Exposing the Persecution

Torture | Kidnapping | Brainwashing | Illegal Detention and Imprisonment | Extortion | Persecution Throughout Society | Inside the Labour Camps | Individual Accounts | 6-10 Office | Death Cases | Organ Harvesting

  • Ms. Feng Jixiu from Xushui County, Hebei Province, Detained in Shijiazhuang City Forced Labour Camp

    On July 16th, 2007, three groups of police officers and personnel from the Xushui County 610 Office forcibly entered the home of Falun Gong practitioner Ms. Feng Jixiu, searched the home and arrested her. Ms. Feng was taken to the Shijiazhuang City Forced Labour Camp. In 2000 Ms. Feng was arrested on her way to Beijing to appeal against the persecution. Chinese Communist Party (CCP) officials forced her to take off her warm coat and forced her down on her knees. Guo Haishan, Party Secretary of Ansu Town, grabbed Feng Jixiu's hair with one hand and slapped her face many times with the other. Afterwards, Town Governor Niu Jun also slapped her face many times the same way. Both of them heavily hit her buttocks with sticks and batons, which made her black and blue for more than two weeks. They tortured her so that she would "confess."
  • Legal Training Centre in Guiyang Detains Falun Gong Practitioners

    The "Legal Training Centre" (a euphemism for "brainwashing centre") in Guiyang is located at a remote, hard to find location. The front door without even a single sign is tightly closed, and the building is surrounded by tall walls. Entering the front door, there is a two-story building. This is where the officers detain Falun Gong practitioners. The longest term for this kind of detention here is one and a half years. The other inmates are basically unemployed workers. Although they know that to monitor the detained practitioners is against the law, they have been deceived by the Chinese Communist Party's (CCP) ploys and refuse to follow their consciences. Someone with a conscience made these comments in private: "It is really a big joke to call this place a 'Legal Training Centre,' since what it does is all against the law."
  • Direct Experience of Persecution in Shanxi Province - a Statement from Ms. Zhou Yunhua

    "On August 7th, 2006, a fellow practitioner and I went to distribute Falun Gong leaflets exposing the persecution. Someone reported us to the police and we were arrested. I was sentenced to forced labour. In the forced labour camp, I met a "transformed" practitioner, but I did not know that she had been "transformed" when we first met. I told her that we should expose the wrongdoings of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP), so she turned me in. The guard ordered two drug user inmates to search me, and to strip off my clothing and shoes. They stole my cash and watch and forced me to stand for two days and nights without sleep. I could not take it any more and, against my will, wrote a guarantee statement to renounce Falun Gong."
  • Mr. Zhao Shouzhu Tortured to Death in Liaoning Province

    Practitioner Mr. Zhao Shouzhu, 38, was forcibly taken into custody in 2000. Because the guards found him doing the Falun Gong exercises they beat him fracturing three of his ribs. Prisoners also beat him down to the floor, forced him to stand up, then beat him down again. They held his head down to the floor and took turns kicking him with their leather boots all over his body, even his head. Upon being released, Mr. Zhao had to leave home to avoid being arrested. On March 31st, 2008, Mr. Zhao was arrested while distributing leaflets exposing the persecution. He began a hunger strike to protest the persecution. The police had people from the City Hospital brutally force-feed him with unknown drugs. He died around April 20th, 2008.
  • Wang Zhihai's Head Wounded Badly Due to Torture at Chongqing City Xishanping Forced Labour Camp

    On September 28th, 2007, Mr. Wang Zhihai, a Falun Gong practitioner was sentenced to a forced labour camp for two years. He was taken to Xishanping Forced Labour Camp. On March 18th, 2008, several inmates beat Mr. Wang so violently that he suffered a head injury, his teeth were loosened, and his eyes became bloodshot. He also had a concussion and vomited, and his blood pressure shot up. His family is now demanding his release, but officials from the forced labour camp continue to hold Mr. Zhihai. In 2003, his wife, Ms. Duan Shiqun, was tortured to death at the detention centre. Now Mr. Zhihai's son, Wang Jing, who is only nine years old, is left without anyone to take care of him.
  • Husband and Wife Mr. Xia Maoshu and Ms. Li Zhonghua Detained at Dehui Detention Centre

    Mr. Xia Maoshu and Ms. Li Zhonghua, husband and wife, live in a village in Jilin Province. On March 6th, 2008, village head Chen Jibin of Weizuizi Village and officers from the Xiajiadian Police Station ransacked the couple's home and confiscated many of their personal belongings, including all of their Falun Gong books and a satellite receiver. Both husband and wife are currently detained at the Dehui Detention Centre. According to an inside source, Mr. Xia Maoshu was physically assaulted while in custody.
  • Practitioner Mr. Wang Hongfa Sentenced to a Forced Labour Camp--His Wife and Daughter Are Monitored and His Father is Seriously Ill

    Practitioner Mr. Wang Hongfa was taken into custody on July 16th, 2007. On August 20th, 2007, he was sentenced to a one-and-a-half year forced labour term at the Huadu Forced Labour Camp in Guangzhou City. Mr. Wang's wife, Ms. Deng Yi, has tried to visit him four times, but was refused by the forced labour camp officials each time. Mr. Wang's father is 70 years old and was diagnosed with liver cancer. Since he is critically ill, Ms. Deng asked the labour camp officials to allow Mr. Wang to see his father for one last time. The labour camp officials, however, refused her request and also threatened her.
  • Mr. Fan Dezhen Dies in Police Custody in Liaoning Province

