Exposing the Persecution
Torture | Kidnapping | Brainwashing | Illegal Detention and Imprisonment | Extortion | Persecution Throughout Society | Inside the Labour Camps | Individual Accounts | 6-10 Office | Death Cases | Organ Harvesting
610 Office in Suizhou City Continues to Harass and Extort Money from Ms. Qiu Lilan
2008-12-05On November 4th, 2008, manager Wu, who is in charge of persecuting Falun Gong practitioners at the Mother and Childcare Hospital went to talk to practitioner Ms. Qiu Lilan, a retired doctor from the same hospital. Ms. Qiu explained to him that due to the long term persecution that she suffered at the hands of the local 610 Office, her health had slowly deteriorated, forcing her to undergo surgery in September 2008. As a result, she was living at her relative's home so she could get the personal care she needed. When the local "610 Office" found about this, they went to Ms. Qiu's hospital work unit and extorted several thousand yuan from them. They also took away Ms. Qiu's November retirement pension of more than 1000 yuan, leaving her with only 300 yuan to live on.
Falun Gong Practitioner Mr. Li Zhengling Dies in Custody
2008-12-04On December 28th, 2004, 7 policemen broke into Mr. Li Zhengling's home, and he was taken to the Gulin Detention Centre. The police also ransacked his home many times. On February 4th, 2005, he was arrested again, and sentenced to five years of imprisonment. At that time, Mr. Li's eyesight was very poor, so his family members asked that he be allowed to stay home, but their request was refused. Li Zhengling was sent to Deyang Prison, where he became blind due to continuous mistreatment. On June 21st, 2008, Mr. Li's family members received notice that he was critically ill. They were told that Li Zhengling's blood pressure had been just over 60 when he was brought to the hospital on June 11th and that he had died at 5:30 a.m. that day, June 24th.
Young Mother Detained at the Sanshui Forced Labour Camp, Now Reduced to Skin and Bones
2008-12-04Ms. Gong Xuejun, aged 30, has an infant son who is just over one year old. The 610 Office in Lechang City ransacked her house and arrested her on August 19th, 2008. Ms. Gong Xuejun was taken to the Sanshui Women's Forced Labour Camp. When her relatives saw Ms. Gong they could hardly recognize her. Because Gong Xuejun had been tortured, her weight had dropped from 49kg to 30kg (approximately 108 lbs to 66 lbs) within one month. She was nothing but skin and bones. Her eyes were sunken and her hair had been cut short and was in disarray. Upon seeing her shocking condition, Ms. Gong's relatives were in tears.
Mr. Xue Chaoyang and His Wife from Xiao County, Anhui Province, Held in Longshanzi Detention Centre
2008-12-04Mr. Xue Chaoyang, a Falun Gong practitioner from Xiao County, Anhui Province, was detained at the Longshanzi Detention Centre in Xiao County. His family now has have no source of income and their life is very difficult. The authorities refused to allow his parents to see him. When Mr. Xue's mother missed him so much that she went to the Xiao County Police Department to inquire about him, Officer Li Wangang pounded on the table to frighten her and drove her off.
Mr. Liang Bosheng Dies as Result of Persecution in Jilin Province
2008-12-04Falun Gong practitioner Mr. Liang Bosheng was sentenced to forced labour in 1999, and he served a two-year term in the Chaoyanggou Forced Labour Camp. He suffered numerous hardships including being deprived of sleep, starved, and forced to sit on a bed-board all day until his legs were numb. He was given a two-year term again in 2002. Mr. Liang refused to write the statements renouncing Falun Gong, so the guards instructed the prisoners to strip him, push him into the toilet, open the windows, and hose him with freezing cold water. Mr. Liang was dying by the time he was released on medical parole on October 30th, 2003. He became disabled due to the persecution. Mr. Liang died on March 19th, 2006, at age 49.
Daughter Sentenced, Mother Suffers Brutal Persecution for Making Appeal
2008-12-03Falun Gong practitioner Ms. Qiu Yuxia was recently sentenced to three years in prison by the Jiamusi Middle Court, and she is now imprisoned in the Heilongjiang Province Women's Prison. Ms. Qiu was arrested by the Jiamusi 610 Office and the Jiamusi City National Security Team on July 2nd, 2008, while she was hiring a lawyer to make an appeal for her imprisoned daughter Ms. Ma Duo, who is also a practitioner. Ms. Qiu Yuxia is being tortured during her incarceration. Ms. Qiu was also imprisoned in the Jiamusi City Forced Labour Camp for three years. She was hung above the ground with her hands cuffed behind her back. As a result of this torture, she lost feeling in her hands and was almost permanently disabled.
Practitioner from Shanghai Losing His Sight After Seven Years of Persecution in Prison
2008-12-03Falun Gong Practitioner Mr. Lan Bin, 41, was arrested in 2001 by police and sentenced to ten years of imprisonment. He has been jailed at the Tilanqiao Prison in Shanghai for over seven years. It was learned recently that he is in very poor health. Doctors have diagnosed that his eyesight problems are incurable. His ocular bleeding cannot be stopped and is worsening. Doctors said, "His eyes are in very bad shape, and he will definitely lose his sight." The root cause is his high blood pressure, which causes pressure in the blood vessels, triggering them to break, which will lead to loss of sight. All of Mr. Lan's health problems are the result of his being persecuted.
When Will These Two Girls Be Reunited with Their Parents?
