Exposing the Persecution
Torture | Kidnapping | Brainwashing | Illegal Detention and Imprisonment | Extortion | Persecution Throughout Society | Inside the Labour Camps | Individual Accounts | 6-10 Office | Death Cases | Organ Harvesting
Additional Details about Ms. Yang Mingfen's Persecution and Death in Maoming City, Guangdong Province
2007-08-21The Clearharmony website reported on December 1st, 2004, that Ms. Yang Mingfen from Maoming City, Guangdong Province, was persecuted to death. Around May 2002, the Maoming City 610 Office arrested Yang Mingfen and sent her to the brainwashing centre. While she was in the brainwashing centre for over a year, Yang Mingfen was tortured inhumanly. Yang Mingfen was stomped and beaten multiple times by the guards. After suffering a long period of persecution and torture, Yang Mingfen's health deteriorated drastically and she became dangerously emaciated. Later, she had an extremely hard time swallowing food. The authorities released her in March 2004 after realising she was on the verge of death. She died six months later on the morning of October 26th, 2004.
60-Year-Old Falun Gong Practitioner Ms. Jin Chunxian from Dongning County, Heilongjiang Province Passes Away Due to Persecution
2007-08-21Practitioner Ms. Jin Chunxian, 60, had been subjected to inhumane torture in Qiqihar Forced Labour Camp. She was hung up for four days by her hands cuffed behind her back. As she persisted in practising the exercises, she was brutally beaten by criminals many times. They each grabbed one of her limbs. Her clothes were torn away, and they even tore the skin on her abdomen in the process. They then shocked her with electric batons. She was arrested again in September 2005 and sentenced to eight years of imprisonment without proper legal proceedings. On July 31st, 2007, she passed away.
Police Arrest Fourteen Practitioners during the Last Three Months in Yi County, Hebei Province
2007-08-21The persecution of Falun Gong practitioners by the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) regime has been more rampant during the last three months in Yi County. Police have harassed and threatened practitioners in their homes. Tanghu Town was especially targeted. They went to the homes of every practitioner to harass, threaten and arrest them. In the last three months fourteen practitioners' homes have been ransacked. This caused a great deal of mental anguish for the families of the practitioners.
Ms. Li Yunxia from Yi County, Hebei Province Is Extremely Weak from Nearly Three Years of Torture at Baoding Forced Labour Camp
2007-08-20Ms. Li Yunxia has been detained and tortured in the Baoding Forced Labour Camp for nearly 3 years. Recently the camp authorities launched a "conquer-the-toughest" campaign and carried out inhuman torture on the steadfast practitioners, among whom Li Yunxia was one of the most severely tortured. On October 26th, 2004, police broke into practitioner Li Yunxia's home and arrested her and charged her with distributing Falun Gong materials at the Yi County temple fair. She was beaten by the police from the national security team. Her face and body were covered with black and purple bruises. She steadily refused to be "transformed" and give up her practice of Falun Gong. One time she asked to use the toilet, and the guards refused to remove the hand cuffs and shocked her with an electric baton instead.
Relentless Torture Leads to the Death of Practitioner Ms. Pan Zhenghui from Hubei Province
2007-08-20Falun Gong practitioner Ms. Pan Zhenghui was 61 years old. Many times, she was detained, her family's home ransacked, and she was interrogated, body-searched, watched, followed, sent to brainwashing centres, and so on. The CCP's implication policy also made Ms. Pan's family members suffer. Many times, her grown children were laid-off from work so as to persecute Ms. Pan. After suffering relentless torture due to the orders of the vicious Chinese Communist Party (CCP) she died of a sudden cerebral hemorrhage on July 6th, 2007 at 3 p.m.
Ms. Wang Qiaoying Suffers Mental Collapse After Being Force-fed Unknown Drugs
2007-08-20Practitioner Ms. Wan Qiaoying was sentenced to five years of imprisonment in 2006. During her detention at Kunming No. 2 Women's Prison, she was force-fed unknown drugs and injected with various substances, and was also tortured. In May of this year, Ms. Wan was released on bail for medical treatment. However, by this time she had suffered a mental breakdown, her had body was very stiff and she was unable to speak.
Recent Brutal Treatment of Practitioners in Masanjia Women's Forced Labour Camp
2007-08-20Masanjia Forced Labour Camp carried out the cruellest forms of persecution on Falun Gong practitioners from March 31st, 2005 to November 15th, 2006. Guards kicked Xie Dewen and Sun Shuxiang's faces and eyes. Xie Dewen's face was beaten until it was black and blue, and Sun Shuxiang was nearly blind in her right eye. They hung up Xin Shuhua and shocked her with electric batons. The practitioners were forced to eat mildewed corn buns and pickles covered with mouse excrement. The perpetrators did not allow them to drink water. The practitioners went on a hunger strike to protest these atrocities. As a result, they took the practitioners out one by one from the cell, pinned down them on the ground, and stepped on their arms to force-feed them.
