Exposing the Persecution
Torture | Kidnapping | Brainwashing | Illegal Detention and Imprisonment | Extortion | Persecution Throughout Society | Inside the Labour Camps | Individual Accounts | 6-10 Office | Death Cases | Organ Harvesting
Cruel Persecution in Xindian Women's Labour Camp in Shanxi Province
2006-05-02Falun Gong practitioners who are currently held in the Xindian Women's Labour Camp are enduring the persecution in great pain every day. The police often incited drug abusers to beat the practitioners, making their faces become swollen and leaving black-and-blue marks all over their bodies. Practitioner Jin Jing was forced several times to wear nothing but thin underclothes in freezing weather because she cried out, "Falun Dafa is good!" Officer Liu Zhongmei brazenly yelled to practitioners, "Our responsibility is to persecute you to death."
Brief Information about Falun Gong Practitioners Persecuted in Hubei Province in 2005
2006-05-02Recently, the police in Xishui City, Hubei Province colluded with some local thugs and arrested many practitioners. A truly inhuman thing happened when the police arrested practitioner Mr. Zhong Quier. A group of policemen attacked him and beat him unconscious on the ground. His mother, in her 70s, went out to protect her son; however, the police even beat the elderly mother so badly that she went into a coma. Afterwards, they put Mr. Zhong into a police car and left.
Ms. He Maofen Persecuted Severely in Shandong Province
2006-05-02Ms. He Maofen is about 60 years old. Because she exposed the persecution, Ms. He was brutally persecuted. She was arrested, tortured, fined, and subjected to brainwashing. Her family members were also harassed. He Maofen was arrested on November 10th, 2004, when she explained the true situation of Falun Gong in her town. Her home was then searched and she was sent to a detention centre. The inhuman detention centre authorities denied her food for nine days. Later, one of her relatives paid 5,000 yuan to the detention centre. He Maofen was later released. She was arrested again on March 30th, 2005, for distributing Falun Gong materials. Recently, Ms. He has been in the Yishui Detention Centre.
Young Medical Doctor Du Juan Died as a Result of Torture Suffered in Chongqing Women's Labour Camp
2006-05-01Ms. Du Juan was a medical doctor in Chongqing City. After four years and six months of torture suffered at the labour camp, her spleen, lungs and liver were all badly damaged. Only then did the police agree to release her. After Ms. Du returned home, the local police still frequently harassed and monitored her. She was forced to leave home. Du Juan passed away on April 14th, 2006 at the age of 29.
610 Office in Xinjiang Arrests about Twenty Practitioners and Injects Them Daily with Unknown Drugs
2006-05-01Since March 29th, the 610 Office in Xinjiang has arrested twenty Falun Dafa practitioners and sent them to the "Transformation Base" in the Banfanggou Public Health Centre in Urumqi County. It is said that the local officials hold different levels of meetings. At the meetings it has been emphasised that no one must ever let out this news, but instead they are required to tell outsiders that ordinary classes are being held. The Falun Dafa practitioners have been on a hunger strike for twenty-six days. They are being injected with unknown drugs every day.
Please Follow Closely Harbin University Practitioner Mr. Zhao Yan's Situation
2006-05-01"I became very anxious when I heard the recent news that Falun Dafa practitioner Mr. Zhao Yan was arrested and will have to stand trial. While Falun Dafa was being slandered in the media, Mr. Zhao remained firm in his beliefs. The detention centre police stationed at the university continually harassed us. They confined us to "brainwash" all of us against Falun Gong. The police also persecuted him while he was imprisoned in the detention centre simply because he practised publicly with other practitioners. I can scarcely remember how many tribulations he has had to endure."
Practitioner Mr. Lu Shulin's Life Is in Peril, But Jilin No. 2 Prison Still Delays Releasing Him
2006-05-01Falun Gong practitioner Mr. Lu Shulin, incarcerated in the Jilin No. 2 Prison, is in danger of losing his life. His entire body is swollen, he suffers from dizziness, and he has nausea and vomits regularly. Mr. Lu's mind is unclear and he loses consciousness frequently. His heart also beats too fast, and he experiences numbness down the left side of his body. A doctor's diagnoses indicated that his blood pressure is extremely high and he could die at any moment. The hospital and associated departments have explicitly indicated he should be released on bail for medical treatment. However Jilin No. 2 Prison still delays releasing him with an array of excuses.
