Exposing the Persecution
Torture | Kidnapping | Brainwashing | Illegal Detention and Imprisonment | Extortion | Persecution Throughout Society | Inside the Labour Camps | Individual Accounts | 6-10 Office | Death Cases | Organ Harvesting
Police Beat Ms. Zhang Shuiying in Hubei Province and Threaten Her Family
2007-11-19Agents from the Macheng City 610 Office and police from the State Security Division arrested almost thirty Falun Dafa practitioners. Mr. Bai Zijian was arrested and his wife, Ms. Zhang Shuiying, was severely beaten, leaving bruises all over her body. The results of the beating were photographed by empathetic neighbours. Recently, agents from the 610 Office have repeatedly harassed Ms. Zhang and her mother-in-law.
The Persecution of Ms. Cui Shengyun from Jiamusi City, Heilongjiang Province
2007-11-18Ms. Cui Shengyun was arrested by officials from the Jiamusi City Public Security Bureau and the National Security Bureau on May 19th, 2007. The court sentenced her to a five-year prison term. Due to physical and mental torture, she suffers from serious heart disease. She is extremely weak, and at times she is unable to walk steadily. Although her family members have tried to visited her many times, they have been consistently denied.
Practitioner Kept in Solitary Confinement for Half Her Term at Heilongjiang Women's Prison
2007-11-18Falun Gong practitioner Ms. Hu Aiyun has been imprisoned and persecuted in Heilongjiang Province Women's Prison for two and half years. She was imprisoned in solitary confinement many times, totalling more than a year. While imprisoned, she protested by going on hunger strikes many times. She is force-fed twice a day and suffers greatly. In a previous detention, police suspended and beat her, and fed her with pepper water. They connected electrical prods to the toes of both feet and shocked her with an electric baton.
Mr. Liu Xianyan and Others from Guangshui City, Hubei Province Suffer Mental Collapse Due to Persecution by the Guangshui City 610 Office
2007-11-18In 2002, when Mr. Liu Xianyan,was exposing the Chinese Communist Party's (CCP) lies to students at the Guangchang Middle School, he was arrested by personnel from the 610 Office and imprisoned first for four months, followed quickly by another four months detention. As a result of this harassment, Mr. Liu suffered a mental collapse. His wife, unable to cope with his mental condition, later divorced him. With the kind help and care of other practitioners, Mr. Liu's mental condition gradually improved. In 2005 he was again arrested. Under the intense pressure in the brainwashing centre, Mr. Liu wrote the "Three Statements" to renounce Falun Gong, against his will. The constant threats and harassment caused Mr. Liu to have another mental breakdown, which the 610 Office used to try to convince people that Mr. Liu had become insane from practising Falun Gong.
Persecution of Practitioners in Hongweixing Prison, Daqing City, Heilongjiang Province Between 2002 and 2006
2007-11-18Mr. Yu Yongquan, 45 years old and a college graduate, died in March 2003 as a result of persecution in Hongweixing Prison. Wang Hongde, 56 years old, was incarcerated in the prison in 2002 and suffered a heart attack. The prison did not allow medical parole until Mr. Wang's hands and feet had turned blue and he was at the brink of death in April 2005. He died two weeks later. Zhang Zhong, 35 years old, died in October 2006 in the Harbin City Police Hospital. Li Lizhuang, 33 years old, was brutally tortured by ten criminal inmates. His clothes were removed and he was put into a waist high bath barrel filled with cold water. The inmates then poured cold water on his head and body. They also scraped his ribs with hard material, gagged him with dirty rags, and pulled and squeezed his private parts, which still pain him today.
Older Practitioner Mr. Qi Tingsong Tortured to Death in Laiwu City, Shandong Province
2007-11-17On October 15th, 2007, Mr. Qi Tingsong, 67, went to distribute leaflets exposing the persecution of Falun Gong in Gouli Village, Gaozhuang Town. He was arrested, and police tried to have Mr. Qi sentenced to forced labour. Mr. Qi went on a hunger strike to protest. He was rushed to Laiwu City Hospital for emergency treatment. The police refused to pay his medical costs, so the hospital stopped his intravenous drips and medications. Mr. Qi discharged a large quantity of blood from his rectum while unconscious, possibly from internal injuries. Before being arrested, Mr. Qi was very strong and healthy, with no illnesses and very optimistic and active. However, he was tortured to death in only 26 days.
Mr. Wei Shijun in Extremely Poor Health at Qianjin Prison in Beijing
2007-11-17Mr. Wei Shijun is from Beijing. He is currently detained in Qianjin Prison, and according to an reliable source, his liver and a kidneys are both severely abnormal, and his health is very poor. The prison administration has refused to release him for medical treatment despite the fact that his family has applied to bail him out. Qianjin Prison still tries to force him to do hard labour, and tortures and brainwashes him. They finally allowed him skip the hard labour at his family's persistent urgings.