Ms. Dang Huiying Disabled from Persecution at the Balizhuang Forced Labour Camp in Baoding City
2007-08-19Ms. Dang Huiying is in her fifties. The Chinese Communist Party (CCP) has persecuted her many times during the past eight years. The authorities sentenced her to three years of forced labour in 2004, to be served at the Baoding City Balizhuang Forced Labour Camp. Her prison term expired in May 2007, but the forced labour camp officials declared that Dang Huiying had not cooperated with them [because she refused to renounce Falun Gong] and thus extended her term for three more months and refused to release her. Now she has become disabled from torture and walks with a limp.
Ailing Mother-in-law of Practitioner Ms. Zhao Hong Pleads for Her Release from a Brainwashing Centre and Is Physically Pushed Out by the Guards
2007-08-19On July 12th, 2007, Ms. Zhao Hong and fellow practitioner Xiong Anhua were arrested by Wuhan city State Security police. Xiong Anhua was released and is back at home, but Zhao Hong is still being held in the Erdaopeng brainwashing centre. Her mother-in-law, just out of hospital and badly in need of someone to care for her, went to seek Zhao Hong's release from the brainwashing centre on July 20th, despite her frail condition. However, the guard did not allow her to see Ms. Zhao. The guard even shouted at her to get out, and threatened to call the police to haul her away if she didn't leave. This 80-year-old woman in tears was physically pushed out by the guard, and she has been sick in bed since she returned home.
Fan Mingsheng from Helongjiang Province Deliberately Disabled by the Police
2007-08-19On August 11th, 2006, when I was riding a motorcycle with my friend on our way home, we were chased in Errenban Township by the police. They suspected that we were distributing leaflets exposing the persecution. Surprisingly, they began to deliberately hit us with their jeep. On the fourth hit, we were knocked down into a deep ditch by the roadside along with our motorcycle. My friend's right arm was broken, and his right thumb suffered a fracture. My right scapula and right ankle were broken. Later, x-rays showed that six of my ribs and four vertebrae were broken. My chest and lower back were seriously injured. I have a sister in college, a wife to whom I have been married for two years, and a daughter. I do not see how, now that I am almost disabled, I can support them.
Ms. Li Xiaoyan is Currently Detained in Shandong Province No. 1 Women's Forced Labour Camp and Showing Signs of Critical Illness
2007-08-19Falun Gong practitioner Ms. Li Xiaoyan was detained in the No. 1 Women's Forced Labour Camp in Shandong Province. Her family members recently learned that she is showing signs of critical illness. After being examined at the clinic, they concluded that her kidneys were malfunctioning, she was having heart problems, and was generally weak. They went to visit her, and after much negotiation, one family member managed to see Li Xiaoyan for ten minutes. They are worried about her current state of health. During the negotiation process, the relatives asked the guards, "You refuse to let us see our sister. Is it because you persecuted her so badly that her health has deteriorated and she is not in a proper state to see us?" The guards denied it.
Mr. Zheng Handong Tortured to Death in Fanjiatai Jail in Hubei Province
2007-08-18On March 20th, 2007, 44-year-old Mr. Zheng Handong and other Falun Gong practitioners detained in the Qinduankou Jail of Wuhan City were transferred to Shayang City's Fanjiatai Jail in Hubei Province. Due to repeated persecution, Mr. Zheng Handong developed several illnesses. But the jail authorities refused to release him on medical bail. As the result, Mr. Zheng passed away at 3:00 p.m., August 8th, 2007.
Falun Dafa Practitioner Ms. Li Xiumin from Shijiazhuang City, Hebei Province is in Critical Condition
2007-08-18Ms. Li Xiumin is currently detained at the No. 2 Detention Centre in Shijiazhuang City. Due to being tortured for a long time, Ms. Li now has low blood pressure and is in critical condition. During eight years of the persecution, Ms. Li has been in a forced labour camp for more than four years. Not only was she tortured in this labour camp, but her family members also suffered from the persecution. Her parents are 70 years old and she has a young son. They have constantly appealed for Ms. Li.
Falun Dafa Practitioner Wang Hongrong from Hefei City, Anhui Province Dies as a Result of Persecution in Suzhou Prison
2007-08-18Falun Dafa practitioner Wang Hongrong from Hefei City was sentenced to eight years in Suzhou Prison, where he was persecuted to death. There is clear evidence that Wang Hongrong was paralysed from the waist down as a result of torture. It is still under investigation what kind of abuse he endured while in prison. Suzhou Prison officials did not release him until April 2007 when he was in critical condition. He passed away two months later at his home--he was fifty-nine years old.
Seventeen-Year-Old Practitioner in Tangshan City, Qianxi County Severely Tortured and Traumatised by Police from the National Security Team
2007-08-18At around eight o'clock on July 18th, 2007, driver Lu Zuojin and his Falun Dafa practitioner son Lu Bing, 17, (bus conductor) went to deliver goods in a minivan. On their way back, two plainclothes police officers blocked their way with motorcycles, because they were suspected to be transporting Falun Gong materials. The police harassed them by pulling their hair and called in several police cars. The policemen took them to the police station, and detained them at different places. One policeman beat the 17-year-old Lu Bing. If Lu Bing answered a question by saying, "I don't know," the policeman would slap him several times, and brutally beat his head and chest.