Qiu Xiuzhen Sentenced to Eight Years in Jail and Her Husband Died as a Result of Being Forced into Homelessness
2006-04-30Ms. Qiu Xiuzhen was arrested and detained by the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) police on August 15th, 2003. When Ms. Qiu asked them to show her their arrest warrant, the police viciously beat her. They pushed her down to the ground and gagged her mouth with dirty gloves. She was sentenced to eight years in jail. Her husband, Gan Maoyong, was forced to become homeless to avoid persecution and he died in 2004. Sixty-year-old Ms. Qiu is currently being detained and persecuted in the Yangmahe Women's Prison in Jianyang City.
Practitioner Cai Fuchen Was Unjustly Sentenced and His Family Torn Apart
2006-04-30Since the persecution of Falun Dafa began on July 20th, 1999, Falun Dafa practitioner Cai Fuchen has encountered various forms of persecution. On May 26th, 2004, Cai was once again arrested by police. He is currently detained at Jilin Province Gongzhuling Prison. His wife was forced to become homeless to avoid being persecuted. His paralysed father soon passed away, as he could not cope with the news about his son being brutally tortured. Cai's ten-year-old son was no longer able to receive his parent's love and caring and therefore lived in great hardship. He was deprived of his right to go to school.
My Organs Were Examined at a Labour Camp in 2001
2006-04-30"I had two physical examinations while detained at a labour camp at the beginning of 2001. I was handcuffed and taken alone in a police vehicle by guards to Guangzhou City Military Region Hospital in Guangdong Province. My liver, gallbladder, and kidney were x-rayed. Without knowing the medical results, I was taken back to the camp. Today, as I recall my physical examinations when I was in the labour camp, I always felt that there was some unspeakable purpose in those examinations. I don't know for sure whether they had something to do with harvesting organs from living practitioners or not."
National Security Division Agents from Yanji City Unconstitutionally Arrested Many Practitioners in February 2006
2006-04-30At 9:00 a.m. on February 28th, 2006, police started a large-scale arrest. Practitioner Xiao Deng was taken to the National Security Division. She refused to identify herself (due to the persecution policy of implicating family members, friends, and workplaces, practitioners often refuse to give their names). Four police officers handcuffed Xiao Deng with her arms behind her back and tried to force her to kneel down. When Xiao Deng refused to do so, they held her four limbs and pushed her on the ground. They kept slapping her face and viciously beat her throat, making her throat swell and until she was unable to speak. When they still didn't get what they wanted, they changed to another torture.
Practitioner Ms. Yi Haizhu from Jiamusi City Has Been Hospitalised Many Times, Now in Critical Condition at Detention Centre
2006-04-29Falun Gong practitioner Ms. Yi Haizhu is in critical condition at the No. 1 Detention Centre. She has been sent to Emergency many times. According to inside sources at the detention centre, the authorities refuse to release her, and instead ordered the detention centre doctor to give her daily IV infusions. Yi Haizhu is emaciated and at the brink of death. Despite her condition, persecutors at the Hegang City Police Department are planning to fabricate charges against her and sentence her to prison.
Ms. Zhang Lixin's Persecution Experiences in the Jilin Women's Prison
2006-04-29My name is Zhang Lixin and I am 63 years old. I was a doctor. Because I practised Falun Gong, I was sentenced to ten years and detained in the Jilin Women's Prison from November 2002 up to today. The prison officials told me, "All Falun Gong practitioners who come here must write "three statements" (to renounce Falun Dafa). No sleep is allowed if these are not finished. If you still refuse to write, all prisoners will be forced to do long-term standing with you. You will be beaten and verbally abused by the prisoners until you write all three statements." I patiently told them, "Falun Gong teaches one to cultivate the principles of Truthfulness, Compassion and Forbearance. We are innocent."
How Six Older People Died as a Result of the Persecution in Henan, Sichuan, Shandong and Liaoning Provinces
2006-04-2974-year-old Ms. Jiang Yu Xiu was cured of many illnesses after starting Falun Gong. In 2000 she went to Beijing to appeal for Falun Gong, and was arrested by the police and taken back by local police from her area. She was released after paying a deposit. A year later, when police came to return her deposit, they forced her to "reform" [renounce Falun Gong] although she had already declared in solemn statements that her prior words and deeds under forced "reform" were null and void. Chinese Communist Party (CCP) officials frequently harassed her family. She passed away in March 2006.
Persecution of Practitioner Ms Lei Zhanxiang from Gansu Province
2006-04-29Ms. Lei Zhanxiang was arrested when distributing materials exposing the persecution. Police carried her to the police car. They handcuffed her in the police station for 24 hours, and tortured her in order to learn the source of the Falun Dafa materials. They beat her until she wet her trousers and then she was sent to the detetion centre. Recently the police prepared to secretly hold a court session for Ms. Lei in Yongchang Court. Fearing the exposure of their crimes they did not inform the practitioner's family.