Exposing the Persecution
Torture | Kidnapping | Brainwashing | Illegal Detention and Imprisonment | Extortion | Persecution Throughout Society | Inside the Labour Camps | Individual Accounts | 6-10 Office | Death Cases | Organ Harvesting
Two Older Falun Dafa Practitioners in Jilin Province Persecuted to Death
2006-04-2556-year-old Ms. Deng Wenjie lived in Jilin Province. She learned Falun Dafa in 1997. Before practising Falun Gong, she suffered with female health problems and severe gastrointestinal problems. After practising Falun Gong for one month, her health went completely back to normal. She was arrested by the police in 2001 when explaining the true situation of Falun Dafa and was imprisoned in a forced labour camp. While being imprisoned there, she went on a hunger strike to protest the persecution. Police fed her forcibly and injured her main artery while inserting a tube. After six months of suffering, Deng Wenjie passed away.
Ms. Li Ping Is Dying in Banqiao Forced Labour Camp
2006-04-24The Banqiao Women's Labour Camp in Tianjin City is a living hell. On January 16th, 2006, when Falun Dafa practitioner Ms. Li Ping was sent there, she was a very healthy, newly graduated from college young lady, but she is dying now. She doesn't have any energy and she cannot get up from bed. No matter how much Li Ping's family requested that they release her, they always replied, "She is not sick enough to be released! We do not take responsibility if she dies."
Shocking News from Chinese Journalist: The Persecution of Falun Gong Practitioners in Shanxi Province
2006-04-24Normal, healthy Falun Gong practitioners were sent to a mental hospital. In the mental hospital in the Changzhi area, every practitioner was tortured by three different means. The first one was beatings. Guards and criminals beat the practitioners badly. The second torture used was a mind-altering drug. The guards used "avoiding violent behaviour" as an excuse and forced everybody to take the mind-altering drugs, which made practitioners' minds unclear. The guards then asked them to write the repentance letters. The third one was sleep deprivation. Some practitioners were not allowed to sleep for 24 hours, 36 hours and sometimes even 48 hours. For women practitioners, there was a fourth torture--rape. In the mental hospital in the Changzhi area, a 19-year-old girl, Xiao Yi, was raped 14 times in 3 nights.
Supplemental Information Regarding the Arrest and Torture of Ms. Gao Rongrong and Ms. Dong Jingya
2006-04-24Between 2 and 3 a.m on March 6th, 2005, agents from the Shenyang City Police Department arrested Ms. Gao Rongrong and Ms Dong Jingya. The police seemed very excited to be arresting Ms. Gao Rongrong. Her face had been severely disfigured from electric baton torture, and she suffered from broken bones in her pelvis, thigh, and legs. They gathered around Ms. Gao Rongrong and Ms. Dong Jingya's beds. In April 2005 people saw Ms. Gao Rongrong locked in a single cell in the Liaoning Province Prison Hospital. On June 16th, 2005, Ms. Gao Rongrong passed away in the emergency room at Shenyang Medical University. Where these "people in law enforcement" had taken Gao Rongrong in the meantime and how they tortured her, nobody knows.
Practitioner Ms. Yuan Zheng Missing, Taken to "Undisclosed Location"
2006-04-24Falun Dafa practitioner Ms. Yuan Zheng is about 38 to 39 years old. In September 2001, she was arrested while explaining the true situation of Falun Dafa in public. She was detained at Zhuhai City Detention Centre No. 2. Ms. Yuan did not give her name. Therefore, the guards recorded her as "no name" on the chart. In June 2002, Yuan Zheng was taken to an undisclosed location. No one has heard of her since. I worry deeply about Ms. Yuan Zhen, who disappeared many years ago, since hearing the horrible news concerning the Shenyang Sujiatun secret concentration camp, where they harvested organs from living Falun Gong practitioners and sold them for transplants.
Zhao Yuqin, 53, from Shenyang Died After Suffering Repeated Persecution
2006-04-22Dafa practitioner Ms. Zhao Yuqin, 53, from Dadong District in Shenyang City, Liaoning Province has been illegally arrested, detained and sent to brainwashing centres for repeated persecution by personnel of the wicked Chinese Communist Party. She was forced to become destitute and homeless to avoid arrest. After enduring years of harassment, surveillance and persecution for a long time, Zhao Yuqin died on February 24th 2006.
My Experience of Being Imprisoned Three Times at Heizuizi Forced Labour Camp
2006-04-22"When I was taken to Heizuizi Forced Labour Camp, seven or eight police officers dragged me to the "discipline room" to beat me up. They pushed me down to force-feed me with drugs and injections. They humiliated me by taking away the belt from my trousers. I had to hold my trousers up with my hands. They dragged me around by my hair. Guard Zhang Xiaohui said to me, "If you do not transform, I will torture you. You will wish to die." They laughed at me hysterically, made lewd remarks towards me and tortured me for over an hour."
