Exposing the Persecution
Torture | Kidnapping | Brainwashing | Illegal Detention and Imprisonment | Extortion | Persecution Throughout Society | Inside the Labour Camps | Individual Accounts | 6-10 Office | Death Cases | Organ Harvesting
Ms. He Yana Detained at the Tianjin City Drug Rehabilitation Centre, Causing Her Daughter to Miss School
2009-08-28On March 9th, 2009, practitioner Ms. He Yana was arrested by the police when she was reported by an informant while visiting friends in the Hexi district. Afterwards, she was jailed in the Tianjin City Drug Rehabilitation Centre and is still being held there. Her family did not have money to pay the "fine." As a result, the police would not register her daughter as a resident, which in turn made her unable to go to school. In the past five months, Ms. He and her family have suffered a great deal. Her mother suffered from throat cancer, and was unable to speak after the operation. She became inconsolable whenever she thought of her daughter who was being persecuted.
Persecution of Mr. Li Jianqiao and Ms. Li Xiaoyun from Xiangfen County, Shanxi Province
2009-08-28Mr. Li Jianqian and Ms. Li Xiaoyun are husband and wife in Xiangfen County, Shanxi Province. Mr. Li was a public servant, and Ms. Li was a school teacher. After the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) started persecuting Falun Gong, Mr. Li was sentenced to seven years in prison, and Ms. Li was forced to leave home and go from place to place. The last time they saw their son was four years ago, when he was three years old. Ms. Li said in a statement: "In the past several years, my family's phone and mobile phones have been tapped and they are constantly being monitored. My family members and my supervisors at work were in trouble because of me. They have suffered tremendous economic loss and mental pressure"
Mr. Pang Shikun Dies in Custody
2009-08-27Mr. Pang previously traded grain, and mixed sand in with his grain to increase his profits. He was thus sentenced to more than a dozen years of imprisonment. During his term in Gongzhuling Prison, he learned Falun Gong and enlightened to how a person should live and became determined to become a good person. However, guards inhumanly tortured him in order to force him give up the practice. He was transferred to the Siping Prison, locked in a small cell with no sunlight or bedding, for 13 months. He had endured unthinkable torture. On June 11th, 2009, guards called his family, said he was dying, and was being bailed out on medical parole. On June 13th, Mr. Pang died in the prison hospital.
Mr. Guo Zhengpei Tortured to Death
2009-08-27Falun Gong practitioner Mr. Guo Zhengpei was subjected to torture on many occasions after the persecution began in July 1999. Mr. Guo was sentenced to three-years in prison and was fired from his public position. There, guards forced him to move bricks from a hot brick kiln without protection. His hands were burned and covered with blood blisters. A guard once took Mr. Guo to an empty room and then ordered five or six prisoners to beat him. In 2004, Mr. Guo was sentenced to one-year of forced labour. Guards deprived him of sleep, beat him, kicked him as soon as he closed his eyes, and forced him to stand motionless under the hot sun for many hours. He finally died on April 25th, 2009.
Ms. Xu Yuzhi, 56, Dies from Persecution
2009-08-27Ms. Xu began cultivating Falun Gong in 2003, and her severe heart disease was gone soon after. Because she persisted in distributing leaflets exposing the persecution and telling people the facts about Falun Gong, the police arrested her in September 2006 from her home and sent her to forced labour for one year. Her heart disease recurred during detention, and Ms. Xu died on the early morning of July 25th, 2009.
Judiciary Officials of a Dandong Court Stop a Lawyer's Defence
2009-08-27On July 28th, 2009, the Yuanbao District Court of Dandong City, Liaoning Province convened a session to try Falun Gong practitioner Ms. Wang Xiangju. Presiding Judge Wang and criminal court Presiding Judge Ma Shuhe repeatedly told the defence lawyer not to actively defend Ms. Wang Xiangju and not to enter an innocent plea. They threatened a harsher sentence if the lawyer did not comply. Ma Shuhe, the criminal court presiding judge of Yuanbao District Court of Dandong City said, "We will interrupt if the lawyer tries to defend his client. After three such instances, the lawyer will be expelled from the courtroom."
Mr. He Zhi Dies in Custody in Guangxi Region Prison, and His Wife Is Threatened
2009-08-26In August 2004, more than one dozen officers arrested Mr. He at his home and confiscated his two computers along with CDs exposing the persecution of Falun Gong. His wife was working the night shift, and their ten year old daughter was left alone at home. The police detained Mr. He in the Youjiang District Detention Centre. At the beginning of 2005, the Youjinag District Court sentenced him to eight years in prison. At the beginning of April 2009, Mr. He died in Litang Prison. A source said his death was very tragic. His wife went to his funeral at the prison and was severely threatened. When she returned home, she did not dare to live in her home or speak about her husband's death. She keeps silent, and Mr. He's parents still do not know about his death.
