Exposing the Persecution
Torture | Kidnapping | Brainwashing | Illegal Detention and Imprisonment | Extortion | Persecution Throughout Society | Inside the Labour Camps | Individual Accounts | 6-10 Office | Death Cases | Organ Harvesting
Former Bank Employee Suffers Mental Collapse after Four Months in Detention
2013-10-22Falun Gong practitioner Ms. Zhao Shuyun was arrested by police on March 28th, 2013. The police ransacked her home and took her to the Dadong Detention Centre. After four months, the detention centre called Ms. Zhao's family, claiming that Ms. Zhao had suffered a mental collapse. Ms. Zhao had no mental problems before the recent arrest. Over the past eleven years of the persecution of Falun Gong, Ms. Zhao has been held six times in detention centres, brainwashing centres. She also had been held in forced labour camps three times for a total of eight years.
Force-Feeding: Cruel Torture Used on Falun Gong Practitioners
2013-10-22Falun Gong practitioner Mr. Liu Peng was taken to the Shanghai City Tilanqiao Prison on March 10th, 2009. Mr. Liu Peng had been on hunger strike for more than one year prior. Police force-fed him with fluids by inserting a plastic tube into his nostril. They tortured him by leaving the tube inside his nostril for long periods of time. Force-feeding is a very cruel torture used by Chinese Communist Party (CCP) officials. It is never for the betterment of the prisoners, but rather to torture them. Methods such as this one are intended to make practitioners feel more miserable than death.
Ms. Zhang Xingqi Arrested Again, Her Husband Died from Persecution
2013-10-22Falun Gong practitioner Ms. Zhang Xingqi was arrested at her home on September 3rd, as she was cooking dinner. 610 Officers (an organisation of special agents just for persecuting Falun Gong), police and other officials from the neighbourhood committee entered her home and forcibly took her to the Wujiahuayuan Brainwashing Centre, where Falun Gong practitioners have been persecuted for over ten years. Ms. Zhang’s husband, Mr. Li Zhen, was arrested for transporting Falun Gong materials. Mr. Li Zhen, 52, passed away on May 26th, 2004.
Cruel Stretching Tortures Employed by China's Communist Regime
2013-10-15In Wanjia Forced Labour Camp Ms. Lu was dragged to the “torture room.” She was required to stand on a stool placed between two beds and each wrist was handcuffed to the end of a bed. The beds were stretched apart and the stool was then kicked aside and Ms. Lu was left suspended in midair. Her wrists began bleeding immediately. In Sanshui Forced Labour Camp, a guard can get 20,000 yuan for successfully brainwashing a practitioner, forcing them to renounce their belief. Guard Zhang Wujun used the hanging torture method on practitioner Ms. Huang Zhufeng, whose left arm was disabled after the torture.
Falun Gong Practitioner Ms. Guo Zhaoqing Paralyzed Due to Torture in Hunan Women’s Prison
2013-10-15Ms. Guo Zhaoqing is a Falun Gong practitioner from Yiyang City, Hunan Province. She was arrested in April 2009. After being viciously beaten she became paralyzed. She was subsequently sentenced to a 10-year prison term by the Wuling District Court. Despite being paralyzed, she was forced to do hard labour in Hunan Women’s Prison, and held in solitary confinement.
“I Still Tremble When I Think About It – I Was Locked Up In a Men's Cell at Masanjia Forced Labour Camp”
2013-10-15I will never forget the day: April 19th, 2001. On that date, the guards at Masanjia Forced Labour Camp took nine of us – women who refused to give up our belief in Falun Gong, into nine separate rooms. I was put into the first room where four male inmates were waiting. I saw another big room holding more than 30 men when I went to the toilet.
Ms. Ma Changyue, 60, from Shenyang City Dies as a Result of Persecution
2013-10-15Falun Gong practitioner Ms. Ma Changyue from Shenyang City was arrested in June 2012 while distributing materials exposing the persecution of Falun Gong. She was then taken to the Shenyang City Detention Centre where she was severely tortured. As a result, Ms. Ma's life was in imminent danger. Officials at the detention centre released her on medical bail to avoid responsibility. In March 2013, Dadong District Court sentenced Ms. Ma to three years in prison. Ms. Ma's health didn't improve and she passed away on August 28th, at the age of 60.
