Exposing the Persecution
Torture | Kidnapping | Brainwashing | Illegal Detention and Imprisonment | Extortion | Persecution Throughout Society | Inside the Labour Camps | Individual Accounts | 6-10 Office | Death Cases | Organ Harvesting
Mr. Cao Dong, Arrested Immediately After Meeting With VP of European Parliament, to Stand "Trial" on Friday in Lanzhou City Court, Gansu Province
2006-12-26Gansu Province People's Court, a body of the Chinese Communist Party's (CCP) totalitarian rule, is planning to put Falun Dafa practitioner Mr. Cao Dong on trial. Mr. Cao Dong met with Mr. Edward McMillan-Scott on May 21st, 2006 and exposed the persecution of Falun Gong to him. For this, the CCP is arranging for him to be tried on charges including: Illegally connecting with an international "anti-China force". Ever since Mr. Cao Dong was arrested on the day of his meeting with the European Parliament Vice President Mr. Edward McMillan-Scott, his parents, parents-in-law, and his later-released (from Beijing Women's Labour Camp) wife have not been allowed to visit him.
Persecution-Related Deaths of Eight Falun Gong Practitioners Verified in November 2006
2006-12-26Ms. Cao Aihua had breast cancer before practising Falun Dafa. After only one week of practising Falun Gong she started to recover. After the persecution began, she persistently appealed for Dafa and was detained and sent to a labour camp multiple times. Her mother knelt before the police officers. She told them how her daughter regained her health from practising Falun Gong, and begged them not to put her daughter into the forced labour camp. In November she was sent to the Urumqi Women's Forced Labour Camp in Xinjiang. Only several days later she was tortured to death.
A Mother Loses Three Family Members to the Persecution (Photos)
2006-12-26On September 3rd, 2004 prison guards tied Bi Wenming to a Tiger Bench. Starting at noon, five or six guards took turns torturing Bi Wenming with an electric baton. Every time a guard shocked him, Bi Wenming twitched painfully on the Tiger Bench. He would barely regain consciousness from the last shock before the next one came. At first Bi Wenming clenched his teeth and kept quiet, but after more than ten minutes, he couldn't take it anymore and screamed in pain. Bi Wenming was having trouble breathing. This young man had been tortured to death by the guards in less than 30 minutes.
Practitioners Tortured in Handan City Forced Labour Camp in Hebei Province
2006-12-26Practitioner Zhang Wenliang is 61 years old. He was originally the commander of the Liaoning-based missile launching battalion. After he left the military, he was the CCP leader of the Tangshan City Food Factory. Because he insisted on cultivation and refused to be "transformed", he was tied to a cross by police. The police stuck two electric batons from his neckline to his chest, and shocked the front of his body and armpits, and then shocked the inside of his legs and genitals. The skin of his entire body was burned. There was no spot left untouched.
Exposing the Crimes Committed By 610 Officials in Wuhan City, Hubei Province
2006-12-25The brainwashing session has its own working system. It starts with "transformation." "Transformation" is to break down your faith, and strangle you mentally and spiritually, which is part of the policy of attempting to completely eradicate and eliminate Falun Gong practitioners. They deceive and force the practitioners to listen to material defaming Falun Gong. They do not allow the practitioners to speak about any of the benefits they experience after practising Falun Gong.
Ms. Li Miaoneng Disabled from Severe Torture at the Custodial Station in Luoyang City, Henan Province
2006-12-25Ms. Li Miaoneng was detained in the Eastern Area of the Custodial Station in Luoyang City. Police Officer Huang Yan and a criminal inmate severely tortured her. She was disabled as a result of their severe beating. She is now paralyzed and unable to take care of herself. The Intermediate Court in Luoyang City sentenced her to five years in prison and they are preparing to secretly send her to Xinxiang Women's Prison in Henan Province.
Practitioner Mr. Deng Weijian from Sichuan Province Taken Directly to Brainwashing Centre after Serving Four-Year Prison Term
2006-12-25November 21st, 2006 was the date when Mr. Deng Weijian, a Falun Dafa practitioner from Chengdu City, became free again. However, the 610 Office, the branch office of the Police Department took him to the Xinjin Brainwashing Centre for continued persecution directly from the prison just because he said "Falun Dafa is good."