An Unfinished Letter from Prison
2006-04-22They tried all sorts of things against practitioners in Jinan Women's Prison over the past several years. Once practitioners enter the prison, they are detained in the enforcement division first, and forced to write "three statements1" to give up the practice and defame Dafa. If they refuse, they are deprived of sleep and the use of the toilet. Food is also restricted. They are forced to squat, to stand for extended periods, or put into solitary confinement. Guards and inmates armed with sticks take turns to watch practitioners. When practitioners move a little bit, they are beaten. A practitioner was once forced to squat down for more than 40 days, and was unable to stand up afterwards.
Gangbei Prison in Tianjin Has Persecuted Dafa Practitioners Long-Term
2006-04-22Besides the forced labour, the ways that Gangbei Prison tries to mentally force practitioners to "transform" are even more vicious. For instance, they have to write "thought reports" regularly, they are cursed at, violently beaten, and locked in dark cells for a long time, etc. While their relatives visit, all conversations are monitored by the jail's security monitoring system. If any of the relatives mentions anything against the "brainwashing" or the so called "thought transformation," these practitioners are immediately deprived the right to see their families again. Also their families are strictly prohibited from bringing them anything.
Tianjin Dafa Practitioner Mr. Zhang Xiangjun Persecuted Repeatedly
2006-04-21The police started cursing, "When the Chinese Communist Party says that you are wrong, you are wrong, even if you are not. We can tell you that our superiors have instructed us that if you are not 'transformed' ideologically, then you will be transformed by fire (cremation). Even if we kill you, you will die in vain, and we will get our bonus." Seduced by money and succumbing to orders from above, they started savagely torturing Zhang Xiangjun. They tied him to the tiger bench and used seven electric batons to shock him simultaneously.
The No. 2 Prison in Xinjiang Province Brutally Persecutes Female Dafa Practitioners
2006-04-21Ms. Li Xianghong has been severely persecuted. In October 1999, her workplace sent her to the No. 4 People's Hospital (a mental hospital) for two months. They injected some drugs into her body without her permission. In April 2001, she was sentenced for a three-year term in a forced labour camp. In March 2002, she was arrested again and was sentenced for eleven years and kept in the No. 2 Prison in Xinjiang Province. In the prison, she suffered all kinds of persecution. The police beat her, abused her, would not allow her to sleep and tried to brainwash her.
Belated News: Falun Gong Practitioner Qi Cangyun's Left Foot Disabled by Police Beating in Xinji City (Photo)
2006-04-21On September 30th, 2001, Falun Dafa practitioner Qi Cangyun was arrested. He was then taken to the Xinji City Police Department. In the afternoon of the same day, the police savagely beat Qi Cangyun with a large metal pipe, disabling the big and second toes on his left foot and severely injuring the foot itself. He was also fined nearly 10,000 yuan.
Falun Dafa Practitioner Zhou Chuanzhong and Family, and Other Practitioners Arrested by Police
2006-04-21Falun Dafa practitioner Zhou Chuanzhong and his family were forced to live away from their home as a result of the persecution. On the morning of February 25th, 2006, about a dozen vehicles from the Yanjiao Police Department and the 610 Office suddenly surrounded the temporary home of Mr. Zhou. The police arrested Zhou Chuanzhong, Wang Shuhua, and their son. Without presenting any documents, they ransacked the house and confiscated a computer, a copy machine, Falun Dafa books, and other things. It was said that the police officers drove away with several cars full of property.
Where Are You, Ms. Huang Xin?
2006-04-20This time it was her railway system employer that actively followed the CCP's persecution policies. Having not paid Ms. Huang her salary for a long time, her employer ordered her to return her already-issued salaries. When she arrived at her workplace, Public Security officers who had been waiting there for a long time immediately arrested her against her protests. She was then sent to the Liaoning Province Women's Prison. There were stories that she was severely tortured, but later it was difficult to get any information about her from the prison.
The Brutal Persecution of Dafa Practitioners at Xinhua Forced Labour Camp in Sichuan Province
2006-04-20Since January 2005, the persecution of Falun Gong practitioners in the Camp has escalated. On December 2nd, 2005, the police carried out an unprecedented and rampant persecution of all Falun Gong practitioners in Xinhua Forced Labour Camp. Many practitioners were tied up tightly, pinned down to the ground, had their heads beaten until they were swollen and bloody, and were shocked by electric batons. On top of that, it was decided in a meeting that their confinement and "re-education" in the camp would be extended.