A 61-Year-Old Practitioner Believed to Be Poisoned to Death at a Brainwashing Centre
2013-10-15Falun Gong practitioner Mr. Ding Wenbin had been held in the Suning Brainwashing Centre for 30 days, when he was suddenly taken home. It first appeared that Mr. Ding was okay, but his health drastically deteriorated very suddenly in the ensuing 104 days. He passed away on September 16th, 2013. His family and friends strongly suspect that he was poisoned in the brainwashing centre.
Older Ms. Gu Xinzhi Tortured to Death in 2002 -- Family Files Lawsuit
2013-10-15Ms. Gu Xingzhi, 64, resided in Miyi County, Sichuan Province. She died on November 7th, 2002 in Miyi Detention Centre while she was still tied to the torture apparatus called the death bed. She had been mercilessly tortured with forced-feeding and unknown drugs. The police threatened her family to remain silent about her death. Recently, Ms. Gu's younger sister, Ms. Gu Xingfeng, decided to file a lawsuit against guards Zhu Chenglong, Lin Hai and doctor Cheng Qing, who were responsible for Ms Gu's death.
Mr. Li Yuejin, 53, from Beijing Died as a Result of Persecution
2013-10-09Mr. Li Yuejin from Beijing was arrested for the fifth time on August 12th, 2012. He was later sentenced to the Tuanhe Forced Labour Camp. During his detention, he developed serious symptoms of a heart problem, after he was given an injection in the labour camp, and was then released on medical parole on April 3rd, 2013. It is suspected that he was purposely poisoned by the guards. Mr. Li had said before he died, “It is so evil there (referring to the labour camp), and they persecuted me like this.” Mr. Li died on the morning of October 1st.
Ms. Zhang Guilan Recounts 14 Years of Brutal Persecution
2013-10-08Ms. Zhang Guilan has suffered brutal persecution since the persecution of Falun Gong began in July 1999. She has been arrested several times, sentenced to five and a half years in prison, and incarcerated in Heilongjiang Women's Prison. Ms. Zhang was brutally tortured in the prison. The torture and abuse included being exposed to extreme cold, being shocked with electric batons, violently beaten, handcuffed with her arms behind her back, forced to sit on a small stool for long periods of time, and forced to perform hard labour.
Mr. Ma Changyong, 58, Passed Away After Years of Torture
2013-10-08Falun Gong practitioner Mr. Ma Changyong was arrested, detained, and tortured (physically and mentally) numerous times since the Chinese regime started its persecution of Falun Gong on July 20th, 1999. At home, he was closely monitored by the local neighbourhood committee. After he was released from a forced labour camp, Mr. Ma passed away on November 18th, 2010. His funeral was even monitored by plainclothes police.
Ms. Jiang Xiaoyan On the Brink of Death after Torture at Heilongjiang Women's Prison
2013-10-08Ms. Jiang Xiaoyan, a 54-year-old Falun Gong practitioner from Shuangcheng City, Heilongjiang Province, was sentenced to 14 years of imprisonment. As a result of the persecution she has suffered at the Heilongjiang Women' Prison, she has become severely anemic and developed a large tumour in her abdomen. Although she is on the brink of death, the prison refuses to release her.
Poison Suspected in the Death of Ms Xu Decun
2013-10-08Ms. Xu Decun, 52, was a Falun Gong practitioner in Zaozhuang City, Shandong Province. She was arrested on May 2nd, 2010, and was sentenced to two years in prison. She felt weak all over after she was released in 2012. She was unable to eat anything after the 2013 New Year. It is believed that she was poisoned in prison. She was sent to the Zaozhuang City Hospital on September 1st, 2013, and died on September 6th.
Atrocities Committed in the Chinese Communist Regime's Brainwashing Facilities
2013-10-08The Chinese communist regime has set up numerous brainwashing centres all over China to detain, brainwash and torture Falun Gong practitioners, including the elderly and pregnant women. These facilities are euphemistically labelled “Legal Education Training Centres” to deceive the public. Mr. Zhu Xianghe, 64, was beaten to death in the Sutang Village Brainwashing Centre of Suining County, Xuzhou City, on May 4th, 2005. His eyes were dug out, and his organs were cut out.