The 610 Office Persecutes and Harasses Practitioner Ms. Lei Jianying
2007-11-17At 3 p.m. on September 23rd, 2007, Ms. Li Jianying was arrested. She was at a shop owned by her family when agents from the municipal 610 Office and police arrested her. The incident was witnessed by many bystanders. Without going through any legal procedures, police officers handcuffed Ms. Li in public and dragged her into their vehicle. When her brother arrived, he challenged the officers as to why they were arresting his sister. He ended up being beaten by police officers and arrested as well.
Please Help Rescue Ms. Gao Yuqin and Four Others Detained Practitioners from Muling City, Heilongjiang Province
2007-11-17In September and October 2007, police officers from the National Security Team of the Muling City Police Department arrested five practitioners, who had been distributing leaflets exposing the persecution and telling people the facts about Falun Dafa, and put them in the Muling City Detention Centre. The five practitioners have been on a hunger strike to protest the detention and persecution and are now extremely weak. They are in dire condition.
Exposing the Crimes Committed at Shanxi Women's Forced Labour Camp
2007-11-16Situated near a small shopping centre in Taiyuan City, Shanxi Province, is a forced labour camp for women. This is a sinister place where over 46 Falun Dafa practitioners are held in confinement. On October 15th, 2006, Ms. Liu Taojiang was beaten so badly by warden Hong Yuanqu that she was sent home immediately by the guards, who wanted to avoid responsibility for her death. A month later, just when Liu was well enough to get out of bed, she was again taken back to Shanxi Forced Labour Camp. Liu went on a hunger strike to protest. Seeing that Liu was dying, the camp officials quickly ordered her family to take her home. Liu slowly recovered two weeks later. Again, the camp officers came and took her away. She has not been seen since.
The Persecution of Ms. Liu Hongxia in Jilin City, Jilin Province
2007-11-16After the the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) began persecuting Falun Gong on July 20th, 1999, Ms. Liu Hongxia was detained twice, and the CCP attempted to brainwash her three times because she refused to give up her belief. On July 14th, 2006, as Ms. Liu was selling her wares at the Jilin City grocery wholesale market, a few plainclothes officers came to arrest her. The police officer at the police station said, "In dealing with Falun Gong, we don't have to abide by the law." She was transported to the Jilin City Detention Centre, where guards noticed that she wasn't able to walk normally and she was covered in bruises. Later, Ms. Liu was then taken directly to Heizuizi Women's Forced Labour Camp. She was locked in a confined cell for 80 days straight and became infested with scabies.
Mr. Jiang Zonglin Arrested by Chengdu Police
2007-11-16On August 2nd, 2007, Chengdu resident and Falun Dafa practitioner Jiang Zonglin was arrested. His whereabouts is still unknown. Both Fuqin Police Department of Chengdu City and the State Protection Brigade of Jinniu Public Security Sub-bureau are denying any responsibility. They refused to notify Jiang's family members of his current situation. The Fuqin Police and the National Security Brigade of Jinniu Public Security Sub-bureau are, however, most likely involved in this situation.
Jinan Provincial Women's Prison Denies Family Visits - Two Sisters Not Heard From for Almost a Year
2007-11-16Dafa practitioners Ms. Qu Xiaotong, about thirty years old, and Ms. Qu Beibei, who is in her twenties, are sisters. On June 24th, 2004, while having a meal together in a restaurant, they were savagely arrested by several dozen police. The practitioners were tortured by extremely cruel means in an attempt to extract “confessions.” This included being injected with drugs that damage one’s central nervous system. Qu Beibei's neck was shocked with electric batons, and she was punched, kicked, and tortured to the extreme. After she started a hunger strike to protest the persecution, she was savagely force-fed. Qu Xiaotong and Qu Beibei suffered from tremendous persecution after being imprisoned in Jinan Provincial Women's Prison. Since the summer of 2006, the prison has not allowed family visits and they have not been heard from since.
Eight Deaths due to Torture Verified in October 2007
2007-11-15Torture-related deaths of eight Falun Gong practitioners were verified in October 2007. Seven of them died in September 2007, one died in October 2007. Since the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) and Jiang Zemin's, [former leader of China and instigator of the persecution] regime began the persecution of Falun Gong on July 20th, 1999, 3101 deaths due to torture or police brutality have been verified. The actual number of deaths is far more than that.
Practitioner Mr. Jiang Zonglin from Chengdu City, Sichuan Province is Missing
2007-11-15Officials from the Public Security Office and National Security Office, broke into the home of practitioner Mr. Jiang Zonglin, on August 2nd, 2007. Mr. Jiang, an architecture engineer in his late fifties, was handcuffed and taken away, without the officers saying a word. Jiang's wife and daughter were also taken. It's been several months since Jiang went missing. When his family asked his whereabouts an officer said, "We took him his clothes, which means he is still around."