Exposing the Persecution
Torture | Kidnapping | Brainwashing | Illegal Detention and Imprisonment | Extortion | Persecution Throughout Society | Inside the Labour Camps | Individual Accounts | 6-10 Office | Death Cases | Organ Harvesting
After a Year of Detention, Practitioners Li Yun and Zhang Ling Transferred to Hubei Women's Prison
2009-05-11Ms. Li Yun and Ms. Zhang Ling were arrested on April 8th, 2008 by police. They were transferred to Hubei Women's Prison after a year in detention. Recent information indicated that Ms. Zhang Ling had been tortured, and her hair had turned white. Her entire body is swollen, and she is unable to stand on her own; she appears to be near death. Prison director Zhang Hongyu forced Ms. Li to sign a document stating that she would stop practising Falun Gong. He ordered prison guards to tie her to a "Dead Man's Bed".
Songyuan City Intermediate Court Sentences Innocent People
2009-05-11In the beginning of 2009, the Qianguo County Court in Songyuan City, Jilin Province secretly tried practitioner Mr. Xu Peng. The court also issued heavy sentences of 8 to 12 years in prison to six practitioners. The practitioners appealed to the Songyuan City Intermediate Court. The relatives of the six practitioners hired more than ten defence lawyers. But the court did not notify the lawyers of the second trial date; only two lawyers made it to Songyuan overnight. During the trial, practitioner Shao Changpu told the judge that the police force-fed him four bottles of mustard oil, and he wanted to charge the police for what they did. However, the judge upheld the previous sentences and wrapped up the trial hastily.
Many Practitioners Sentenced in Xiantao City, Hubei Province
2009-05-11Since the 17th National Congress of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) in 2007, CCP secretary Zhou Qi and Mayor Liu Xinchi of Xiantao City, Hubei Province, have been actively arresting Falun Gong practitioners. Under their command, the police arrested fifteen practitioners. Eight of the practitioners were sentenced to three to four years. Many of the practitioners are in critical condition as a result of torture. Ms. Chen Muying, in her 50s, was taken to the Wuhan City Brainwashing Centre on September 25th, 2007, then imprisoned at the Xiantao City Detention Centre for a year. She was sentenced to four years in prison at the end of 2008. She is now imprisoned at the Hubei Province Women's Prison.
Falun Gong Practitioner Brutalized and Injected with Unknown Drugs at Heilongjiang Province Women's Prison
2009-05-10In January 2004, several police officers broke into my home and took all my Falun Gong books and more than 10,000 yuan that I had saved for my son's wedding. Due to the extreme brutality of the police one of the bones under my right knee was broken, causing me to suffer extreme pain. In August 2004, I was sentenced to prison and was sent to Heilongjiang Province Women's Prison. I suffered indescribable tortures there. Practitioners beaten every single day and not allowed to have a good sleep at night. Again in April 2007 i was arrested and taken to the prison. They often put unknown drugs into my food. I was also forced to watch TV programmes that slandered Falun Gong.
Hebei Province Elementary Schoolteacher Ms. Zhao Minghua and Her Husband Arrested and Tortured
2009-05-10Elementary schoolteacher Ms. Zhao Minghua and her husband, Mr. Li Yankui both Falun Gong practitioners, were arrested and tortured in October 2007 by Qianan Domestic Security police. On December 21st, 2007, the couple was again arrested and tried by the court. While they were held in the detention centre, they were both tortured by means of electric shock, long periods of sun exposure, and excessive physical activity. The police deceived and abused them and forced confessions from them.
The Elderly Ms. Shen Is Forcibly Taken Away
2009-05-10On April 14th, when seventy-something Falun Gong practitioner Ms. Shen Jin'e was visiting her relatives, four plain clothes police broke in and forcibly searched the house. Ms. Shen asked them to show their legal documents. One of them quickly flashed some papers saying, "You broke the law. You will be sentenced and thrown into prison. Now you may find your lawyer!" Police forcibly dragged Ms. Shen out of the door. They dragged her to the side of a car which carried no police licence plate. They took Ms. Shen to the police station. Ms. Shen asked loudly, "What law did I break?" One officer said, "We have no choice. Our boss asked us to do this."
Falun Gong Practitioners in Huairou District, Beijing, Harassed and Arrested on the Eve of April 25th incident
2009-05-10On the eve of the tenth anniversary of the "April 25th" incident, the Chinese Communist Party agents again harassed and forcibly arrested Falun Gong practitioners. On April 23rd, 2009, many practitioners in Huairou District, Beijing were harassed. The campaign of searching and arresting was launched by the Public Security Bureau's 610 Office, local police stations and the Town's Street Integrated Management Office together. No legal procedures were followed and it was conducted by only plain-clothes police.