Mr. Sun Yongheng Persecuted in No. 1 Prison in Shenyang City, Liaoning Province
2006-12-25Practitioner Mr. Sun Yongheng was detained at Division 2 of No. 1 Prison in Shenyang City on November 9th, 2005. He was sent to the Strictly Controlled Division where the persecution was more intense. The guards handcuffed and shackled Sun Yongheng throughout his incarceration and tied him in various positions, including a U-shape and a spread-eagle, to torture him. Mr. Sun suffered a perforated appendix, acute intestinal obstruction, and peritonitis. The police took him back to the prison after surgery.
A Dark Den of Evil Forces--Shandong Province Women's Prison
2006-12-24The torture methods used in the prison include: shocking practitioners with electric batons, beating practitioners, forcing practitioners to stay in isolated cells, having practitioners perform hard labour, force-feeding practitioners, injecting practitioners with unknown drugs, depriving practitioners of sleep, starving practitioners, disallowing practitioners to shower, have haircuts or wash their clothes, forcing practitioners to relieve themselves in the room, preventing practitioners from purchasing daily necessities (such as toiletries), etc. They also force practitioners to read and watch materials slandering Dafa.
Communist Party Personnel from Tianjin City Arrest Falun Gong Practitioner Li Yuzhen After Using Deceitful Means to Enter the Home
2006-12-24On November 15th, 2006, personnel from the Tong An Li residents committee in conjunction with Communist Party police broke into Falun Gong practitioner Li Yuzhen's home. They used the excuse of wanting to discuss a People's Congress election to deceive the practitioner into opening the door. They arrested her after they searched her home, confiscated her family's property and imprisoned her at the detention centre in Nankai District Police Department.
Bringing Attention to Practitioners Detained at Tilanqiao Prison in Shanghai
2006-12-24Falun Dafa practitioner Mr. Du Ting is still being force-fed, and he is very weak. His family is very worried about his health. He has said that he cannot end the hunger strike, otherwise he would be forced to go through endless brainwashing sessions. Another practitioner on a hunger strike is Ms. Cao Hongru, a senior engineer in her 50s. She is nearly deformed from having been severely tortured. Practitioner Mr. Zhou Bin has also been tortured, which resulted in his loss of hearing, damaged eyesight, and his body being covered with bruises.
Practitioner Mr. Yan Zhenxiang Unjustly Arrested
2006-12-24At noon on November 13th, 2006, Chinese Communist Party officials went by car to the home of Falun Dafa practitioner Mr. Yan Zhenxiang. The two ordered Mr. Yan to go to Ziyang for a two-day "study session." Yan Zhenxiang firmly refused. The two officials were surprised and disappointed. Then eight people came out of the car and carried Yan Zhenxiang out of his home. His wife screamed in fear.
Practitioner Mr. Zhang Lei in Songyuan, Jilin Province is Seriously Ill, But the Police Refuse to Release Him
2006-12-23On August 11th, 2006, officers in the Changling County Security Branch of Songyuan, Jilin Province, arrested Falun Dafa practitioner Mr. Zhang Lei. The police detained him in Changlin County Detention Centre and tried to force him to write a guarantee statement promising to no longer practise Falun Gong. When he refused, they sentenced him to forced labour for one year. Mr. Zhang was examined and diagnosed with a serious illness, but Wang Wen didn't allow him to be released. He repeatedly attempted to send Mr. Zhang to a forced labour camp.
Mr. Chen Xuzhong from Yongchang County, Gansu Province, Again Sent to Forced Labour Camp
2006-12-23Falun Dafa practitioner Mr. Chen Xuzhong, employed at the Hexibao Electricity Plant affiliated with the Jinchang Electricity Bureau in Gansu Province, was arrested in early August 2006 and sentenced to two years of forced labour in November 2006. He is now being persecuted at Group 16, Division 6 at the Pingantai Forced Labour Camp in Lanzhou City. The guards are refusing to let his practitioner parents visit him.
Ms. Liu Li from Shuanghe Town, Jilin Province Held for More Than 9 Months
2006-12-23Jiang Zemin launched a persecution against Falun Gong on July 20th, 1999, and used the state media to slander Dafa. Based on her own experience, Ms. Liu Li explained the wonders of Dafa and the facts of the persecution to people. Police suddenly broke into Ms. Liu's home at noon on February 28th, 2006, and ransacked it. The police head beat Liu Li until her head bled and she lost consciousness and then savagely beat her at the police station. She is now held at Jilin City Detention Centre. The guards told her husband that they would release her if he paid them 20,000 yuan, which he did. Nine months later, her ill husband is still waiting for his wife to come home.