2010-03-29Ms. Cao Guifang was arrested multiple times and detained, her home was ransacked, and she was sentenced to a forced labour camp. At the forced labour camp, Ms. Cao was inhumanly tortured. The police forced her to carry huge rocks. In addition, they did not allow her to drink water or use the toilet. They also forced her to stand still for long periods of time. The guards tried to force Ms. Cao to write the so-called "repentance statement" (renouncing Falun Gong) and she was forced to wear handcuffs for eight consecutive days. Ms. Cao's feet became swollen from the torture. Even after she was released, the police went to Ms. Cao's home again to try to force her to write the repentance statement. The relentless persecution took a toll on Ms. Cao, and she passed away on March 3rd, 2010.
Falun Gong Practitioner Subjected to Force-Feeding at the Shenyang City No. 1 Detention Centre, Liaoning Province
2010-03-29I was arrested with other practitioners in August 2009. A policeman informed us that if we wanted to practise Falun Gong, we could just do it at home. Then he said, "As soon as you write a guarantee statement that you are not going to practise Falun Gong anymore, I'll let you go home." I refused to write such a statement. I started a hunger strike. Police tied me to a bench with the belts across my chest, thighs, and legs. They tied them so tight that I could barely breathe. They inserted a force-feeding tube into my trachea through my nose, which made me cry out in pain. They then stuffed something into my mouth so that people wouldn't hear me. They were afraid that I could not breathe, so they left a small gap for air to enter my mouth. They started force-feeding me, and I felt very sick.