Yang Guanghui, Medical PhD Student in Jilin University Arrested
2009-08-26On July 5th, 2009, Ms. Yang Guanghui, age 37, was arrested in front of the Jilin City Railway Station by officials from the Zhanqian Police Station in Jilin City. She is currently held at the Jilin City Detention Centre. Ms. Yang Guanghui's relatives, including her 10-year-old daughter, are doing everything they can, trying their best to save her, and looking forward to her return soon. Her relatives went to the Zhanqian Police Station to visit her and to ask for her release; however, they were not only refused, but they were threatened by the officials there.
Ms. Li Yuqin Tortured for Five Years at Dabei Prison, Liaoning Province
2009-08-26Ms. Li Yuqin recounted in this article the torture she suffered at Dabei Prison, Liaoning Province, beginning with describing the injuries she suffered: "My buttocks were covered with wounds. Some were still bleeding while others festered. All I had was toilet paper to cover the wounds, which then stuck to them. Despite being barely able to sit, I was forced to sit on a small stool, one of the many tortures used by the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) officials, for fourteen to fifteen hours daily. After twenty days, my wounds changed from festering to bleeding again. When I went to the toilet, blood dripped all over the floor. The guards said that after I renounced Falun Gong their 'task' would be accomplished and only then would I be no longer tortured."
Hunan Province Women's Prison Officials Train Inmates to Persecute Falun Gong Practitioners
2009-08-26Hunan Province Women's Prison specializes in persecuting Falun Gong practitioners to get them to "reform." Officials have recruited a group of extremely vicious inmates and trained them to abuse practitioners. The prison has established seven brainwashing cells to target Falun Gong practitioners who have refused to "reform." Each cell holds one practitioner and three inmates. If the practitioner shouts "Falun Gong is good" or "Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance is good" or refuses to "reform," the inmates' terms will be extended; however, if the inmates make the practitioner "reform" and give up Falun Gong practice, regardless of what method they use, they will earn credits, a promotion, or term reduction.
Mr. Ou Ziwen Dies as a Result of Torture in the Bazhong Forced Labour Camp, Guizhou Province
2009-08-25On December 1st, 2004, police arrested Mr. Ou Ziwen, 66, took his Falun Gong books and materials, and detained him. He was sentenced to three years in the Zhongba Forced Labour Camp where he was regularly tortured with sleep deprivation and heavy labour. Mr. Ou was finally released in 2007, but due to being brutally tortured in the labour camp, he suffered from a hernia, became very emaciated, experienced liver, kidney and lung failure, and finally died on April 4th, 2009.
Mr. Wang Jiang in Critical Condition after Torture, Family Visitations Frequently Denied
2009-08-25Falun Gong practitioner Mr. Wang Jiang is a farmer in Heilongjiang Province. He was arrested in January, 2006 and then sentenced to ten years in prison by the Chinese Communist Party (CCP). Ongoing torture resulted in his developing serious illnesses such as bone tuberculosis and pulmonary tuberculosis. Now he cannot take care of himself. Daqing Prison not only won't release Mr. Wang on medical parole, but they also have regularly prevented visitation by his family. The new head of Daqing Prison has further intensified the persecution of Falun Gong practitioners.
Deputy Division Head Zhang Yuke and His Family Persecuted for Ten Years
2009-08-25Because he refused to give up practising Falun Gong, Mr. Zhang Yuke has been tortured repeatedly in labour camps. Mr. Zhang's wife, Yu Fengyun, was also repeatedly persecuted because she persisted in practising Falun Gong. In 1999 she was subjected to one year of forced labour. After she was released she was arrested again in 2001 and subjected to another year of forced labour at the same labour camp. In 2005 Ms. Yu was sent to the labour camp for the third time. In 2008. Zhang's wife was sentenced to two years in prison, and remains in prison to this day. Zhang Yuke was sentenced to four years at the Jilin Prison, where he has been repeatedly tortured. For the last several months, he has been tied against the bed and force-fed daily.
Mr. Gu Yunpeng Brutally Tortured, Sentenced to Five Years in Prison
2009-08-25Falun Gong Practitioner Gu Yunpeng, who was recently released from Xinjian Prison in Harbin, Heilongjiang Province after serving a three-year sentence for practising Falun Gong, was arrested again in February 2009. Once at the Daowai District Detention Centre, the guards tortured him, forcing him to drink water from the toilet, and injecting mustard oil into his nose and mouth while hanging him upside down. They handcuffed and shackled him, connecting the two. On June 16th, 2009, Daowai District Court officials sentenced Mr. Gu to five years' incarceration and sent him to the Xinjian Prison.
Guangdong Province's Sanshui Forced Labour Camp Freezes Practitioners
2009-08-24Guangdong Province's Sanshui Forced Labour Camp once carried out multiple sessions of torture to "conquer the toughest fortress" in an attempt to "Reform" or "Transform" Falun Gong practitioners. They used sleep deprivation, electric shock, verbal abuse and humiliation, excessive sun exposure, hanging by handcuffing, force-feeding, and prolonging forced labour terms. They also froze practitioners with air conditioning units.