    Mr. Fan Zhende, 33, was a Falun Gong practitioner had been been detained and violently beaten multiple times. In 2001 he went to Beijing to appeal and was detained in the Huludao Forced Labour Camp for three years. In order to force him give up his faith, several guards shocked him simultaneously with electric batons, and beat him cruelly, causing his whole body to be injured and swollen, and his face to be deformed. On February 25th, 2008, Suizhong County Domestic Security Division Leader Li Changhua arrested eleven practitioners, including Mr. Fan and his wife Yang Xiaoxue. Mr. Fan died at around 7 a.m. on April 20th, 2008 in the Suizhong County Detention Centre.
  • Male Police Officers Allowed to Take Part in Medical Procedures on Women at the Beijing Forced Labour Camp Dispatch Centre

    Falun Gong practitioner Ms. Tu Xiaomin, 45 years old, was arrested and sent to the Beijing Labour Camp Dispatch Centre on November 8th, 2007. Policemen wanted to extract urine from Tu Xiaomin for testing. This procedure was not necessary at all, they just wanted to humiliate her. Tu refused. Despite her cries and struggles, policemen cuffed her and pulled off Tu's underwear. They also raised Ms. Tu's legs up, exposing her private parts to let the policewomen do the exam. The policewoman inserted metal equipment into Tu's private parts up to her uterus. Tu also bore the pain of an exam of her private parts. Her private parts bled until the next day.
  • Information about the Persecution of Mr. Peng Fangjian, Tortured to Death in 2003 in Sichuan Province

    On January 28th, 2003, Mr. Peng Fangjian was arrested by 610 Office agents and detained at Renli Town Police Station. According to inside sources, He was brutally beaten by the officers. Three days later, Mr. Peng was imprisoned at Lingquansi Detention Centre. Mr. Peng began a hunger strike to protest the persecution. He was tortured to death on February 10th, 2003. Someone who had been imprisoned with Mr. Peng at the detention centre said that Mr. Peng had been subjected to brutal torture by prisoners, and that his mouth and nose were always filled with blood. Mr. Peng refused to renounced Falun Gong and his mind was always firm. He was on a continuous hunger strike, and the police brutally force-fed and tortured him. This prisoner also said that he had seen Mr. Peng's body being taken to a car.
  • Exposing Atrocities at Inner Mongolia's Tumuji Forced Labour Camp

    Practitioner Ms. Baosiqin Gaowa was imprisoned there two times and was put in the brainwashing centre three times. The first time she was brainwashed for more than 40 days. A man named Guan beat her so severely that she became injured. A one-inch long scar below her mouth is still visible today. The second time she was put in the brainwashing centre again for more than 40 days. The third time she was in for over three days. She was forbidden to sleep for two whole days and was forced to stand. Her feet swelled. Criminal prisoners at Tumuji Forced Labour Camp make up only one per cent of the inmates. The majority of those incarcerated are people that believe in a religion or people who went to appeal to the higher authorities.
  • Vicious Police Officers in Qiqihar City Persecute Falun Gong Practitioners (1st Quarter of 2008)

    Mr. Xu Linshan, a fifty-seven-year-old practitioner, never stopped believing in the principle of "Truthfulness-Compassion-Tolerance" and strove to be a good person. Since the onset of the persecution of Falun Gong in 1999, he was arrested seven times, detained, sentenced to forced labour, sentenced to prison, and tortured many times. On April 25th, 2002, the Qiqihar police arrested him, ransacked his home and he was sentenced to five years in prison. Mr. Xu Lishan was subjected to various brutal torture methods there, such as being stabbed with a needle and force-fed with highly concentrated salt water. He then developed the following symptoms: oedema, liver cirrhosis, liver ascites, renal failure, and meningitis. Mr. Xu's family took him home in December 2005. He was bedridden until his death on February 11th, 2008.
  • Remembering Fellow Practitioner Ms. Zhou Huimin

    A few days ago, I learned that Falun Gong practitioner Ms. Zhou Huimin passed away at Qingyang People's Hospital in Chengdu City, Sichuan Province, on March 15th, 2008. My heart broke, and tears ran down my face. She was a good person and was very kind and considerate to others. She died after 198 days of brutal torture. She hoped for the persecution to end soon and for everyone to have a bright future. She lost her precious life because she guarded her beliefs and strove to be a good person.
  • Three Family Members Arrested by the Xilian Police Department in Danzhou City, Hainan Province

    Xian Rumei is a Falun Gong practitioner from the Xiliu Farm in Danzhou City, Hainan Province. On March 10th, 2008, her younger brother (also a practitioner) was arrested by police. On March 11th, Xian Rumei, her husband, practitioner Xue Zhaoshun, and her mother, all went to the local police station and requested to see her brother. The police officer in charge agreed and had them sent to the Xilian Police Department in a police vehicle. Yet instead of being allowed to see her brother, Ms. Xian and her husband were held at the Xilian Police Department and only her mother was able to go home.
  • Xianghe County Practitioner Wang Guixiang Sent to Labour Camp Again

    After going to Beijing in April 2000 to appeal for justice for Falun Gong at Tiananmen Square, 46-year-old Ms. Wang Guixiang was arrested and detained in Banqiao Forced Labour Camp for one and a half years. Ms. Wang was severely tortured at the labour camp. She was shocked with three or four high-voltage electric batons simultaneously all over her body, brutally force-fed, and put in solitary confinement. One of her teeth was knocked out during a beating. Later she was forced to stay away from home for nearly three years to avoid further persecution. Her husband could not bear the persecution any more, and divorced Ms. Wang in 2001. In March 2008, police took Wang Guixiang into custody off the street. She has been sentenced to forced labour for two years and is detained in Shijiazhuang Women's Labour Camp.