2008-12-03In 1999, Jiang Zemin , [former leader of China and instigator of the persecution] and the Chinese Communist Party started persecuting Falun Gong nationwide. Mr. Lu Yuebin and his wife went to Beijing to appeal for Falun Gong, in the hopes that the government would be able to recognize that Falun Gong is good. However, they were arrested and detained. Their two girls ended up having to be raised by their relatives. On October 22nd, 2008, police went into the family's apartment. The policemen beat the father and arrested the couple. The younger sister tried to stop them, but she was lifted up and thrown from the living room into the kitchen. After the parents were arrested, the older sister gave up her studies and rushed home. The younger sister was also forced to stop her studies.
Parents Appeal for the Release of Their Son Du Huachu
2008-12-03In April of 2002, police from the Wuchang Public Security Bureau arrested my son, Mr. Du Huachu, and took him to the Wuchang Public Security Bureau Detention Centre because he practised Falun Gong, which is not even against any official law. He was later sentenced to eight years of imprisonment. He was imprisoned in Fanjiatai Jail in Shayang in February 2007. Many practitioners in Fanjiatai Jail have died or have suffered a mental breakdown. Shayang is far away and the fare to travel there is expensive. It is very difficult for us to visit our son, and the guards also purposely make it difficult for us to see him. We have recently received news that our son is being tortured in Fanjiatai Jail.
Details Regarding Mr. Yang Jiaye's Death While in Custody in Guangxi Region
2008-12-02Mr. Yang Jiaye, 41, went to Beijing to appeal for Falun Gong after the persecution started. In the spring of 2002, he was arrested and sentenced to two years of forced labour for distributing leaflets exposing the persecution and telling people the facts about Falun Gong. Police arrested Mr. Yang again at his home on June 30th, 2008. They had him sentenced to two years of forced labour and took him to the Nanning City First Labour Camp in Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region. He died on November 18th, 2008, while detained.
Practitioners Forced to Make Silk Flowers at the Zunhua Detention Centre
2008-12-02On May 9th, 2008, Qi Zhanyou, director of the Zunhua Detention Centre in Hebei Province, made an announcement to everyone in the detention centre over the loudspeaker. He instructed all criminals, detainees, and suspects to make silk flowers, and he declared that anyone who refused to work would be punished according to the "rejecting reform through forced labour" regulation. Four practitioners refused to perform forced labour. The guards confiscated all of the food the practitioners had bought with their own money. After several days of working on the plastic flowers, more than half of the people suffered allergic reactions to the materials. It was unclear what was used in the flowers and their plastic stems. Some people's faces were swollen and they felt itchy all over their bodies.
Ms. Tian Suhua of Xiangcheng City, Henan Province, Handicapped as a Result of Persecution, Is Again Arrested and Detained
2008-12-02Falun Gong practitioner Ms. Tian Suhua, 43, was arrested by police on July 3rd, 2008. She was detained in detention centres. In 2001 Ms. Tian was detained again. A doctor stuck about two dozen needles into Ms. Tian's body while attempting to resuscitate her. One of the needles was stuck deep into Ms. Tian's heels. Ms. Tian lost feeling in both feet, resulting in difficulty walking. Her eyesight was also affected and she suffered from blurred vision. She was sent to Shibalihe Women Labour Camp in Zhengzhou City where the torture continued because she remained steadfast in practising Falun Gong. On November 17th, 2008, Ms. Tian was taken to Nandun District Court where she exposed the police brutality that caused her disability.
Ten Jilin Practitioners Including Ms. Feng Guirong Unjustly Tried
2008-12-02During June and July 2007, police arrested ten Falun Gong practitioners. They have been detained in the Jilin City Detention Centre for more than a year. On November 4th, 2008, the Jilin City 610 Office prosecuted these practitioners for three days in the Chuanying District Court. Except for those who asked for lawyers, family members were not even informed about the opening session. At the Jilin City Police Dog Base, Ms. Feng Guirong was tortured to extract a "confession." She was force-fed mustard oil and beaten. The police hit her legs with iron rods. The torture made her head and lips swell, her ears rang, and she could not walk straight. When Ms. Feng was taken to the detention centre, she could hardly walk at all.
Close to 400 Falun Gong Practitioners Arrested in Baoding City in the Run Up to the Olympics (Map)
2008-12-01Since the persecution of Falun Gong began in 1999, Baoding City has been counted among the worst in the persecution of practitioners. Additionally, Hebei Province can lay claim to having the greatest number of practitioners tortured to death. The total confirmed number to date is 74 deaths. Baoding practitioners are still being persecuted, harassed, and having their possessions looted. Each and every blacklisted practitioner has been harassed.
Ms. Li Xiulan Remains Imprisoned in the First Detention Centre of Lanzhou City
2008-12-01On September 17th, 2008, the Chengguan District Court of Lanzhou City, Gansu Province, tried Falun Gong practitioners Ms. Li Xiulan, Yue Zhongxiu, and two others without notifying their family members. Their families had to seek out the location of the trial and the date. Attending the proceedings, they saw that Ms. Li was emaciated. Ms. Li was arrested and imprisoned in the First Detention Centre of Lanzhou City in April. When her family visited her, the guards falsely informed them that Ms. Li would be released in a few days. As the Olympic Games went on, detention centre officials falsely informed her family that she would be released after the Games. Her family did not know about her upcoming trial at the time.