Exposing the Evil in the No.2 Women's Forced Labour Camp of Shandong Province
2009-05-09I was sent to the No.2 Women's Forced Labour Camp of Shandong Province twice and was persecuted there. I have witnessed and personally experienced how the policemen "transform" and torture Falun Gong practitioners. The labour camp is full of lies, cheating and evil. They first separate Falun Gong practitioners, prevent them from contacting anybody, and send two former practitioners to monitor them, whose purpose it is to attempt to force practitioners to renounce Falun Gong. If the practitioners refuse to be "transformed," they prevent them from sleeping, and make them stand facing the wall for physical punishment. I was tortured in that manner, was not allowed to sit for 24 hours a day.
Practitioners Tortured in Suihua Forced Labour Camp in Heilongjiang Province, Many Injured
2009-05-09Currently, more than 70 practitioners are being detained at Suihua Forced Labour Camp. All practitioners imprisoned in the forced labour camp are first subjected to at least three months of brutal persecution. Regular inmates are manipulated into brutally torturing, beating, and insulting the practitioners. Practitioners are not allowed to sleep for a long time and have to endure military training and physical punishment. Usually, one guard and two inmates watched and tortured one practitioner at a time. They ordered the practitioners to recite the forced labour camp rules and write the three statements to renounce Falun Gong.
Police from Wafangdian Police Station in Dalian City Arrest Practitioner Ni Cuixia and Beat Her Daughter
2009-05-09On April 8th, 2009, Ms. Ni Cuixia was arrested by police when she told the facts of Falun Gong to the public. Ms. Ni's daughter went to the police station and asked to see Liu Jun, the person responsible for her mother's arrest, to request a visit with her mother. But Liu refused to see the daughter. On April 15th, Ms. Ni's daughter went to Liu's house. Liu's wife told her that she had the wrong address. Then about twenty police officers rushed out with bats, long knives and batons. They beat her badly.
The Persecution of Mr. Yang Guoshu and His Family in Shulan City
2009-05-09On March 31st, 2009, Mr. Yang Guoshu and his family were arrested by more than ten police officers. The family are all Falun Gong practitioners, including Mr. Yang's wife, his eldest son and second son. On that day, four of his relatives who were visiting were also arrested. One of them was released after being extorted out of 500 yuan. Officers from the Shulan City Huan Cheng Police Station and Beicheng Police Station ransacked Mr. Yang's home, and took away six computers and more than six thousand "yuan" in cash.
Ms. Yang Shujun Suffers Cruel Abuse after Being Sentenced to Twelve Years in Prison
2009-05-08In November 2004, Ms. Yang Shujun along with other Falun Gong practitioners put up over a hundred posters in many public places. The posters had "Falun Gong Is Good" or "Truthfulness-Benevolence-Forbearance Is Good" on them. Police arrested over twenty practitioners including Ms. Yang. Many practitioners were tortured, and some were tortured to death. Ms. Yang was tortured for seven days. The police burned her with cigarette butts, covered her head with plastic bags to nearly suffocate her, hung her by handcuffs, beat her, and injected her with drugs. She was sentenced to twelve years in prison. In June 2006, she was taken to the Harbin Women's Prison where she was repeatedly beaten and cut by other inmates.
Persecution at Shanghai Women's Forced Labour Camp Aims to "Transform" Practitioners
2009-05-08Shanghai Women's Forced Labour Camp forces those who have given up Falun Gong to communicate with practitioners who were recently "transformed." The practitioners endure brainwashing as well as physical abuse in order to weaken their faith. If practitioners didn't "transform," the guards instructed inmates to physically abuse them by forcing them to stand for periods as long as 16 hours, causing practitioners to suffer from high blood pressure. Many practitioners were "transformed" under these conditions with an unwilling heart.
The Defendant? The Plaintiff!
2009-05-08Currently, under the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) rule, many ridiculous events have occurred, especially in dealing with the persecution of Falun Gong over the last ten years. Under pressure from the CCP, the judicial and public security agencies have turned into pawns and accomplices for the persecution of practitioners. On March 25th, 2009, the lawyer defending practitioners Mr. He Yixing and Ms. Zhang Yueqin, husband and wife, filed a complaint against a branch of the Lubei Public Security Bureau in Tangshan City. The lawyer used legal arguments to point out the illegal actions of the judge in charge of Mr. He's second trial. These actions serve as a warning to those who have abandoned morality in the legal profession and turned the defendant into the plaintiff.
Two Children Who Lost Their Happiness Due to the Persecution of Falun Gong
2009-05-08Wang Chouying, aged 11, and Wang Chouyue, aged 10, used to have a happy family life with their loving parents. In March 2000, their mother Niu Aiqing was arrested because she went to Beijing to appeal against the persecution of Falun Gong. She was detained for more than two months. Chouyue was less than six months old. In 2006, the boys' mother was arrested again by police and sent to the Wang Village Forced Labour Camp. The boys missed their mother so much that they often had nightmares and cried in their sleep. In 2007, unable to bear the torture in the forced labour camp, Ms. Niu made a successful escape. The boys haven't seen their mother for three years and they miss her very much.